Thursday, December 31, 2009
Steve Berry's Lies Still Lingers...
Long before Mr. Steve Berry was dismissed, he made a promise to another resident of GT that the pot holes and general lumpiness of GT road would be fixed. A whole new plan was in the works, done, and only needing funding (of next week (at the time of the statement)).
If anyone has driven the southbound lane recently they will find one patch, but general lumpiness is still there years after I overheard the conversation. I Presume will have to wait a few more years (or new city council) for repairs to be completed then.
Gramps Recalls.
The road repairs were part of the "Deal" with the Water Company to repair the portion of the road damaged by their construction and use of heavy equipment on a road not rated for such equipment to travel upon. I think part of the "Deal" was even with Doug Jacobsen who was supposed to replace low and moderate income housing (The Terrace Pines) that he removed in his Grand Development Plan. There was to be a replacement mobile home park developed on Grand Terrace road and that would include road improvements. Then add to it the 215 freeway off ramps and related construction may cause GT Road to be part of that project in some way or another. Steve Berry was Blowing Smoke... all you had to do was pick the color of smoke you wanted at the time. He had a great teacher Mr. Tom Schwab groomed him in his management style.
Yep, it may take a new council to see the needs of all the community and not just focus on the High Value Home Resale Areas of the community. Road repairs have been window dressing to increase Sales Prices, not to actually repair or improve roads. This practice has been done for years in the areas where the Realtor's focus their business. Grand Terrace Road and the area around there is filled with residents who have lived there for YEARS and the Real Estate Values are not as inviting to Realtor Interests. That is why your area is neglected when it comes to spending Road Funds. It is just that simple. How many times has the roads been resurfaced everywhere else in GT and you can't get a real repair job done on GT Road? It is Politics and yes it may be the Council Needs to be replaced along with the motivations they bring to their council seats.
The NEW City Manager may be receptive to a Citizen asking to be put on the agenda and have a presentation on the condition of GT Road. Mr Schwab and Mr. Berry would not let citizens get on the Agenda. This issue should be presented in more than 3 minute Public Comment Segments, that the Council is not obligated to comment or take action of any kind and thus be held accountable for their actions or inaction. Good Luck on geting a much needed road repaired.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Jan 14 2010 Jim Miller Two Enter a Plea
By Mike Cruz
Posted: 12/29/2009 03:20:50 PM PST
Grand Terrace City Councilman Jim Miller will enter a formal plea in January on a felony conflict of interest charge after he recently waived his right to preliminary hearing.
Miller, 62, is accused of voting to send $18,000 worth of city advertising contracts to his wife's newspaper. He waived his right to a preliminary hearing at an appearance Dec. 17 in San Bernardino Superior Court, according to court records.
At a preliminary hearing, a judge listens to witness testimony and then determines if sufficient evidence exists to support the charges. Miller has been charged with one count of felony conflict of interest.
When Miller returns to court Jan. 14, he will enter a formal plea on the charge. If convicted, he could face up to three years in state prison.
Former Grand Terrace City Manager Tom Schwab, who started advertising in the City News in 2006, said in September that the issue should not be in the courts. The city manager, staff and city attorney recommended using the newspaper owned by Miller's wife, Margie Miller, he said.
Former Assistant City Manager Steve Berry became acting city manager when Schwab became ill. One of Berry's first actions, he told county investigators, was to cancel the contract with the newspaper because of what he believed was a conflict of interest, according to investigative reports.
Miller has been a real estate services manager for San Bernardino County since April 2000. He was elected to the Grand Terrace City Council in 2004 and 2008. His term expires in November 2012.
Gampa Notes:
Steve Berry and or the city continued to advertise events in the GTCN even after he reportedly canceled the contract because he thought it was a "conflict". He used the use of the News Paper as a threat to force Jim Miller to be his obedient servant, and to keep Margie from reprinting the article about Berry being investigated for fraud. Then and only then did he run to the DA's Office with the help of Council Member Bea Cortez who has more possible conflict problems than Jim Miller if we use the same measure of justice under the law. Either the DA drops the charges or the Miller's Case will expose all of the problems in Grand Terrace and the DA's Office.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Don't DUI in GT.... Call a Cab or a Friend...
Sheriff: DUI arrests up during Christmas week
By Mike Cruz
Posted: 12/26/2009 04:51:01 PM PST
Preliminary numbers reveal drunken driving arrests increased over the Christmas week in San Bernardino County, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.
Sheriff's officials report that 263 motorists were arrested between Dec. 18 and Dec. 25 on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. That number is up from the 237 arrests deputies and officers made during the same period last year.
Some agencies have not yet reported their arrests, and authorities will continue to collect data through Jan. 3.
Law enforcement officers plan to conduct more traffic checkpoints, so deputies advise motorists to have a designated driver and not drink and drive.
Checkpoints are scheduled in Chino Hills, Yucca Valley, Highland, San Bernardino, Redlands, Apple Valley, Twentynine Palms, Loma Linda and Fontana.
Anti-DUI patrols are deploying in Hesperia, Needles, Yucaipa, Fontana, Highland, Big Bear, Rialto, Chino Hills and Grand Terrace.
Statistics show that the year end holiday period is among the deadliest season of the year, according to the Sheriff's Department.
The checkpoints and patrols are part of Avoid the 25 effort, which represents the number of law enforcement agencies in the county who participate in the anti-DUI program.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Politics of Fireworks in GT...
Friday, December 25, 2009
GT Torn over Fireworks Revenue, Hazard
Blue Lupine flowers once proliferated on Grand Terrace’s most prominent geological feature, which is still known as Blue Mountain. When those flowers bloomed in the spring, the surface of the craggy monolith turned blue, hence the name. But Blue Mountain is no longer blue. The Blue Lupines were eradicated in a fire that blazed across the mountain in 2006.
Without a concerted exercise in replanting, there is little prospect that the Blue Lupine will make a comeback.
