Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Arrest Update and Contacts:
A San Bernardino man on parole for robbery has been arrested on suspicion of robbing several businesses in the last four weeks.
Harold K. Nickleberry III, 24, was taken into custody at his home after sheriff's officials identified him from surveillance video, according to a sheriff's news release.
Few details were released but officials said similarities in robberies in Grand Terrace, Loma Linda and Yucaipa led them to conclude some of the robberies were likely committed by the same person, officials said.
Nickleberry was being held late Thursday in lieu of $50,000 bail at Central Detention Center in San Bernardino. Detectives ask anyone with additional crime information to contact Sgt. Edward Finneran or Detective Larry Loera at (909) 387-3518.
Monday, January 29, 2007
From the Email InBox: Police Activity and School Strike
I am concerned with the increase in Drug, and Alcohol related crimes. The crimes related to substance abuse include, battery, domestic violence, sexual assaults, and disorderly conduct of all sorts. In addition to these behaviors in order to fund the use of mind altering chemicals be they liquid or other we are seeing an increase in thefts and break ins, and robbery.
By increasing the number of Liquor Licenses, tolerating the neighbor's loud party, or the blind eye to the beginning of the infraction just promotes the problem and the impact it has on the individual, their family, and the community. Grand Terrace and the citizens there in should not be enablers to the addicted amongst us and when their conduct steps over the line of legal it should be dealt with on the first inch not yards later.
A Tough Love approach will minimize the damage done by the individual, and perhaps minimize the trouble they find themselves in by not letting it get bigger and bigger.
From the Email InBox: School Strike:
Please, advise your students to go to school, leave the negotiations to the Board Room and School Board Meeting. School budgets are always tough. Those of you with degrees, I highly recommend you support your students, and teachers and become a Substitute for the duration of the strike. It does not benefit anyone for there to be a substitute shortage during the strike.
Those of you who serve as teachers during this time will be getting a glimpse into the lives of a teacher. Teachers work hard there is no doubt that if it can be done, they should be paid more. We expect them to do the work they do, and live on an income that most with a degree would turn down as an annual income. For the district to say they work 184 days is a way of suggesting that they don't work all that much for the income.
Those of us who work at a "Normal" job work:
365 minus 108 weekend days = 257 days minus 12 legal holidays= 245 days minus 14 Personal Vacation Days= 231 Work Days for the average non... teacher... that means the Teachers have 46 Days Off Work. Some work during the summer to add to their income... however some of those work days are during the winter and spring breaks and getting a part time temp job would be the only added income during those periods. Further more teachers being hired during summer months has never been sufficient to provide income close to other professionals.
So the fact that they work 185 days is not a justification for not paying them an income sufficient to attract qualified professionals and provide a living condition conducive to their retention in the field of education.
How many managers of 20 to 150 employees are paid 60,000.00 per year? How many of us bring home hours of work every day? If we want our children educated, we must respect the educators, and provide a best school situation. It can't be done over night, but we should look long and hard at the nature of teaching, schools, teachers and the institution.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
From the Email InBox: Colton Soccer Sells Candy in GT
Welcome the effort, and buy your self a treat. Give them a Contribution in addition to your purchase. I hope the City Code Inspector will not ask to see their Permit to Sell Door 2 Door, or bother their effort in anyway. Grand Terrace Citizens often use the services of Colton's Park and Rec Services.
Friday, January 26, 2007
From the Email InBox: Not Public Library and AES
If the City of Grand Terrace and the County of San Bernardino and the County Library System feels that it is appropriate to exclude citizens from the Library because they are attempting to meticulously look into documents on display there regarding the AES Highgrove/Grand Terrace Power Plant Proposal, I want the funding of that Branch Library to Stop and the Library Closed and the Staff Transferred or Fired.
The Library Branch in Grand Terrace is supposed to be a PUBLIC LIBRARY BRANCH and the people meeting there for the purpose of reviewing the documents are as much as the Public as the BITCHES and STITCHES, THE PUG READING DOG, or the ADULT BOOK Reading Club, or the SCRAP BOOK CLUB. DO these GROUPS pay INSURANCE? Are they using materials which are on Display as result of City Council Request to a State of California Regulatory Department?
The Library Branch in Grand Terrace competes with Used Book Store in Town, as they sell old books. The Library Branch in Grand Terrace competes with Hollywood Video and BlockBuster Video. The Library is not a place where the Friends of the Council or the Anonymous have special rights over the Civilly Active Members of the Community. No... if the Librarians actions were appropriate by any standard, than there should be no room in Grand Terrace for a Library that is Managed in such a way.
I don't want another dime of tax money spent on providing this "Service" to the Community.
Let the Bitches and Stitches and the Adult Book Club, and Scrap Booking Groups Meet in the Homes of their Members, or at a Restaurant.
Let the Reading Pug meet with kids in the Park or at School where more will fit in the reading circle.
Let the Business in town rent Videos and sell Used Books.
It is time for this farce of a Private Service, Feather in the Political Cap "Library" and its rude Librarian to Be Removed from Grand Terrace. OR, the County Needs to Retrain perhaps even Rotate the Librarian so that this favoritism in providing services is interrupted.
Now for those who have interest in AES Documents.
The Documents are available on line and can be printed directly from the above link.
I know for some it is easier to read a hard copy which has been deposited as part of the Required Regulations for informing the Public. But, If you have an index, and you know your area of interest you may find it easier to read it on line... and print the pages you are interested in.
I want a refund of the Block Grant, and City Funds paid to the support of the Library. Let the people who are "Allowed to use the Library" pay for their use. I'd rather see universal wireless web available to all citizens than have a Library run like this.
From the Email InBox: & Reply Sent
Brian Reinarz
This is in response to the previous vulgarity-laced rant regarding the library and those who support such behavior. As usual, this is an example of our small group who doesn't like to be told no, but who's members and supporters don't possess the courage to attach a name to their rants. So you've been told that you can't meet in the library. SO WHAT!!! DEAL WITH IT!!! Just for once, be an adult and accept something. Try this, "OK, we'll find somewhere else to meet..thank you." If you cared even a little bit about this town, you'd stop being so negative and destructive all the time. I have found the library staff to be extremely helpful and friendly on all occasions. I would expect the librarian (not liberian...try spell check) to be firm, considering the way her staff has been treated by this small group of residents; and you know who you are! This is the same way you treat the city counter staff, and anyone else who doesn't tell you what you want to hear. If I worked at either place, I'd have you arrested the moment you began causing one of your characteristic disturbances of the peace....after I verbally shamed you in public. I would probably be fired, but it would be worth it. No person should ever be required to deal with your rudeness, vulgarity, and self-important attitudes. Its really getting old and we're all sick of it. I believe the law says that these public documents must be available during business hours. Having them in the library was simply so they could be more conveniently accessed by the public. your actions, access has to be limited for those who actually may want to review these documents out of true curiosity.
In closing: I'd like to thank the library and city staff for the wonderful job that they do each and every day and remember; these types of people DO NOT represent Grand Terrace residents. They may live here, but they do not represent how most of us feel. SO...keep on smiling and always know that we wholeheartedly support you and your decision.
Reply Sent to Brian:
The Name of the Sewing Group is what they named themselves... if that is your point of issue then I suggest you speak to the appropriateness of Groups that name themselves with offensive words...
Perhaps you were unaware that the name of the Quilters who Meet at GT Library is the Bitches and Stitches.. or Stitches and Bitches. They picked the name... It is In the Blue Mt. Outlook, and In the Grand Terrace City News... If that name is the vulgarity than I suggest you take it up with them.
The only other possible Vulgarity is the ADULT BOOK CLUB... and that is a sign on the South Side of the Library/City Hall and is in print in the news papers.
Perhaps you may want to redress your post prior to my posting it.
Liberian is a word and the spell check did not catch it when they checked it... I made the change, Gramps.