And while some are likening the effort to closing the barn door after the horses have escaped, a movement has been afoot for years to reduce the risk that catastrophic fire will visit the city again.
Foremost among those is an effort to ban fireworks from the bedroom community. More than three years ago, the city was pursuing just such a ban. Despite a committee recommendation to do away with the pyrotechnics, an outpouring of opposition - for the most part from those involved in youth sports groups, which rely upon fireworks sales to defray the cost of their programs - convinced the council that they should continue to allow the Grand Terrace Community Soccer League and the Grand Terrace Little League to sell fireworks from a booth in the Stater Bros. market on Barton Road.
Earlier this year, the city council, which was newly fortified with recently elected Walt
Stanckiewitz, had renewed its push to eliminate the hazard the fireworks represent.
Stanckiewitz had firsthand experience with the devastation fire represents, having lost his Running Springs home in the October 2007 Slide Fire.
The council authorized then-acting city manager Steve Berry to negotiate a deal with the leagues.
Berry offered to significantly reduce or virtually eliminate the fees the city collected from the soccer and baseball leagues in the form of $5 per participant field use charges. Additionally, the city offered to pick up the cost of field lighting, which for years had been borne by the leagues.
In 2008, the city had collected $7,480 from both leagues for lighting and field maintenance.
The city’s offer to suspend the charges, however, did not entice the leagues’ leaders into agreeing to forego the revenue they realized from fireworks sales.
Now, the city is looking to play hardball with the groups. While conceding that youth sports represent a worthwhile community asset, city officials are more sensitive than ever to the manner in which the pyrotechnics increase the likelihood of destruction and tragedy, a potential price measured in the hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars as well as severe injury and/or death.
League officials have suggested that the sale of fireworks now exists as something of a community institution, one that has been grandfathered in and which cannot be taken away.
Actually, Grand Terrace had restricted fireworks up until 1998, at which time the city gave the groups permission to engage in fireworks sales from June 28 through July 4.
There is no legal requirement that the city continue to allow fireworks to be sold and used within city limits. Other cities, including over a dozen in San Bernardino County, have banned the sale and use of fireworks within their city limits with no legal repercussions.
League officials, who saw each of their athletic groups net close to $11,000 from fireworks sales in 2006 before seeing that figure drop off with the downturn in the economy since that time, may yet hope to make city officials pay a political price for banning the sales. 2010 is an election year and challengers in the city council race could run on a platform that includes reinstituting the legality of fireworks sales in Grand Terrace.
Two weeks ago, the city council had before it an ordinance that outlaws the sale and use of so-called "safe and sand" fireworks. But the council delayed taking action on the measure at least until January 12, 2010. Representatives of both the soccer and baseball leagues were unwilling to sign off on the exchange of city subsidization of lighting and field use fees for the fireworks ban. And some members of the council appear to be leery of getting on the wrong side of TNT Fireworks, a wholesale distributor of safe-and-sane fireworks to nonprofits in at least 270 cities and communities in California. TNT has the wherewithal, based upon its revenues, to endow the election war chests of politicians willing to take a stand for local availability of fireworks during the Fourth of July, a tradition that was initially championed by John Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and the second president of the United States.
In a letter to his wife, Abigail, Adams wrote, "I believe that it [the Fourth of July] will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other."
Perhaps by appealing to the patriotic yearnings of the residents of Grand Terrace, TNT will be able to attenuate a future, or even the present, city council’s fervor against the danger that fireworks represent.
On the other hand, Stanckiewitz and those committed to enhancing the safety of the community might neutralize the approach that TNT and its high paid consultants are poised to take by harkening back to Patrick Moriarty, the Red Devil fireworks magnate convicted of laundering political contributions and bribing city officials in his efforts to market his company’s products throughout the state during the 1970s and 1980s. One of the casualties of an association with Moriarity was former San Bernardino County supervisor Cal McElwain, whose political career came to an end in 1986, largely because of exposés relating to his dealings with and acceptance of money from corruption figures such as Moriarty.
Gramps Adds:
The Sports Teams Fundraising activity has been done on the basis of a Business or NPO function operating under Temporary Conditional Use Permit in the City of Grand Terrace. To seek out to Negotiate with them over this decision puts the Holder of these types of permits in a position that our local businesses don't enjoy. What of the fellow who can't get a permit to sell oranges at the corner to support his family. When did an orange start a fire or kill some one?
Nope, the City of Grand Terrace needs to say enough of the risk. Teams you have our support and we'll aid in promoting your fund raisers and reduce fees we have control over. However, You are not to sell fireworks in this City.
As to this being the cause of Political Fall Out, the council members facing election are quite frankly on their last terms in office as it is... In a way this should free them to making the right decision not the Political Decision.
Celebrate with a music festival. Have the sports teams provide a game day/ sports day a parade barbecue. Bring their bells, and for illumination lets use LED's and Projections. Not Bonfires and Fireworks.
Perhaps conclude with a community movie night of Fantasia it has great music and sight effects. If played on a bed of mist like Fantasmic it would be a great program. Hmm now that may be fun...
How about a Bring your own Meat Barbecue where the Barbecues are provided by the Team Families, and they keep the fires going and you rent the "Fire"... to cook your meal at the park.
The Snack Bar could sell water melon and so forth.
The Parents could stand on the corners like the firemen do their fill the boot campaign. Except for the sports teams it may be fill the bat bag... or the equipment bag...
There are ways to fund their program without putting the community at risk. It is time for them to suck it off and walk off their addiction to fireworks. The problem is they have not tried any other means of fund raising. In spite of the Council's Admonishment to do so.
Times up Sports Fan's...
The Damage done to Blue Mt, goes beyond the loss of Blue Lupine, look at the erosion that fire fostered. The Mt. is not yet stable and the homes below are at risk of rock and mud slides thanks to the sale and use of "Safe and Sane" Fireworks. Those homes have PEOPLE living at risk at all times due to the sale of Fireworks. The city could be liable as the city participated in receiving income from the sale of Fireworks which were the cause of that fire.
Negotiate a Settlement. no get on with city business of protecting us from fire. Fireworks are illegal in California UNLESS the City Approves them. It is not a RIGHT that is "Grandfathered In".
OH and I don't suggest that we use Abigail Adams suggestion of celebrating the 4th of July with Guns... We have a law, and ordinance against that one too... Sorry Abigail.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Questions regarding Water Company.
If conflicts of interest are being brought out in the open. Let's be fair and share with all of the council members.
Question: What about some of the building fees being waved on the new GT Water Co.?
There are several new buildings on the property.
Is there a conflict? The mayor's husband has been on the water board for years.
Gramps Says:
The water company is an automatic conflict for anyone on the City Council who owns property in Grand Terrace as all lots come with a share of the water company. The Mayor's Husband being on the board does complicate the issue some. IF the water company has constructed things without paying fees then there should be an investigation as to who approved the waiver and if there was in kind work provided to the city in other way.
I do recall the ban on metal buildings was waived for the Water Company and the rest of the citizens are still required to build with other materials. This is at least one problem I recall with the buildings and applications and so forth.
It isn't so much who did it, or what was done as to HOW it was done... that
Brad Sorensen Transfers to Southern Utah University.
Sorensen, a 6-foot-4, 224-pound sophomore from Grand Terrace, Calif., spent one season at San Bernardino Valley College prior to transferring to BYU. At SBVC, Sorensen earned first-team all-conference honors after passing for over 2,300 yards and 20 touchdowns as a true freshman.
He was also a two-time first-team all-league and all-county selection at Colton (Calif.) High School, where he passed for 2,200 yards and 25 TDs as a senior, when he completed 75 percent of his passes.
Monday, December 21, 2009
How Much will this Cost YOU?
Stephen Wall, Staff Writer
Posted: 12/20/2009 09:24:18 PM PST
Updated: 12/20/2009 09:27:33 PM PST
LOMA LINDA -The city is finding new ways to boost its revenue stream.
The City Council last week approved a license agreement that extends Loma Linda's fiber-optics network to businesses in the Corporate Business Center.
The contracts will generate about $60,000 a year in gross income, according to a report by Konrad Bolowich, director of information systems.
Fiber-optic connectivity provides high-speed Internet service and the opportunity to extend voice, video and other data services to businesses. The project encompasses all commercial spaces facing onto Commerce Street, Corporate Drive and Business Center Drive.
Bolowich said the connections give Loma Linda businesses a competitive advantage other communities can't offer.
Nine businesses in the area have signed agreements for the service or expressed interest in it. Bolowich said he expects most of the businesses in the center, located just south of the 10 Freeway, to sign up for the service in the next three years.
In April, the council awarded a nearly $250,000 contract to install the infrastructure needed to provide the fiber-optic connections.
The council already requires fiber-optic construction on all new residential and commercial structures. Major remodels are also included in the program.
Councilman Ovidiu Popescu said delivering fiber-optic connections to the Corporate Business Center is a positive sign for the city's economic fortunes.
"We're investing in infrastructure and generating income as a result," Popescu said. "That's a good business model."
The city's efforts to expand the program got another boost late last week.
Popescu said the city received word from its lobbyist that it will get a $900,000 federal grant to extend the fiber-optic network to Grand Terrace.
Inspecters Bite GT with B Scores: and more...
Tina's the Mexican food place in downtown GT plaza had sported a B rating sign this Sunday morning. The Chinese place qualified for one but owner said, simple I can fix that in ten minutes. Are to be retested the next Biz day then. Essentially making it without any official rating.
The Donut place is being Picked upon, as they used to leave doors open in summer, as they refused to turn on any A/C as it was too expensive. They had been warned to close front door in past a few times due to excessive houseflies entering the building.
Pizza place and Thai place are OK for now, but still have older rating letter hanging in front. The Food Conniption on North side does not have any rating noted, and may be in same situation as Oriental Quick stop.
No wonder restaurants are leaving GT and going to Riverside, the S B County inspectors want customers to eat off clean plates.
In addition to the restaurant inspections what is up with all the weekend construction and work being done when the City Building Inspectors are not available to inspect work or permit applications?
Gamps comment:
I know the County Health Inspections on restaurants serve their purpose.
However, I seldom care if a shop has a B rating as most of our own kitchens at home would not earn an B let alone the high A rating. A is always a good thing to have or try for but for me the consumer a B is not a deal breaker.
As you observe some of the issues a Health Inspector may have are easy to fix. Others are operational issues and if an owner would rather suffer a B rating for having the doors open than high energy costs well that is a business decision. I don't know of anyone getting ill from eating food at any GT restaurant. As with all trade, an informed consumer should make a decision where to take their trade.
Hats off to any and all businesses that are in Grand Terrace and stay in Grand Terrace after the Redevelopment Agency has contributed to the decline of foot traffic bringing them business. If businesses leave it will not be a result of a B Health Inspection. The departure will be a result of the "Redevelopment Agency and the City of Grand Terrace" moving the foot traffic down the road and Stater's Opening up a Mega Market with a Deli that will dry up the demand for their local services.
Staying in their current locations with the Stater's Mega Deli coming to town is a real threat to their operational success. The owners who consider moving are justified in thinking this through and I wish them well regardless of their decision to go or stay. The owners of business who prove that the RDA/City Action was the cause of or contributed to the need to move their businesses may be able to force payment from the RDA/City to help them relocate and get established in their new locations even if those locations are not in Grand Terrace. This is something Schwab and Berry and the City Attorney, should have told the City Council...
Chew on that the next time you eat out in GT...
Now onto weekend work being done in GT. Not all activity requires inspection or a permit. However, to aid in compliance where permits and inspections are needed the City should have a standardized pre-approved permit for common repairs and upgrades to businesses and homes. This would aid everyone involved in the process of making improvements.