From the Email InBox: A Reply to Brian:
Dear Brian:
You don’t address the issue of use of the Library. The AES Documents were placed in the library for Public Access at the Request of the City Council. The “Group” who you obviously know who they are so they don’t need to be named, had an index list of things to look at. The Librarian drew the conclusion that these people were about to have a meeting because there was a working list. The Offending List was a way to divide the work so that it could proceed quietly, amongst the Chess Playing going on at the same time.
Yes, many of us in the community respect the work concerned citizens have done. Including the law suits that have been responsible for saving the citizens 18, that is 18 Million in infrastructure costs not included in the Plan they approved for the now dead OAC. Remember how many times that had no merit? I want these people to crawl all over the Library, and City Hall. I don’t mind paying Raymond Johnson $32,000.00 to save 18 Million. How much did the City Spend to try to Prove Mr. Schwab did was right and cause a debt of 18 Million Dollars?
I am sure that if there was cause for an arrest the Sheriff would have been called, and of course in a 5 minute response time they would have been given a citation for …. being annoying, investigation of government activity, for being annoyed and perhaps cranky after being given the royal rude and run around treatment… What is the arrest code for that..? I am sure you would know it. You are an officer of the court, and a citizen you can issue a citizen’s arrest should you be witness to the offence you feel would justify an arrest or citation. Go for it.
The Post about the Library was about the Public Nature of the Library, and that the Librarian should accommodate the use of the Library by ALL Individuals and Groups. The Library Should not be in competition with the video store, or used book store, or even be a place that puts study of Government Documents ahead of Chess Playing, Sewing and Knitting and Scrap Booking. You failed to address the issue of Public Use of Materials in the Library, and the Public use of the Library. The Names of the Groups, well you can as Gramps said, take that up with them.
You were not there. You dance around the issues being raised with your typical name calling and attempts to belittle people who investigate and prove their cases by collecting information in support of their opinions. Your admonishments are hollow as they lack facts and documented action or facts … ah that would be evidence.
The funny part is, the City Council is not pleased with the idea of AES opening near the HS#3, you would think that they would welcome the extra eyes on the project. That is why they asked for the AES Documents to be made available in GT and put them in the Library. It is not like the folks were looking at the Blue Mt. Senior Villa’s, or the Town Center, or the Essco, or the Blue Mt. Retail Center, or the High School projects and documents.
More from the Email InBox: Re Brian's Post
If memory serves Brian allows no response to his blather. His reaction to a Citizen wanting to view public records that the State has placed there, who by they way is his employer, perhaps he should take his mindless rant to his employer and tell them to stop producing public records. Someone might want to see them and he does not agree with that. Again, Brian, who wants people to think he is actually law enforcement and not a lab tech lashes out at those that think the law should be followed. Perhaps he should use his influence with the State and have Grand Terrace declared a public record free zone. All they do is give people evidence that the City does not follow the law. For someone that is supposed to analyze evidence why is he so against anyone looking at it? Birds of a feather. So now only the people he determines may look at public records. How simple minded can one be. For his information these where first timers at the library to look at the AES records save one that was asked to help them in what will that will affect the area where they live, as well as all of Grand Terrace. Minor consideration when your the smartest guy in town. I have not met one person that reads his website nor has even heard of it. I guess all these people he has claimed that agree with everything he says, published on the G.T. News site, must be his small group. Had I not heard from many about this website I would have never heard of Brians. I went on once and found it to be one mans opinion with no factual base and when requested to provide documentation he couldn't or wouldn't. There are none so blind as those who will not see. He reminds me of the school yard bully that wants to justify everything he does because it's HIM and he knows better than anyone that has years of research and documentation. I don"t care, if I say it, it must be true type. I would bet this is a guy that know everything about everything and will tell you even if you don't want to hear it. He won't even look at any documents so until he does and starts putting documents on his little web page that prove everyone wrong he ought to clam up. The folks that have gone to the trouble to educate themselves and there are many, who have lived here much longer than Brian and all the Council members and their circle of friends and will be here after he's gone, feel he needs to shut up or show evidence that the Courts are wrong, the lawyers are wrong and everyone but his wives employer and he are wrong. He won't. He can't.He'll keep blab blabing on his web page that only he reads. Why is ignorance so often mistaken for intelligence and then the person that thinks he is the most intelligent always proves just the opposite and doesn't get that he is showing he is clueless about any subject he speaks to.
Reply From Brian:
Just so we're absolutely clear. My post had nothing to do with the fact that people were at the library to review records. I also don't believe that I'm in favor of the AES plant. The point of my post was the angry response to the librarian telling you that you can't meet there. She's not rude. I'm all for public record access, and for people watching government. You've all gone far beyond that though. You've gone into the realm of just hating everybody and everything and it shows in the way you treat people. You've lost all credibility on the issues because of your constant opposition to EVERYTHING. Also your mis-characterization ..again...of me as a lab tech exposes your ignorance yet again. You have no idea what I do, and your attempted connection of my opposition to you, with my job performance shines a light on who you really are. Its typical that when one is not able to defend one's position; one initiates a personal attack. It is your group who doesn't accept facts and truth. Everything you do is tainted...colored by your hatred for this city government and everybody who disagrees with you. I have no doubt that, at some point, you used to care. Now you're just out for revenge; for what, I have no idea. I have no problem with opposition. I resist pressure to conform each and every day of my life. Responsible opposition is what we need; not the negativity and hatred that we currently have in Grand Terrace. And remember, I have no agenda here. I don't know the city council members, ( I haven't met any one of them more than 2-3 times, and have never even met 3 of them). Hilkey was my favorite and I was sorry to see him go. I've only met Tom Schwab twice and have NEVER spoken to him beyond "hello." My wife is a part-time clerk at the city who has no interaction with the council or Schwab, so that's not it. I simply oppose the opposition because I see the hatred and poor behavior, and its destructive to this city. Plain and simple. What's your agenda? Please educate me.
Reply to Brian:
In the Group of Citizens Ejected from the Library there was only ONE of EIGHT that would considered part of"The Group", you hold in contempt. That person was assisting the others find the documents they were interested in. The rest are people that live west of Michigan and will be in the bombing range pf the Peaker Plant. They have never appeared at a Council meeting or any type of civic function. They are not any part of any group. They are neighbors that are concerned that the City is not doing anything to protect them or their homes. Then to be kicked put of the library embarrassed them.
The Post that started this back and forth was written by a person responding to the PUBLIC LIBRARY limiting access to PUBLIC SPACE and PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, the flawed use of “You have to have insurance to “meet here” when that is not the policy or practice for others, and the ill treatment observed directed toward the entire group of people ejected. You suggested they should be arrested. Your association with law enforcement may have caused the reply and associations of the following reply.
I was there at the Library Event, the Librarian was Out of Line. I don't recall you being there in the room at the time of the event. To say that was an appropriate action on her part or the function of a Public Library is interesting when you were not there. Shame on you for suggesting using the library is a Destructive Act to the City. I don’t want to pay for a Public Library that is managed this way. I’d rather there be wireless internet for the entire city and be done with it.
I even directed the AES folk to the proper web site for viewing the documents.
Your welcome to oppose “the opposition” but one would hope your opposition to opposition was based on more than a perception of them having hate or poor behavior. That is a subjective evaluation. Others might see Frustration not Hate, Steadfastness, Determination, Persistence, Courage and Constructive Critical Evaluation of Governmental Actions. These are not reasons to be arrested as you suggest. The Agenda, Brian, is to insure that the Government Actions in Grand Terrace are in the Best Interest of the Community, and are done in accordance to the laws and regulations that are imposed upon us all. Those actions be they from the City, County, State, or Federal Government are or should be evaluated by any citizen who is interested in looking into the detail of a plan or action. The Agenda of the first post is to Close the Library if it is to be managed in such a way to exclude Citizens from looking at Government Documents which have been put there for evaluation, not simply display.