An example of what should be pre-approved or pre-planned packets provided by the city include: Storage Shed Permit, Solar PV Panel Permit, Solar Water Heater Permit. Block wall, non retaining and retaining permit.) Homes and businesses should be allowed to go off the electrical grid if the owners desire. Homes should be allowed to use a gray water system for irrigation of their landscapes. Homes should be allowed to install certified composting toilets. Straw Bale Homes should be allowed in Grand Terrace, and other non traditional construction should be permitted if structurally sound.
But, hey I am a radical. Who now lives most of the time off the grid yet I still have all the comforts of a modern life... Sure hope GT catches up with the present so their future will be better. Schwab/Berry/and the City Council has been in the wait and see what works some where else and then jumps on that band wagon after the successful song has already ended and has been played out and should not be duplicated.
Perhaps the replacement business can be those who are Greener. I have heard of a Solar Powered Ice Cream Shop. Perhaps there are others that would find GT a place where they could be the attraction of foot traffic, not be dependent on foot traffic provided by Stater Brothers. Now that would be a real change of the GT economic base.
Friday, December 18, 2009
UPDATE on Cortes / Berry / Schwab Investigations
In addition the DA's Office has not released any information on an Investigation into the Cover Up of a Criminal Investigation for alleged crimes perpetrated by Steve Berry and then not brought to the DA's Office upon the request of Tom Schwab. This obstruction of Justice or a Criminal Investigation included the Sheriff's Office and the Investigating Officers.
Yet, Council Member Jim Miller's case moves slowly through the courts.
It is time the DA's Office either drops or reduces the charges on Jim Miller or start filing charges on Cortes / Berry / Schwab for the transgressions which exceed those by Jim Miller tenfold.
The DA's paying his wife for campaign work during a non election year stinks more than Jim Miller voting on a consent calender for Services Rendered by the only local news paper in Grand Terrace that is fully owned by his wife, with services negotiated by Schwab and Berry without City Council Approval.
Update on the Council Member Miller Trial...
Date: 12/17/2009
Time: 8:30 AM
Division: S21
Hearing Status: DISPOSED
============= MINUTE ORDER END ================
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
More Questions: For the Miller Trial.
Tom Schwab:
Mr. Schwab, did Mr. Miller participate in the negotiation and approval of the contract with City News Group?
Mr. Schwab, did you advise Mr. Miller not to vote to approve payments to City News Group? Did you advise Mrs Ferre not to approve any contracts or payments to the Water Company? Did you advise Ms Cortes not to approve payments or contracts regarding Terra Loma Real Estate?
Mr. Schwab, as a "Professional" hired to be the city's professional administrator is it not part of your duty to insure that the city's operations are done in a legal and proper way?
Mr. Schwab did you fail in your professional capacity as City Manager to advert these potential problems? Did you fail to warn the Non-Professional Part Time Citizen City Council Members that they may be approaching a case of a Conflict of Interest? How many and when did you ever give such a warning and to whom?
Mr. Schwab did you initiate the contract with the Grand Terrace City News with the hidden agenda to later use it as a means to coerce Council Member Miller to agree with "Staff Recommendations" and go along with your requests and actions. To your knowledge was this issue used by Steve Berry to try to force his desires upon the Millers? If so when.
Mr. Schwab, who and when did you inform the City Council Members about the Criminal Investigation of Steve Berry and the Window Tinting? What action was taken by the City Council? How did you explain the Window Tinting to them, there were payments approved by the council at your request. When a refund was made how did you explain that to the council with out disclosing the Investigation?
On the Stand:
Mr. Steve Berry
Mr. Berry when did you inform the City Attorney, City Manager, or Jim Miller your concerns regarding the payments made to the GT City News?
Mr. Berry didn't you yourself participate in the negotiations with the GT City News for some of the services rendered and paid for. In your Professional Opinion was it ok for you to enter into a service agreement with GTCN and it was not ok for Tom Schwab to do the same?
Mr. Berry at the first contract let by you or Mr. Schwab did you ask the City Attorney if there was a possible conflict of Interest. Did you bring it up if so to who.
Mr. Berry a news paper article you said Mr. Schwab told you to drop it and not talk about the possible conflict of interest you felt so strongly about you personally continued to make arrangements for the GTCN to provide services to the city. Is that correct? To who else did you express a concern?
Mr. Berry did you ever in public say that you would bring up conflict of interest charges against Jim Miller if Margie Miller's Paper reprinted information and the story of the Criminal Investigation into the Events of the Window Tinting. Did you not include the threat for public humiliation to accompany the arrest in your attempt to force a particular action by either Mr. Miller an elected official, or Margie Miller a member of the Press?
Mr. Berry when you were angered by the City Council's decision to terminate your employment with the city is that a fair statement?
Mr. Berry what files and records were accessed by you when you were in City Hall with a Computer Technician after hours?
Mr. Berry did you think the threat of a conflict of interest charge would silence Mrs. Miller, or cause Mr Miller to support your bid to become City Manager?
Mr. Berry have you been given any indication the DA's Office has an open case on your personal activities in either the Window Tinting Case or a case of attempted coercion of an elected official?
From Email InBox: More on Cortes/Ramos/Berry
Regardless of her personal/physical relationship with Ramos, it is clear that between Cortes and Steve Berry they brought down their clout with Ramos on poor Mr. Miller.
Now it is pointed out that charges should be made again Cortes for doing the same as what she charged Miller but no mention has been made that she probably used her clout with the DA to keep Berry free from being charged for his shenanigans. Once and for all, all these people - Ramos, Cortes and Berry should face the charges and it proven to all that they are either guilty as most think they are or their souls are as clean as the driven snow as they pretend to be.
(If Ms. Cortes feels the rumors about her are unjustified, changing her style of dressing for the male public would help make her more believable.)