What is your agenda? Do you Oppose those who Oppose, who Oppose that which is Opposed…in Opposition of the Opposition?
From the Email InBox:
After reading again Brians point of view. Why doesn't he just send the documents that prove he is right and all those he criticizes wrong? He could then give some credibility to whatever he has to say. He may have to go to the library to find them if they exist and it would be best if he went alone so not to incur the expense of special insurance. In his own words he says he speaks for Grand Terrace residents and berates those that he says that do not put their names here. Every document I have seen here is City or State generated. It has been reported here more than once the City will not comply with the Open Records Act and allow citizens access to documents that by law they have a right to see. Perhaps that would be a cause he could address when he posts his documentation. Since he represents so many and is so concerned with names, why does he not put a list on this website of the names he claims to represent.
From Email InBox: Close from Brian:
You are absolutely correct on this one. If a group called "Bitches and Stitches" is publicly using, and posting flyers, in or near a public facility where children gather; it must be stopped. Who would allow such garbage in a city library? See, I am able to publicly condemn what I feel is wrong. Feel free to post this if you'd like.
Parolee suspected in string of robberies
A San Bernardino man on parole for robbery has been arrested on suspicion of robbing several businesses in the last four weeks.
Harold K. Nickleberry III, 24, was taken into custody at his home after sheriff's officials identified him from surveillance video, according to a sheriff's news release.
Few details were released but officials said similarities in robberies in Grand Terrace, Loma Linda and Yucaipa led them to conclude some of the robberies were likely committed by the same person, officials said.
Nickleberry was being held late Thursday in lieu of $50,000 bail at Central Detention Center in San Bernardino. Detectives ask anyone with additional crime information to contact Sgt. Edward Finneran or Detective Larry Loera at (909) 387-3518.
Mobile home destroyed by fire
A fire Tuesday afternoon destroyed a double-wide mobile home, county fire officials said.
Crews were called to the Grand Royal Mobile Home Park in the 22100 block of Newport Avenue at 1:16 p.m. They found the home completely engulfed, officials said.
About 20 fire personnel quickly put out the flames, but the mobile home was a total loss. No one was home at the time, and the cause of the fire was under investigation.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
From the Email InBox:

In the Press and From the Email InBox: More on Fireworks
From the Email InBox:
If all fireworks are illegal it is not rocket science to see what household is setting them off. If you own the house where an illegal activity is taking place your responsible. If someone brings drugs into your house and the cops come in and see or find them, your going. You can say they weren't mine to the judge.
From the Email InBox:
What other financial information was not included was the 8 citations collected fees to offset the cost of enforcement. Yes, even if there is no INCOME from the Sale or Producer / Supplier of Fireworks the Citations and Arrests can off set the cost of the Enforcement of the Laws.
Who were these 8 people who disregard the safety of their community. Shame should be upon them in addition to the cost of a Fee, Fine and Criminal Charges.
Lets Review where the Liability would rest. Fireworks are not a Right in the US Constitution.
Fireworks are not a Right in the California Constitution. Fireworks are not a Right in the County Charter. As a mater of fact in the State of California and the County of San Bernardino Fireworks are Illegal "UNLESS a City or Municipality" ALLOWS their use. It is not a "Tradition" 10 Years a "Tradition is not Made".
The Twisted Logic used by the Mayor was painful. The we had a committee we must follow their recommendation is an escape, intended to remove herself from being responsible for continuing this assault on the community. A committee in this governmental model does not hold the power of decision making. A committee is a tool of gathering information and it naturally will come to conclusions and opinions based upon that experience of gathering information. However, to say a Committee said by a slim majority we should do such and such, is troubling particularly when some of those who are voting have direct financial conflict of interest. I don't think the Oil Companies should set Energy Policy. Nor do I think that Firework Sales People should be deciding a City's Ordinance regarding the subject.
The Sports Teams have made NO Effort to remove themselves from their dependency on these funds, knowing that the Community is suffering from the assault, danger, and risk.
Buchanan's, "next year the sports teams should figure about how to have an alternative revenue source" is troubled logic. The teams have shown no interest or inclination of raising funds via other methods to replace these funds.
The City's Twisted Satisfaction is: When the Utility Tax was not passed the City Manager immediately put the punishment on to the Sports Teams and Youth Services in Parks and Recreation. The Utility Tax was not written in such a way it Guaranteed where the tax funds would have been spent. So as a way of "Punishing" the Parents and Community remove the support from those with smaller voices. Cut Backs on Services did not go across all groups or age groups. As a Matter of Fact, most other cuts have been restored or bypassed.
Mr. Schwab received an annual raise in excess of the budget for Youth Services/Recreation for example, of where are the Priorities of the Council Members. If they did not give him a raise was he ready to leave town, move on to a better offer?
Grand Terrace Days and Halloween Haunt sees more money collected and spent for these single day activities. It is a matter of City Priority, and who is setting that Priority. It is not about a Committee report.
I kind of like that idea of a Random Draft to serve on a Committee. That was an idea that deserves more thought.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
From the Email Inbox: Brush Clearing by the hoof
brush clearing/fire prevention
Reply to: sale-268017099@craigslist.orgDate: 2007-01-24, 7:27PM PSTneed brush clearance? how about for free? i have a small goat herd i would like to move around for grazing. they will clear about an acre a day. fire prevention in southern california is a big deal. so why not get yours done for free. respond for details
Location: san diego county
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPosting ID: 268017099
From the Email InBox: Council/Chamber Hurt Business
Two things that were not brought forth at the latest Council meeting by the citizens. The Fire Department does not get paid for their work on the 4TH of July. That is about $5000 for the night. That will not last long.
The other item is why was The State of the City Address not given in front of the public at the Council meeting. It was given at the Chamber of Commerce. This appears to show the disdain this Mayor has for anyone not in her clique. This is an outrageous breech of the public trust. What are they trying to hide? More unapproved projects or a lack of funds? She should be made by the other Council members to repeat it at the next Council meeting verbatim, seeing they did not record it. Why not record it?
This is why my family and I don't shop in Grand Terrace. We look at the Chamber as an organization that is not friendly to the residents.
From the Email InBox: Firworks can Cause City Civil Liability
Voting 4-3, the Supreme Court ruled that a Central Ohio widow can collect
the $1.35 million settlement she agreed to accept for her husband's death in a
fireworks accident nearly six years ago.Daniel Ryll died after being hit by shrapnel as he watched a July 4 display with his family in Reynoldsburg's Huber Park. His wife, Deborah, filed a wrongful death suit against the city, also naming Truro Township - which inspected the site beforehand - as a defendant.
IF the City of Grand Terrace, Profits from, Allows the Sale and Use of Fireworks, Fails to adequately enforce the use, of "Safe and Sane" or Illegal Fireworks, and there is loss of life or other Damage, the City Can Be Held Liable for their support of and allowing Fireworks to be sold in its jurisdiction. Yes watching a Show is different than the Sale and use of Safe and Sane Fireworks.... it is supposed to be safer.... It is time to give up on a ten year folly.
With Fewer and Fewer Cites allowing the sale of Fireworks or their Use, Grand Terrace is going to be the target of those who will come here for the expressed purpose of purchasing the items and taking them out of the city, thus the city is contributing to their illegal act and profiting from it, and the city is inviting the increased population to purchase and use the items in Grand Terrace. We have limited police and fire department resources. It would be easier to Defend against a disaster if the Use of Fireworks was limited to the Parking Lot at the Fire Department.
Isn't it time the Sports Teams give up their addiction, and Yes, the City will have to continue increased enforcement costs at the City's expense and this is justice as the City has been an enabler to the dependency of the funding stream and the expanded practice of use and behavior by the public.
Let's hope the Council has the awakening that when the Revised Ordinance with the conditions placed in the Motion to Accept appears before them that they Reject the Revised Ordinance and direct the staff to Revise the Ordinance to Eliminate this City's Collaboration, and Enabling of the use of Fireworks, of any kind in the City of Grand Terrace.
There is still an opportunity to Protect our community and turn the corner away from Fireworks as a Funding Activity this year. The Community, and Sports Teams need to make a change this year, not next year. Take the band aid off quickly the council is causing the community pain, and risking a greater infection by not getting this curse removed from our community.
IN the News: Fontana Piro Fans will Be Comming to GT
11:20 PM PST on Tuesday, January 23, 2007
FONTANA - Future Independence Day celebrations may lose a lot of their pop.
Casting aside overwhelming opposition, the City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday night to ban the sale and use of fireworks within the city.
"People are not generally happy with this fireworks thing," Acquanetta Warren said. "They're not here tonight, but they're watching (on television), and they're saying 'amen.'"
Councilman Frank Scialdone added: "I cannot rationalize raising money and putting people in jeopardy ... even for a good cause."
The council needs to vote in favor of the ordinance once more at a future meeting before the ban could start on July 5, 2008. The delay on the ordinance taking effect is designed to give organizations a chance to find alternative fundraising sources, Newsome said.
Violators of the ordinance could be fined $100 for a first offense and $500 for a second offense within the same year.
Fontana is one of the few cities in San Bernardino County to allow the use of "safe and sane" fireworks, the only type allowed for private use under California law. The others are Adelanto, Chino, Colton, Grand Terrace and San Bernardino.
Representatives of schools and service organizations pleaded with the council to vote down the ban, because shutting down the fireworks stands means cutting off one of the biggest sources of funding they have for their programs. Fontana passed an ordinance to allow fireworks sales in 1967, and more than 40 groups sell fireworks each year.
Daniel Sandt, band director at A. B. Miller High School, told the council it costs about $55,000 to send his marching band, drumline, and winter guard to more than 40 performances this year.
"Out of that, the district provides about $14,000," he said, telling the council he might have to cut out one of those band groups if the city outlaws fireworks.
The city has examined such a ban for more than a year.
Before the meeting, Vietnam veteran Richard Tirre, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said it would be a huge blow losing the 50 fireworks stands the group normally operates within the city.
With that money, "We help some of the veterans who are down," he said assisting veterans and their families with bills if they lose their jobs or providing food for others. Fontana's VFW Post 6563 recently paid for a veteran's funeral because his family had no insurance, Tirre said.
"Without those funds, we can't help anybody out," Tirre said.
The Police Department reported it received 217 complaints to dispatch about fireworks in 2005. That number increased to 333 in 2006.
"Those numbers don't include complaints that went to other city departments," police Capt. Tim Newsome said in a presentation to the council. He added that more and more residents don't know which fireworks are legal and which are not.
Other speakers opposed the ban, saying the real problem is illegal fireworks, or those who were drinking heavily before setting off their pyrotechnics.
Lynda Dykes was alone in urging the council to ban the currently-legal fireworks.
"They've burnt my roof, my backyard, and destroyed other things around my house" she said, adding people in her neighborhood gather in the streets to light them on the Fourth of July, oblivious to the traffic.
Reach Michael Mello at 909-806-3056 or
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
From the Email Inbox: Transportation Needs a Unified Approach:
The Offramps-
The MetroLink-
The Park and Ride
The Need:
Commuters need a Solution: Grand Terrace has undeveloped property along these freeway and rail assets. How can a United Effort Be made?
Could a Parking Structure sell Parking Space for Commuters on the Metro Link, and Carpool, and provide Parking for Drive Through Take Out Healthy Meals for Commuter Pickup? Could the area be a Hydrogen Fuel Station, and A Solar Regeneration Station for Solar Short Trip Vehicles, and LEV's? Could the Parking Structures TOP be a Tennis Club, Top of the Park?
WHO is looking at the Big Picture.
First the Freeway and Off ramps, then the Rail and Parking, and then business and recreation around this, Incorporated to complement each other, not detract from each other. This needs a Master Plan a big view, and a big pocket to finance it and lease the business opportunities to small and large businesses like they do in state recreation areas, and parks. This is bigger than GT Redevelopment, RTCT, SanBag. It looks like a State or Federal Project. These little sub agencies don't have the tool set or enough Viagra to get the job needed done.
From the Email InBox: Citizens Ejected from PUBLIC LIBRARY
Eight citizens were ejected from the library Monday evening. They met there to go over the public records on AES, the peaker plant. The five or so volumes are about twenty inches in thickness and cannot be removed from the library. They are very large and cannot even be held on ones lap.
The library allows games to be played by a group and aloud reading but citizens looking at public records are told that they have to clear it with the library before they meet there to look at public records. They were told the library has to have a special insurance for them to meet there. One of the citizens made up an agenda to follow in their research so the Head Librarian said that they would have to go through a procedure that requires insurance and that they would have to leave.
This lady is close friends with certain council members and the citizens feel this had a lot to do with them being told they could not use the public library to meet and look at public records. These citizens live in the area of the peaker plant and have a right to research the public records in a public library. What kind of special insurance does the library have to secure for people to look at public records.
From the Email InBox: Some Drawings for Information
Design, and Miguel's:






From the Email InBox: Fireworks:
The Danger
A pretty sparkler burns at a whopping 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s not a safe toy to put in a child’s hand, or an adult’s. No firework is. Fireworks are unpredictable. They spit hot sulfur and can unexpectedly explode. They can burn limbs and ruin lives, and there’s nothing cool about that.
The Consequences Should BE:
Light any fireworks, in Long Beach and you may spend six months in jail, pay a $1,000 fine, or both. Have in your car, or house, or possession in any way a such a device Safe and Sane or Insane and Illegal you are fined $1000.00 and the items confiscated.
This July, a dazzling firework displays (controlled by the hands of professionals who specialize in pyrotechnics) will be held throughout the IE. OR a COLD WATER MELLON and Deck Chairs on the Cliff/Bluff and some Viewing Glasses and you'll see several shows all from one place. Perhaps the Sports Teams could sell cold drinks, Ice Cream, to the Viewing Public as one alternative activity?
How many arrests were made? Fines Collected? Calls reporting Launch of Rocket type Fireworks? Why are Noise Calls not resulting in arrests on that Nights?
From the Email InBox:
Mr. Schwab made an interesting comment on the Fireworks. He said the Sheriff's Office uses the bomb basket to transport and dispose of confiscated fireworks. I made the following comment to the Dep. Chief that spoke against the sale of fireworks and he agreed with me. The clap board lean to that fireworks are sold out of do not afford any protection to the public. Technically the fireworks company is dragging a big bomb into the center of town. The Dep. Chief said the Sheriff's bomb squad is not stupid. What happens if there is an accident. I remember some years ago when a Rialto Fireworks manufacturer had a spark that ended up killing people. You think they would allow the fireworks shed to be placed at City Hall this year. Bill Hays
From the Email InBox:
Dear Gramps,
Some of the City Council Members outweighed the safety of the citizens of Grand Terrace, because they are concerned how youth sports teams will generate funding. Bea Cortes had some solutions for this, but nobody wanted to hear them - especially the part about the city waiving fees for the lighting and maintenance of the fields. The City Council also heard from a fire offical who had a lot of information on why fireworks should be banned, but it fell on three sets of deaf ears.
After they voted to keep the fireworks - one of the next items on the agenda was selecting a firm for a new website design. Only one firm had a representative, there were no other alternatives to this firm were mentioned - this was staff recommended and of course approved. I have no problem with the website being revamped, it's long overdue, the point is - the city spends thousands of dollars on website design, but won't waive the lighting and maintenance fees for our youth sports teams. The city is planning on spending $80,000.00 to $100,000 on a pocket park that is basically unusable, but they won't waive the lighting and maintenance fees for our youth sports teams.