Reply to above email:Ms. Cortes does dress with a style that is a complement to her openly flirtatious conduct. During Council Meetings asking for personal cell phone numbers of Male Firemen and Sheriff Officers and others is quite frankly something I would not encourage my daughter to do at any age.In addition I feel that MEN should know there is a spider when they see a web and be warned and cautious. If a spider bites once it will bite twice. For myself, I don't like spiders.We clearly know that the City Staff heard Berry beg Tom not to fire him over the Investigation. We know Tom Schwab told the Sheriff Investigator not to advance the case to the DA's Office. We know that no action has yet been taken against Tom Schwab, Steve Berry or Bea Cortes. The DA should have to explain why.
Email Miller Trial Questions You'd Like to Ask:
On the Stand: Margie Miller:
Did Steve Berry threaten to have Jim arrested and publicly humiliated if you printed the article about his past Criminal Investigation that had been covered up?
What other communication between you and Steve Berry regarding the repression of news that he may find compromising? Did he threaten you with any kind of legal action?
What paper was the first to print the article about Steve Berry? Did he have any of their staff or owners arrested?
On the Stand: Bea Cortes:
Did you and Steve Berry Bring the allegations against Mr. Miller to the DA's Office?
What is the nature of your relationship with Steve Berry?
What is the nature of your relationship with DA Ramos?
When was the first time you became aware of the Criminal Investigation of Steve Berry and the Cover Up?
Did you support Steve Berry's attempt to coerce Council Member Miller's vote for him to become City Manager, or to repress the re printing of the article about the Criminal Investigation into the Window Tinting Job?
Did you contact the media to alert them to Council Member Millers pending arrest?
Did you use your relationship with DA Ramos to have charges pressed against Council Member Miller as a punishment to Miller for not supporting Steve Berry's Bid for City Manager? Were you aware that Steve Berry made the call from City Hall to move forward the charges and have Jim Miller arrested and booked?
Did you approve a contract to pay for the GT NEWS Ads?
Did you approve a contract to pay Terra Loma Real Estate?
Did you approve payments for GT NEWS ADS?
Did you approve payments for Terra Loma Real Estate?
Did you work under the Brokerage License of Terra Loma Real Estate?
Did you have office space, phone service, and advertising associated with that relationship?
Did you ever sell a home while an associate at Terra Loma Real Estate?
When were you elected to the City Council?
When did you begin your association with Terra Loma Real Estate?
Have you ever been threatened with Conflict of Interest Charges by either Tom Schwab or Steve Berry in order to support a "Staff Recommendation" or other City Council Action?
How many years have you been on the City Council?
How many years has Jim Miller been on the City Council?
You were on the City Council during the time of the Berry Criminal Investigation?
Were you informed of the Investigation or the Cover UP?
Did you use your personal relationship with DA Ramos to have charges pressed against Council Member Miller?
Have you been charged for similar perhaps more serious activities as you voted to approve contracts of a business with which you had a professional personal relationship with?
Thank you Mrs. Cortes.
Cortes' Income Questions.Flood the InBox:
Readers here is my answer. I DON'T Know..
I don't know where she has gotten her income if she hasn't sold a home in 3 years.
I don't know what income she has reported on her 1090 or 700 financial report forms. (You should be able to view these documents at City Hall.)
Many ask about her current residency. I don't know if she is residing full or part time in her home as many of you have asked about. I don't think you have to be a resident to actually be on the City Council. I think the requirement is to have an interest in GT opening it up to perhaps a business owner that lives in Redlands or Upland, or San Bernardino, who may have a future interest in GT as a place to live. The rule is rather open ended in GT as to who can be on the City Council.
Is there an Cortes Investigation? I don't know if there is a Real DA Investigation that is Active or On Going. IF an Investigation is Closed at some point the data is available for public release and the Press may be interested in finding those documents. This may just be a pat answer so the DA doesn't have to answer questions without a court order.
Does she really have a "Relationship with Ramos or Others"? I don't know about her personal "Relationships", I do know she used her Political Relationship to get the charges pressed on Jim Miller and have it done in a way that was the most extreme and publicly damaging. She bragged about it prior to it being done. Steve Berry made similar statements prior to Miller's Arrest, trying to squash the printing of the news of his Criminal Investigation that was covered up by Schwab and Berry and at least one Sheriff Investigator.
I do know my my assessment that her activities with Terra Loma Real Estate are much worse than those of Mr. Miller's alleged transgressions. The "Relationship" with Terra Loma included use of office space, phone / messaging services and she combined her Business Advertisement with her position on the City Council in a way that was clearly a breach of good taste if not a Clear Intended Conflict of Interest. A realtor who advertises their Political Office at the same is suggesting, hey buy from me I can make things easy at the City Council. This was an unfair use of her title if nothing else and the non cash benefits of the association have a "Value" that should be accounted for as a Payment in Kind between Terra Loma and Cortes.
I do know she has changed her explanation on several issues to protect Steve Berry , and in the long ago past Tom Schwab. Pretending no one would remember what she had said in prior explanations.
I know she said the Sentinel Lied about the investigation into Steve Berry and the Cover up of the Criminal Investigation by Tom Schwab... She never retracted her finger wagging scolding of the Sentinel when she was proven wrong with documentation.
She clearly has a questionable definition of truth, and a limited appreciation for the fact the citizens should have the right to know the facts about such investigations and cover ups. Including what happened to the gift of wine she later apparently un-gifted. Teach us all that trick.
Do I care if Ramos has a lot of women. NO. I do care about any man who fosters a hostile workplace and uses relationships of any kind as political game playing and coercion. If Ramos has done this and Cortes is party to it shame on them both. Is it a crime? Well that will be up to I guess the FBI or The State Attorney General. Is it right... NO...
Who Mrs. Cortes picks as her friends should teach us a lot. Pay attention people there will no doubt be more fall out as a result of her "relationships, and friends in high places".
Cortes Story Fact Check: From the Email InBox
Yes I do think that the assumption that the Ramos/Cortes relationship is some how improper. What that relationship involves I don't know. What I do know is her business dealings at Terra Loma and as a City Council member by far cross the conflict of interest threshold. Their relationship of what ever kind it is clearly has impeded a full investigation and charges being filed against her while lessor violations by Jim Miller were filed in an extravagant form. Even if the only relationship is "Political" it is a relationship that has been used inappropriately to influence the Official Function of the Office Ramos Holds as the DA. That is sufficient cause for there to be further investigation into their relationship.