Gramps you can print this if you want - but leave my name off. This city sucks.
From the Email InBox:
Well, Gramps all speculation that your the new voice on the City Counicl is less likely. The New Voice on Council showed flawed logic that you do not demonstrate even when your wrong.
The New Voice's Motion on the Fireworks Agenda Item: was to Accept the Recommendation of the Fireworks Committee, with Modifications. That is a flawed motion to begin with. His changes that were accepted by 3 of 5 of the Council Members. Accepting the Recommendation means accepting it. Now the Ordinance will have to come before the Council for the inclusion of the Conditions"
He then added, that "IF the Sports Teams don't move toward financial Independence from Fireworks Sales in a year's time his vote may be different".
So is he saying, he was going to be a go along guy for the first time around, and I don't want to upset the status quo, but I don't like fireworks as a means to earn money for the funding of the youth sports or law enforcement for the need to pay for needed enforcement efforts. But, this year he'll allow it go go forward.
No Gramps, you aren't that wishywashy...
Fireworks are bad this year and will be next year. Envorcement/Legal & Non Legal Issues will be same this year as next year. So the several conflicted statements in the tap dance around the subject.
Now that the Council benefits and funds itself and law enforcement with the Sale of Fireworks if your house is burned with fireworks as part of the ORDINANCE we a CITY have added Liability and Obligation to Pay for Damage and Harm to Homes, Property and Person.
Should the Ordinance Change and Codify the City's Liability for Damages as the City is a Direct Beneficiary of the Sale and Funds Raised by the Fireworks Sale.
Gramps you would not have taken such a stance unless you thought that this would be come an issue at the writing and reading of the Revised Fireworks Ordinance. Not Unless you expected the other Lawyer to Advise the Council that the Motion would in effect cause the Ordinance to be in need of a revision, and back infront of the Council and Public. Was that the plan?
It takes 4 years to set out the Message No Fireworks in a town. Yes, It is better to have parents who will buy illegal fireworks "HIDE" their violations in the back yard and tell their kids we have to be quiet we are breaking the law... than have curb to curb drunken wild use in abandonment.
Yes, All fireworks should be criminalized, it seems the new ears and the old ears on the City Council missed the repeated statement, yes there will be fireworks, even if there is a Ban of All Fireworks, but it will be easier to enforce the Ban of All Fireworks. The Citizen's Patroll can do a steak out and identify where the violations are. OH heck, pay the Socker Players and Parents to report violations, turn the Dealers into Enforcers.
The trade of a 8,000.00 increase in City's Safety Enforcement Funds for the possible Risk of a house, apartment, or other property damage the City Council has now obligated itself as being willing to assume the collective risk for demonstrates a lack of judgement. The need for this expence is inpart due to the 10 year old inclusion of fireworks, allowed by the City Council and the City should take the financial responcibility of finding the resources to combat this disturbance.
To recount the finances. The City will Pay 4,000.00, the Fireworks Sales People will Pay 2,000.00, and the Sports Teams will pay 2,000.00 so that the sports teams will earn 16,000.00 to pay the City for Lights and Park Use Fees, while putting at risk life limb and property of the population. The New Voice also said that while allowing this for this up comming year, the teams are required to plan on alternative funding so that the need for funding is not existant "Next Year".
"Next Year", the practice will be ingrained one more year, the non resident visitors will increase, the risk will be taken, and who will begin to fund the law enforcement that will continue beyond the cut off date. Now that the City is benefiting from the sale, will it be the city's booth for law enforcement as a justification in the future?
Sorry, to test you this way... but come on what is happening here will end up in smoke.
Thank you Members on the Council who had the GUTS to Vote to Protect the Citizens and Property of Grand Terrace and surrounding communities.
1) Require the Provider or Supplier of the Fireworks Pay a Day's Enforcement Cost of Approximately 1 day, to include, Additional Patrol Officer, Fireman on Duty, and Bomb Disposal Unit Trailer and Officer.
2) The City Funds 2 Days of the Law and Safety Enforcement.
3) The Sale Price have a 3% Surcharge Payable to the City to Aid in the funding of the cost of Additional Enforcement. (This amounts to 1 day's enforcement.
4) The Sports Teams Make Effort to Raise Funds with alternative methods other than Sale of Fireworks.
Revised Ordinance will be before the City Council Members as the Motion Requires a Revision to Accommodate the Above Provisions.
In the Press and From the Email InBox
GT set to firm up Web presence San Bernardino Sun - San Bernardino , CA , USAGRAND TERRACE - The city's first Web site was created seven years ago by a local Boy Scout troop at no charge. It was most notable for its picture of wild ...
From the Email Inbox:
Let us hope that the Function is more than reporting Potholes and Graffiti:
How about a way to view a Police Blotter of Calls Into Police and Fire Dispatch.
How about a way to view the Entire Council Book Prior to the Meeting.
How about a way to view Check Voucher Information on Line
How about a way to view the Entire Code Book, and Plans on Line
How about a way to view the Entire RDA Plan and Negotiations Underway
How about a way to view all available Contracts including a disclosure of Current Contracts their Terms and Conditions and termination or expiration dates.
How about a way to view the detailed charges made to City Charge Cards
How about a Lost and Found Page for Dogs, Cats, Bikes.
How about a NGO Page for Sports, Church, After School Programs
How about a way to know about payments made to "Manage City Property" which apparently is not on the Check Register made Public. Is there a second or third set of books this suggests?
How about a way to view the activities of the "Code Enforcement Officer"
How about a way to view the Parks, Shopping Centers, Freeway and Council Meetings Online.
For 600.00 a month, an Assistant City Manager Hired for his "Technical Abilities" and an outlay of the start up over $20.000.00 THE CITY WEB PAGE COULD HAVE ALL THE ABOVE
How about a Free City Wide Wireless Service, that aids and encourages HOME BASED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT in EVERY HOUSE in GT. GT Could become a model city of HOME BASED BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT and SELF SUSTAINABILITY. Our Homes and Citizens are potential individual points of sales tax generation, and employment.
Monday, January 22, 2007
From the Email Inbox: Fireworks On the Agenda:
How much did it cost the City?
Additional Patrol Persons
Additional Firemen
Cost of Blue Mt. Fire
Cost of Insurance on RDA land where the Sales Trailer was prior to it being transferred to Jacobsen Family Holdings.
Increase or Change in City Insurance if Fireworks are or are not allowed at all in the city.
Calls of Related Disturbances
Number of Citations, Confiscations, and Arrests
Disposal of Confiscated Hazardous Materials
Complaints, Calls on and Arrests for Related Loud Party Reports
Cost of Court Cases, Booking Fees and Jail Time
Number of Dogs and Pets Lost Week Prior and After the 4th.
Number of Dogs and Pets eaten after the Fire on Blue Mt.
Cost of Trapper
Cost of Animal Shelter / Calls lose dogs.
Income to City from the sale...
Income to City from the Sports Teams Payment for use of lights and field.
Income to the Sports Teams.
No Houses or Personal Injury is known, but is that a result of LUCK or Design?
Add it up... No Fireworks, and the City would be able to provide direct funding to Youth Sports to off set short comings to their alternative fund raising efforts of equal time and effort is put forth, say hosting a 4th of July Party at Pico Park... or Rollings Park... Open the Pool Barbecue, have a band or DJ playing Patriotic Music... water games, Ice cream churning contests... ANYTHING BUT what has been happening for the FIREWORKS Try it One More Year Folks. It wasn't better this year, it only cost more.