From the Sentinel:
Three months ago, after a minor controversy broke out in Grand Terrace following publicity about Cortes’ votes to approve a contract for and payments to the company she was professionally affiliated with, Cortes ceased voting on the consent calendar items related to Terra Loma, and the city’s contract for services with Terra Loma was cancelled shortly thereafter. In the same time frame, Cortes obtained her own real estate broker’s license and ended her affiliation with Terra Loma.
It is time:
If you buy a LIVE Tree have a plan where your going to plant or donate it to. (Perhaps an Orange Tree would be better than Pine.)
Donate food, blankets, coats, shoes and socks, to those in need. As more people are homeless, more is needed to survive the winter months. Even the working homeless need help with winter blankets to keep warm in their cars.
If you dine or shop try to shop local first. A gift coupon is available from many of our local restaurants, just ask them.
A year pass to Fiesta Village for children is a great gift that gives them a physical activity and fun that is local. Skates in Winter and Water Slide in the Summer and Mini Golf all year round.
Dance Classes or Acting Classes or a month of lessons of some sort may also be a welcome gift that can be obtained and enjoyed here in GT.
If you have no money to give, make an IOU Book of Gifts of Time. 1 Hour of Baby Sitting, or 1 Weekend without the Children, it is up to you what you have to Gift with your time.
Donate your TIME to a school, or some one who will benefit from the added TIME you can give. TIME has Value... and is also a GIFT.
Rules should be for Everyone
Dear Grand Pa:
I am a Lion looking in a mirror and don't like what I see.
In Grand Terrace Laws, Rules and Ordinances are made and enforced on some and clearly don't apply to others who consider themselves to be exceptional and not bound to the same level of social regulations as the peons in the community. Try openly drinking in a city park or building any other time. I am ashamed of the Lion Club for feeling as though we are above the rules and laws of the City of Grand Terrace. We are not alone, but that does not make it right.
In years past and even recently clubs and organizations have used City Owned Facilities, and even City Government and Staff have had parties where alcohol was served and consumed. This is a violation of the City's own ordinances.
The Women's Club has their Christmas party at the Hilton so they can enjoy a glass of wine with their meal. However, the Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce routinely violate the Alcohol Ban rules inside Government Buildings at City Hall or the Senior Center.
Recently the Lions used the Senior Center/Community Room a City Owned/Managed Facility for their Christmas Party. This party served alcohol and was noted by several of the Senior Villa Residents as being loud.
In addition the Senior Center Programs were adjusted so this Private Party could take place. The Lions can not have their Alcohol Drinking Party at their building because it is leased from the School District. So we took it to a City Owned / Operated Building where it is a violation of the City Ordinances and Senior Center Rules. I just went along with the group and now I feel bad about it.
I began to question what makes the Chamber of Commerce, City Management, or Lions Club exempt from the rules the rest of the citizens have to live by?
Can a Lion Roar (Party) without Alcohol? Can the Chamber of Commerce Commune (Party) without Alcohol? Can City Employees and Management enjoy a social event without Alcohol? If not our gatherings should not be in a City Owned or Managed Facility or School. Our gatherings should be held where it is legal to consume alcohol.
In addition if the Senior Citizens Center is to be a Community Room to be rented out for a party, the rates and availability should be made known to all the citizens of the community, not just a few select clubs. Sure most Lions are shall we say long in the tooth, and would not be considered Children which are banned from entering into the Senior Center unless they are an entertainment group from a school. However, we did not invite all Seniors or other Community Members to a party held in a Public Building. The Lion's Party eliminated a standing Senior Center Planned Activity.
Rules to live by aren't rules that have to be changed on a whim or for the benefit of a select few. It is time to rethink some of these Social Rules and Laws and how they are counter productive to the idea of Justice and Fairness, or just being a good neighbor.
As a Lion myself I will not attend another party like the past one and I am ashamed of the club for holding it. I apologize for the conduct of some of my fellow Lions and the disturbance we collectively caused to the Seniors and to the Residents at the Blue Mt. Villas.
Sign the email,
A Lion who is not so proud of the pride.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Health Care is a Local Issue:
First of all what should be covered? What is reasonable cost? Who should be covered? All are good questions even at the local level.
Employees who work full time should be covered for on the job injury and basic medical coverage. Basic medical coverage includes the treatment of communicable diseases and infections. It should not cover breast implants, Viagra, or cover injury off the job. Part time employees should have the same coverage as this base. Any additional coverage for off the job injury, or for example Cancer or any other non communicative disease or disorder should be covered by an added insurance paid for by the individual not the City.
IF this were true the insurance companies could offer a Basic Medical Policy for all people at a reasonable cost. People wanting additional coverage for injury in a car accident could pay via auto insurance. If a person smokes, part of the cigarette tax should pay for medical costs. If a person skis he should have ski injury insurance specific to the risk of that activity. This could be part of the lift ticket expense or paid on an annual basis. If you drink booze the tax on that should be high enough to pay for all the injury you cause to others, and the liver transplant you may need in the future.
As for non smoking people who get cancer or get some other medical problem such as cancer. If they have chosen not to have added coverage then they die un-treated. Perhaps the good citizens will provide pain medication for the end of life. However, deciding who should get millions of dollars spent on to cure them and who doesn't get a cure is a no win situation, and should be removed from the issue of Social Basic Medical Health Services.
Why. Well, if some one has a communicable disease it will soon be available to visit upon every door step in a community. This is why infections and other communicable diseases should be covered by a Universal health program or insurance that should cost less than 100.00 per year to administer. A base line of coverage.
Back at the city level. City Council Members who at best are part time should not be getting full medical benefits and having their co-pay paid by the tax payers in addition. The part time employees who are exposed to medical risks on the job and just being in our community do not have even the Basic Medical Coverage above. Of course if hurt on the job they would be covered for an injury. They are not covered if they get Sick by being exposed to a communicable disease such as flu or cold or perhaps something more serious but curable if treated.