22795 Barton Road
* Call to Order -
* Invocation -
* Pledge of Allegiance -
* Roll Call -
1. Approval of 01-09-2007 Minutes
1. Items to Delete
A. Plaque - Captain Mike Howell
B. Commendations - Deputy Perez and Deputy Delo
The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
A. Approve Check Register Dated January 23, 2007
B. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda
C. Approval of 01-09-2007 Minutes
D. Special Events Permit Requested by Calvary, The Brook for the Use of Rollins Park for a Sunrise Service on Sunday, April 8, 2007
E. Authorize Conference Travel: Finance Director (SEND FOR THE DOCUMENTS FORGET THE TRAVEL)
This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council may not discuss or act on any item not on the agenda, but may briefly respond to statements made or ask a question for clarification. The Mayor may also request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment or may request a matter be agendized for a future meeting. (TO ANSWER A QUESTION OF FACT IS NOT AN ACTION. THERE IS NO REASON THE CITY COUNCIL OR CITY STAFF DO NOT ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS POSED TO THEM IN RELATIONS TO MATTER OF FACTS OTHER THAN THEY DON'T WANT TO SHARE THE INFORMATION WITH THE PUBLIC.)
A. Committee Reports
1. Historical & Cultural Activities Committee
a. Minutes of December 4, 2006
A. Council Reports
A. Follow Up on Recommendation of the Fireworks Ad Hoc Committee
A. Review and Assign Representatives/Alternates to Various Organizations
B. Bid Award and Contract Approval to CivicPlus for the Re-Design of the City’s Website
C. Council to Set Date and Time for 2007-08 Prioritization Workshop
GRAND TERRACE - The city is forsaking adventure in favor of tradition. Their dreams dashed by a lawsuit and economic realities, officials are trying to make good use of the largest remaining block of vacant land in the city.
Worries about Wal-Mart - Leonor Vivanco, Staff Writer
Decades-old mom-and-pop stores will close their doors for good. More traffic will be backed up on already-clogged streets. These are the fears many residents express when a Wal-Mart supercenter is proposed in their neighborhood.
From the Email InBox:
The only thing that will guarantee the economic future of Grand Terrace is to do away with the RDA. All it does is put the tax payers deeper in debt and provides nothing. Any revenue that an RDA project produces goes back to the RDA, not to the General Fund. The General Fund is being used to pay off RDA debt and the City is using RDA money for it's everyday operation. An illegal act. The City failed to put the traffic fees for the OAC on the developer an $18,000,000 cost the taxpayers would have been burdened with. Judge Wade ruled in favor of the citizens because of this ineptness. Here's proof.Mr Schwab had to ask the Council for approval to pay the $34,000 out of the City Redevelopment Agency. A paltry sum compared to the $18,000,000 favor the Mayor and City manager were doing for the developer. Mr. Koontz, the City Planning Director, and now a employee Mr. Megna,C.E.O. of Jamieson Group,that are drawing thousands a month from the City coffers, are responsible. Mr. Megna and Mr. Schwab, who brought the flawed OAC plan to the city should be held accountable. Mr. Megna made hundreds of thousands off this flawed project as well as Nolte Engineering, the then three day a week employer of Mr. Koontz. If we had a Council that was doing it's job and not just posing for pictures in the Blue Mountain Outlook the City would not have to file false reports to the State, putting State funding in jeopardy, to cover their illegal acts. The OAC is the prime example of the ineptness of this Mayor and why she will not answer or cannot answer any questions at Council meetings nor will she allow any other Council member to respond to citizens questions. The Grand Terrace Partners came into the OAC project and did a market study and feasibility and found it to be neither, stating at the Council meeting it would not produce the revenue that Mr. Schwab still claims in the Sun press release. The Partners came in with a plan that seemed to appease everyone concerned and the community was led to believe by Mr. Schwab that the Grand Terrace Partners were the chosen developers. Now he claims that there are no plans. What was that the the Grand Terrace Partners presented to the City. Which is it? The false report the City filed with the State claims the original OAC still to be a project. Why were the infrastructure questions not addressed by Mr. Schwab, Mr. Koontz and Mr. Megna at the time instead of just plowing ahead and throwing money into the project without a market study or feasibilty study before hand. Mr. Megna, Mr. Koontz and Mr. Schwab cooked up a report that verified everything they claimed the OAC would produce. At that time the citizens asked where they got their figures because they were based on nothing. They appeared to just be taken from out of the air. That is what these three people are being paid for, not to waste taxpayers money on projects that are not thoroughly researched. The need to get revenue into the City before the State or Federal Government comes in and audits the RDA, the CRA and the General Fund trumps everything. Now the very thing Mayor Ferre and the other Council members and Staff said they would not allow is being planned for the land. Tilt up buildings and the freeway strip mall that you see all over California. Mr. Schwab states in the press release that the plans are going ahead on the Town Center, evident by the grading being done there encompassing more than the approved Miguel's. When was Jacobsens Plan B brought before the Planning Commission, the Council and the Community? Why is it Mr. Schwab is given the authority to approve projects that do not have to go to the required vetting process that the law requires. Mr. Schwab now receives $150,000 a year and cost the taxpayers more than that in irresponsible acts. He demonstrates he is under qualified for the position. He has run the City into bankrupt obviously. Why would he need to take $30,000 from the Redevelopment Agency and not the General Fund or the $5,000,000 reserve he claims we have. Mayor Ferre motives are already known by her past newspaper stories where she has said she wants to out develop her father, Mr.Megna's motives are he is in business and out to make a profit. Mr. Koontz is employed by him and the City. Council member Miller questioned an $8000 check to Mr. Megna company a few months ago and Mr. Schwab answered that was the company Mr. Koontz works for now. Doesn't sound like it's all above board and honest. Just more of the same old same old. Once again Mr. Wall does his typical research.( Whatever the City says I will print and ask no questions unless it's from the reporter from the Blue Mountain who also works for Terra Loma Reality) He is why we no longer subscribe to the Sun. He is the sock puppet for the City. We miss Paul LaRocco from the P.E.
From the Emil InBox:
The "gadflies", "advocates", "anti growth groups", "save Grand Terrace people", “Environmental Terrorists” and all the other less nice names the city staff and officials and the press have called Citizens who have dared to question the development plans of the Redevelopment Agency of Grand Terrace were with out merit. Yet they raised the concerns that the Plan did not look like it was a benefit to the tax base of the community. When the figures provided by the Developer and Mr. Schwab were questioned those questions went un answered until the last moment when the Feasability Study was done and resulted in a negative declaration by the “Grand Terrace Partners”. Add to this lack of Merit of the Citizens who brought the matter to court, the flawed Environmental Impact Mitigations including Traffic and Road Impact. Do we not see a pattern of incompetence or worse emanating from the Halls of City Management?
120 Ac of Land to be developed under the Expertise and Management of Mr. Tom Schwab and his Staff. This should by now not be a heart warming prospect. Perhaps this New City Council can figure out how to Remove the Repeat of Errors from this point on.
Some of this RDA owned land was aquired under the burden of zoning that precluded its use for development other than OAC, and other means of questionable deal making tactics. If it were a New Jersey Swamp it couldn’t smell worse.
Let us hope that the DO OVER DEAL and PLAN is done RIGHT this TIME. Part of that Doing it RIGHT includes knowing how the freeway and off ramps will be designed so that can be incorporated into the design requirements, environmental mitigations, and a real assessment of possible uses of that particular bit of property.
If the City Redevelopment Agency didn’t go into Debt, the City have been able to learn to live within its revenue resources. More is not always better.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
From Email Inbox: General Plan Being Revised
The Public should be reminded what was in the mind of the city in 2002, see what is and then project into the future.
Notes: GT ELM is "Commercial Zoned" the Houses near the school are changed to R2, and the High School Land was Industrial/Manufacturing. ALSO note the Change needed for the Senior Housing and Senior Center.
Friday, January 19, 2007
From the Email Inbox: Planning Commission Meeting Email
At the Planning Commission Meeting last night a speaker said "not for one second does anyone that participates in our government under the guarantees of the Bill of Rights believes that the public will have any influence on the General Plan." Each member was addressed: "you and you and you and you and you," pointing to each member, "will not have any say on the new General Plan." The speaker said:"The short coming of the General Plan a year and a half ago and now that the developers have taken over and the State thinks it is flawed, they want to fix it." The speaker also said" the only people that will have any say so are Mr. Megna, Mr Koontz, Mr. Schwab and Mr. Jacobsen."
"The zoning code means nothing we have seen it changed for a project. Ferre said she didn't want Drive-throughs or tilt ups in the OAC, but they are good enough for the center of Town on Barton. "
Members of the public were there and were wanting to participate in the General Plan Revisions, in spite of years of being dismissed and ignored by City Officials at nearly all levels.
From the Email Inbox: Metrolink Station
It would serve the Citizens Represented by SANBAG to go ahead and build the Highgrove Metrolink Station with or without Riverside Transportations Participation. Here is why.
At a MINIMUM it would transfer the parking requirements of 118 cars from the San Bernardino Station or the Riverside Station. That is a good thing. How much is being spent in San Bernardino to squeeze out a few more parking spaces? We could look at the Highgrove Station as a Parking lot annex for the San Bernardino Station as it would relive some of the current demand for parking. However, it is flawed logic to base a decision on the 118 current commuters as being the target market.
The real target market begins with the current riders 118 in number. It also should include all those potential riders who say, "If I have to drive to Riverside or San Bernardino fight for parking, I may as well drive all the way to work", drivers. It should also include the new residents in the added housing being finished. It should also include riders back and forth to the beach on weekends, and short trips to Riverside Locations not just commuters to Orange County or LA. How many of us avoid going to Riverside because of the traffic? Count me in that group. Would I ride the MetroLink if it were going that way. YES about 2 times a month. I do not make those trips now. I don't go to Riverside, I avoid the wonderful experience of the traffic.
Better collaboration between RTA and SanBag and Metro Link would provide a Bus that links the Riverside and San Bernardino Stations along Mt. Vernon and Iowa ST at times that a rider in Highgrove or Grand Terrace could make the early trains to work in LA or Orange County.
Ridership would increase at night if the Orange County Line had a train that would provide Guests and Cast Members of Disneyland a ride home after DPark Closes... Bus 149 works for "Normal Business Hours" IF you live in Riverside. But, if you live in Highgrove there is no way to depend on catching a connecting bus/train combo to get to work in Orange County.
WHY should we care. In this case, IF THEY BUILD IT THEY WILL COME WORKS. Travel along the rail stations, and stops. Parking is full, ridership is up. IF people are riding the train, they are not on the Freeway. IF people are riding the train, they are safer. IF people are riding the train it is a better use of resources. IF People are riding the train, we are more interconnected as a community. (Regular commuters develop a community relationship).
So the decision should not be limited to the failed logic it may only serve 118 riders.
If 118 riders use Highrove Station, that allows 118 more riders at either San Bernardino or Riverside so that is 236 riders. That is just the beginning of the reason to have a train stop and parking lot in Highgrove to facilitate improved transportation between the two counties. What are the implementation phases. A boarding ramp and a parking lot... Not exactly high tech or high cost. Think of the cost of a Parking Structure at Riverside, or San Bernardino in contrast. If Highgrove is Built the need or urgency to build Parking Structures at Riverside or San Bernardino may be offset.
How many folks would rather take a train to Castle Park or TYLER MALL? OR at least part way and hop onto a connecting bus? I'd hand in my car if I could buy a State Wide Public Transportation Pass good on all public transit... That is too far out of the Box, but a train station in Highgrove with improved bus connections is within reach and reasonable.
What troubles me most is that SanBag and RTA have unanswered questions at this point. What information is now required? Lets get it to them. Perhaps a Boy Scout working on their Badges could help them out. 2000 more homes, will bring 4000 more cars. Most will be joining the morning commute on the 215. That is a fact that should not be missed by Riverside or San Bernardino Transportation Planners.
Bits and Clips from the News
Prosecutor to focus on identity theft
Deputy District Attorney Gary Fagan is scheduled to discuss identity theft Feb. 8 at the Grand Terrace Branch Library, 22795 Barton Road.
The program begins at 6:30 p.m. The library is inside the Civic Center.
For more information, call (909) 783-0147.
Idea for Metrolink station in Highgrove gets more time
10:00 PM PST on Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Press-Enterprise
Those who want a Metrolink station built in Highgrove will get more time to make their case to San Bernardino County transportation officials.
A staff recommendation to a San Bernardino Associated Governments subcommittee had recommended that the agency decline to participate in building a station in the area just south of the Riverside/San Bernardino county line.
The Riverside County Transportation Commission voted last week not to take part in the project.
But members of the Commuter Rail subcommittee agreed Thursday to continue to discuss the matter at its next meeting in March after station proponents asked for an opportunity to present more information to SANBAG. Grand Terrace Councilwoman LeeAnn Garcia, a member of the subcommittee, also said she wanted several questions answered to before taking a vote.
Reports from both agencies said the project would cost at least $15 million and serve as few as 117 riders.
--Imran Ghor
Thursday, January 18, 2007
From the EMail InBox: High School and BMSV



Toxins Found at HS Sight and Determination has been made? What are the Conditions Imposed? Who was asked to participate in the survey?

Blue Mt. Senior Villa's Points of Continued Concerns
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
From Email Inbox: No Bail Cite and Release Explained
What happens is this;
-Suspect is arrested
-His license is immediately "suspended" by the arresting officer and he is issued a temporary paper license by the officer to get to and from work (this is per DMV policy)
-He is taken to jail and booked into "the drunk tank"
-The arresting officer writes a citation and gives it to the deputy at the jail.
-The arresting officer returns to GT to get more drunks.
-In about 6 hours (or when the bad guy sobers up) the deputy has him sign the citation in preparation for release
-The drunk (who is now sober) is released
-He later appears in court and is hopefully convicted.
After reviewing the (Booking LOG) info below, I believe that is what you are seeing here. These suspects are actually being taken out of Grand Terrace and booked into the jail, although the automated info does not clearly explain this fact. There is no bail amount listed because there is no bail required. The jail can release them on their promise to appear. They may also do this on other misdemeanor charges at the jail, but it is usually reserved for drunks (647f) and DUI drivers.
I hope this helps.
From Email Inbox: Plan B and Grading Drawing


From the Email InBox:
Why another "Drug Store"? Didn't Jack Brown say the Stater's would have a full service Pharmacy? Isn't CVS struggling as it is? Isn't there already enough Liquor Available at the Gas Station? Oh and why a Chili's Bar and Grill? How about an IHOP, that would compliment the California Skate, the Elementary School, and a Family Friendly Client Base?
Do we want more places to buy liquor in town? Do we want more liquor consumption near a school? Will Chili's Pay for additional Law Enforcement to keep track of it's drunk clients?
The Loading Dock for the "Drug Store" seems to go right into the sidewalk, is this a Safety Problem for kids walking to school?
From the Email InBox:
How does this Plan B fit with the General Plan or the Barton Road Specific Plan. Foot Print drawings are not sufficient detail for full evaluation, however, it does show a revised plan of sorts?
From the Email Inbox:
Sure hope the AutoZone has a home in one of the buildings. Any Current Business should also have a space available at a reasonable price or as partial owner of the building if they were "Negotiated with Eminent Domain hanging over their heads".
From the Email Inbox:
It may be there, I just can't see it... Bus turn outs for Public Transportation... and bike racks?
From the Email Inbox:
Are any of these buildings or businesses "Green", Solar Pannels, or anything like that? How are these buildings and businesses an improvement to the environment and recycling, and waste management?
From the Email Inbox:
Where is the replacement All Age: Low and Moderate Income Housing to make up for the Trailer Park that has been Removed?