Is there a need for reform. Yes.
There is also a need to assess why we can justify spending thousands or millions to save one life from cancer and yet not spend 100.00 to provide basic medical coverage for the masses.
We also have to get a grip on the fact that it is ok for the guy on the street to die from cancer, than it is ok for a Senator or City Council Member to enjoy the same end. In one way or another it is likely that the Senator or City Council Member is party to the cause of the individual being on the street and sick.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Delay on Vote RE: Fireworks Ban
This City Council some how will "ask for agreement or understanding" from the sports teams, yet they pass ordinance and change zoning when property owners object.
Never the less. The seller of fireworks said that the teams earned about 15,000 per year, then challenged the council to identify a fire that was a result of "Safe and Sane" fireworks. Well a few years ago Blue Mt. was Black as a result of "Safe and Sane" fireworks. That fire put us all at risk and nearly burned homes in Reche Canyon over the hill. That was one to many fires started with "Safe and Sane" fireworks thank you.
Yes there will still be some law violators in GT but all enforcement agencies agree a ban will make enforcement easier. The fire department also has stated no fireworks is better than some fireworks at many council meetings.
We have seen in GT several homes and apartments go up in fire in the recent years and there is no reason that the city should sponsor activity that will increase the risk to life, property and limb.
This has been one of the earliest issues of the blog. It is time for the Council to recognize a couple of facts. They are not likely to be re-elected so they don't have to fear the political fallout of doing the right thing and banning fireworks, eliminate the park use fees charged to sports teams.
The savings is a home, an eye, a hand, or a lawsuit in the city. With the city's last deal they could have been named as liable for death or injury or property loss in a "Safe and Sane" fire or injury. The city was a partner in the sales in as much as they approved the sale and were getting some of the income off of the sale. This partnership would make us the city subject to a lawsuit if one was filed related to "Safe and Sane" fireworks.
Walt is right. It is time to stop rolling the dice and increasing the risk to the community.
I for one have not purchased any fireworks, but will contribute to the sports teams if they do not sell fireworks.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Turning the Page.. on the Gigglers..
I would think the newly elected council member changed into a person who was not the same as during previous administration. Perhaps into a more "responsible" person. My thought is the spend, spend, spend, days are over. A candidate who says they are or show some sort of lack of interest into spending and may be elected then.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Mike Ramos Bea Cortes
And while there has been mounting public scrutiny since May of Ramos’ extramarital affairs and their impact upon the function of the district attorney’s office, only one of those previously revealed affairs, which involved Ramos’ taxpayer paid trips to Sacramento to meet a woman there, involved any potential criminality. The most recently revealed of Ramos’ several dalliances represents the second time the district attorney’s indiscretions have elevated from being an unseemly controversy to one of criminal malfeasance.
Grand Terrace councilwoman Bea Cortes, who appears to have engaged in a violation of Government Code Section 1090, is the most recently identified of Ramos’ alleged paramours.
Cortes dismissed reports of a sexual relationship between her and the district attorney as exaggerated and overblown, insisting that her connection with Ramos is "professional" and "political" in nature.
Nevertheless, the level of intimacy between Ramos and Cortes allowed her to persuade Ramos to have his public integrity unit file charges against one of Cortes’ political rivals on the Grand Terrace City Council relating to activity that was nearly identical to what Cortes herself participated in but was never charged with.
Up until three months ago, Cortes for several years had a professional relationship with Terra Loma Real Estate. She also consistently voted, as a member of the Grand Terrace City Council, to approve the city’s contractual arrangement with Terra Loma as well as the consent calendars that are a part of the council’s agenda at its twice monthly meetings. The consent calendar, in Grand Terrace as in all cities, typically contains multiple items pertaining to the function of the city government, all of which are deemed non-controversial and routine matters and are bundled together so they can be approved in a single yes or no vote of the council. It is unheard of, in Grand Terrace and elsewhere, for the consent calendar not to pass and it is generally approved by a unanimous vote of the city council, although on rare occasion a dissenting vote on a consent calendar passage is registered.
In Grand Terrace as elsewhere, the consent calendar contains the city’s check register, that is, a listing of the checks that have been written to the city’s various vendors and contractors.
Among the companies that have rendered service to the city of Grand Terrace over the last several years is Terra Loma Real Estate, which provided property management services to the city. City payments to Terra Loma, as to all other companies, are made by check. Those payments are then ratified by the city council as an item on the consent calendar.
Records available to the Sentinel show that the city made 13 payments totaling $8,558.47 to Terra Loma between August 2008 and September 2009. Cortes participated in the votes to approve at least ten of those.
While Cortes insists that she did nothing illegal in casting those votes, Government Code Section 1090 prohibits an elected official from participating in a vote on any matter in which he or she has a financial interest. A payment to a business owned by that official or a business that employs the official or one with which the official is professionally affiliated is construed as having a bearing on that official’s financial interest.
In August 2009, Cortes said she had not made any money in the previous 24 months as a real estate agent with Terra Loma so she therefore had no interest tied up with the company. "I have not received money from Terra Loma Real Estate," she said. "Due to the economy I have not been able to sell any property. For two years I have not been selling any property in affiliation with them [Terra Loma] I have never sold anything for them." She said she had been working out of the Terra Loma office "a little over three years."
The sales drought, Cortes said, has lasted "at least two years."
Moreover, she said, "I spoke with the city attorney and he advised me there was no conflict."
Cortes acknowledged that she was professionally affiliated with Terra Loma Real Estate and its owner, Gene Carlstrom, but said that payments the city made to Terra Loma for property management services were not passed along to her.
Last summer, Cortes acknowledged, "I have my real estate license in his [Carlstrom’s] office. Whenever I sell any property, I have to have a licensed broker over me. He is the broker. I have my license under Mr. Gene Carlstrom."