From the Email Inbox:
Looks Like a Traffic Mess: If there is to be a Light at Michigan and Barton, and one at Vivienda and Barton, and another just past Miguels and another at Barton and Canal and then one at Mt. Vernon Ave. WHY not just reduce the speed limit to 14 mph like at the Disneyland Parking Lot. This Traffic Flow is Goofy... I sure hope there is no driveway directly accross from Vivienda, unless it is a One Way Only, or Entrance to the Center Only.
Perhaps the driveway at the east end could be an Exit Only... and the one on Michigan an In and Out... Try driving around a school in the morning or after school...
IHOP is much better than Chili's...
From the Email InBox:
I count 25 buildings (Units) on Plan B.
The agreement that ran out last year said Jacobsen was supposed to have purchased all the land and have the tenets lined up.
Chili's will probably have a computer room the kids can use seeing they will be sharing the same space. (Remember the Kids and the Computers in their Promotional Material).
There has been no traffic study submitted to the adhock committee and look at what kind of problems it will cause at the cornor of Mich and Barton.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
From the Email InBox: PC MEETING
Took look today at P.C. agenda at Public Counter. It is an approval of the Parcel map which divided up the property at N.E. corner of G.T. Road at Vivienda, and for further discussion on Radar antenna's and lastly for input about new General Plan.
I noticed they want to add in two new parks, one associated with Senior center, and other with the old Power Plant. (Gage Park) End of AES POWER PLANT. May not be much to talk about on the biggie (and last) item for it ought to be last on the agenda.
No new map has been drawn up yet, but they want to know what is wrong with the old one.
Main thing that is pointed out was some revision to general corrodor along Barton from freeway to downtown. I don't think this meeting to be over in one squat.
More from the Email Inbox:
-Public input is welcomed - but not necessarily listened to
City Calendar Shows Planning Commission Meeting
Planning Commission Meeting
7 p.m. City Hall
From Blue Mt. Outlook:
Workshops are planned and open for public input
-Thursday, January 18th
Commission Meeting
-Public input is welcomed
-7 p.m.
No Agenda Available on Line at this time Jan 16, 2007, 3:15 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Safety Notice:
Sunday, January 14, 2007
From Email Inbox: Road Damage on Mt. Vernon
Inland Empire Towing Inc
1264 S Waterman Ave Ste 9, San Bernardino, CA, United States
Phone: (909) 890-3559
Were towing a car from Brentwood turning onto Mt. Vernon, and the car bounced off the tow truck and damaged the road surface, and put the driving public at risk.
The Towing Company should have to compensate the city for the damage done to the road.
The Driver Left the debris on the road.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
From the Email Inbox: More Comment on Appointment
DAN BUCHANAN Our new city council member.... I'm just shocked!!!!!!!!!
Granpa did i tell you i can see the future ????
If you want something posted please do write it and say Please Post.
From: Blog Reader
What I find almost funny is that the Council and staff actually believe they have fooled everyone into thinking the preordained selection by Schwab of Buchanan, that it was a fair process and not just a scam. That was the first time they found out Buchanan was applying? What a bunch of crooks. This proves the Council couldn't care less about the citizens unless they are in their money grubbing social circle or a bribe paying developer. What is also sad is that there are political social clubs that endorse Cortes and Ferre. I, for one have no respect for the members of these clubs and they don't deserve the respect of any honest citizen.
More From the Email InBox:
It irritates me that the Council thinks the voters are so stupid as not to see through the charade they put on with Buchanan. He was the chosen one way before Hilkeys term was up. Way before the election was held in Nov.
From the Email InBox: More on Citizen Actions
The Editorial Staff at the Sun Telegram shows their disdain for the common citizen in their most recent article regarding Grand Terrace.
The skipping over the facts of the events and court decisions in the cases brought to Court is misleading reporting of what is the motivation of the citizens, or of the facts behind the actions taken by various citizens, who have found an effective legal advisor.
Focus on just the first bits of print:
Anti-growth advocates difficult to appease
Our view: Sue-happy critics seem
ready to pounce on anything.
Article Launched: 01/11/2007 12:00:00 AM
Why is it that certain people don't care if a project has gone through all the hoops and all the public vetting, met all the city requirements and done all the mitigation, but still want to find a way to stop it in its tracks?
A judge has refused to issue a temporary restraining order against construction of a fast-food restaurant in Grand Terrace that the city Planning Commission approved more than 18 months ago. And we agree with City Manager Tom Schwab that there's no reason to contest the development.
The Sun Telegram refuses to accept that the City and or the Developer have had ample opportunity prior to cases being filed to negotiate or address the concerns of the citizens and they have refused to do so. There have been developments that have not been challenged by the citizens and others that have and the developers have negotiated and adjusted their plans. These have been done without court intervention being taken. The question is why is it when the City Redevelopment Agency has a Plan or Relationship with the Development there is a problem. That is the common denominator of the actions taken.
The citizens are not happy to have to take action against the city and to suggest that the effort is a pounce action is ignoring the fact that the citizens have tried for months and some cases years to resolve their concerns, Pounce is not quite the correct representation. It suggests that the City is unaware of what to expect.
Why is it the Sun Telegram Editorial Staff thinks that requesting that a Judge be the judge in resolving the concerns that not all mitigations have been done, and all requirements met? Is it the opinion of the Editorial Staff that the Courts should be available only to the City to Enforce Codes when the City Wants to Use the Court, but Citizens should not have access to equal protection under the law? Not all the required HOOPS have been passed through Citizens; even a MINORITY has the OPTION to put one final HOOP up. That HOOP is the Court. Does the Sun Telegram Editorial Staff want to suggest that this Right of the Citizens be removed as a means to resolve differences of opinion? Rule of the Majority or Rule of the Dollar, what is the Standard the Sun Telegram supports? Or does the Sun’s Editorial Staff support rights for some, and no rights for others?
The Judge did refuse to issue a temporary restringing order, but he also advised that should the construction go on, and at a future date he determines there is just cause of the action to proceed with construction will be at the risk and loss of the Developer and possibly the City. The judge’s decision was more that there is not any thing being done that is not reversible. Should the Judge order the property restored or modified it will be at the cost of the Developer or the City. His advice was suggesting that the DEVELOPER may want to hold off and wait for a final decision and not risk the cost to modify the building or site.
Clearly this is not the opinion of Mr. Schwab. Mr. Schwab is more than happy to have Miguel’s owners stick their financial neck out and have them proceed with construction while the court proceedings continue to hang over the project.
Will Mr. Schwab and the Editorial Staff of the Sun Telegram offset the financial risk taken by Miguel’s should the Judge require a modification that results in additional costs that resulted by their advise to go ahead prior to the Judges decision and possible mitigation requirements? Will it come from Mr. Schwab’s Pocket or the City’s?
This addresses only the first bits of the “Opinion” of the Sun Telegram’s Editorial Staff.
I am not going to run advertisements in the Sun Telegram. This may cost me some business, but I will not support their pocket or their “Opinion” with my money.
P.S. to Gramps: I hope the new voice on the City Council is as courageous as the citizens who have exercised their rights and the procedures provided to them to mitigate their concerns. This will be a welcome change to the Council. It is ok to vote No and not be in “Unity”, just going along so there is a Unanimous Decision is not conducive to the betterment of a community. Thanks for posting Emails at least the Citizens Have a Place to record their opinions and concerns.
Friday, January 12, 2007
In the Press
Article Launched: 01/12/2007 12:00:00 AM PST
GRAND TERRACE Council approves roadway work
The City Council has approved using federal money for road improvements west of Interstate 215. The city obtained $245,845 in Community Development Block Grant funds to rebuild Vivienda and La Crosse avenues. Roquet Paving submitted a bid of $305,703 to do the work.
The remaining $59,858 will come from grant reserve funds and the city's General Fund.
The council approved the funding at its Tuesday evening meeting.