Three months ago, after a minor controversy broke out in Grand Terrace following publicity about Cortes’ votes to approve a contract for and payments to the company she was professionally affiliated with, Cortes ceased voting on the consent calendar items related to Terra Loma, and the city’s contract for services with Terra Loma was cancelled shortly thereafter. In the same time frame, Cortes obtained her own real estate broker’s license and ended her affiliation with Terra Loma.
The councilwoman insisted that city attorney John Harper had examined the potential for conflict inherent in the circumstance that existed up until August and found her in compliance with the law, including Government Code section 1090 and any other statutes that are applicable.
Cortes said that both she and Harper deemed her votes as a member of the Grand Terrace City Council to approve the contract with Terra Loma and make the payments to it as legal.
Nevertheless, Cortes played a leading role in having the district attorney’s office investigate and then prosecute another member of the Grand Terrace city council, Jim Miller, when he cast votes ratifying that city’s consent calendar which have been construed as providing him with a financial benefit.
On July 15, Jim Miller was arrested by San Bernardino County district attorney’s investigators and charged with violating Government Code section 1090. That charge stemmed from votes Miller had made to approve the consent calendar which contained check registers that contained payments for the city’s legal advertisements that were printed in his wife’s newspaper, the Grand Terrace City News. Miller’s wife is the sole owner of that paper and two others, the Colton City News and the Loma Linda City News.
Miller had never voted to authorize Grand Terrace to purchase the ads that ran in his wife’s newspaper. The decision to run advertisements and legal notices in the Grand Terrace City News had been made by city staff members who had determined that the rates in the Grand Terrace City News were lower than or comparable to those offered by competing newspapers. Like Cortes, Miller had relied upon an assurance provided by city attorney John Harper that as long as the newspaper was his wife’s sole property, the city’s purchase of the ads from her represented for Jim Miller no conflict.
Miller’s circumstance differed from that involving Cortes and Terra Loma in that Miller had not voted to approve the city’s contract with his wife’s newspapers as Cortes had voted to approve the city’s contract with Terra Loma.
By 2008 Miller’s formerly cordial relationship with Cortes had grown somewhat strained in that he had emerged as the leading opponent to promoting then-acting city manager Steve Berry to the permanent city manager’s position. Cortes was the most enthusiastic of Berry’s supporters on the city council.
As the effort to elevate Berry to the unquestioned top municipal management post progressed, Cortes, in conjunction with Berry, undertook to compromise Miller’s authority.
Both began providing the district attorney’s office with information relating to the city utilizing Miller’s wife’s newspaper, as well as the consent calendar voting that ratified payment for city legal notices and ads that ran in that publication.
Brazenly, Cortes made this approach to the district attorney’s office despite her own parallel entanglement in the similar circumstance involving Terra Loma and the city.
The recently emerging information relating to her personal involvement with Mike Ramos explicates in good measure how it was that Cortes had the confidence to seek a prosecution of Miller when she was similarly involved in a matter involving a potential Government Code 1090 violation herself.
The clear implication is that there was an understanding that her relationship with Ramos provided her with de facto immunity from prosecution. What is more, her relationship with Ramos appears to have given her the ability to influence the district attorney’s office to take action against her political opposition.
Miller, who was arraigned on September 30, has pleaded not guilty. His attorney, Richard Ewaniszyk, has wrung from the prosecutor’s office an admission that Miller’s votes pertained merely to ratifying city staff’s issuance of checks to satisfy its legal obligations to pay for services already rendered. Ewaniszyk has vowed to force the district attorney’s office to take the matter to trial if it does not agree to dismiss the charges against his client.
Within the last fortnight, details with regard to Ramos and Cortes and their carryings-on have emerged. Attendees at the 2008 City County Conference held at the Lake Arrowhead Resort say the couple was witnessed in a host of intimacies at that function, but were unable to gauge the length or duration of the affair.
Cortes offered a somewhat equivocal disavowal of a liaison with Ramos when she was directly approached with regard to the issue by the Sentinel.
"Of course, I am denying it," she said of reports, including ones that had been posted on the Internet, relating to an affair between her and the district attorney and that they remained involved. "Who would intimate that? Who would say that?"
Cortes, who has been active in Republican circles within the county, acknowledged that she has a public association with Ramos, who is also a Republican. Nevertheless, she said, "My relationship with Mike Ramos is a professional business relationship, a political one. It is not sexual."
Jeff McConnell, who is active in Grand Terrace politics and one of Cortes’ most ardent political supporters, suggested that the reports of physical intimacy between the councilwoman and the district attorney were a misreading of the situation.
"She is active in politics and associates with many public officials and politicians," McConnell said. "That is just what she does and it is no different than what just about every other elected official does. To suggest there is something more to it than that is just not right."
Under less formal circumstances, however, Cortes has not been as discrete, engaging in rodomontade in which she has claimed Ramos as her inamorato, or otherwise alluded to those within her circle that she enjoys an uncommon communion with the district attorney on both a personal and political level.
Ramos was mum on the subject of the exact nature of his relationship with Cortes.
An examination of documents released by the district attorney’s office indicates that it was Cortes who approached Ramos and his office’s public integrity unit with regard to Miller.
According to district attorney’s office investigator Robert Ransdell, on October 27, 2008, "the district attorney’s office public integrity unit received information, which had been sent to the district attorney’s office by an informant who wished to remain anonymous. This information alleged that Grand Terrace City Councilman Jim Miller had possibly violated Government Code 1090 by engaging in a conflict of interest."
That informant has been identified to the Sentinel as Bea Cortes. According to an individual involved in Grand Terrace politics and governance, prior to Miller’s arrest, Cortes was "bragging" that she had arranged through Mike Ramos to have Miller arrested. According to the individual who spoke with the Sentinel, it is anticipated that s/he will be called to court to testify about Cortes’ statement and that s/he will at that time repeat under oath the statement made to the Sentinel.
Efforts to achieve from the district attorney’s public integrity unit an explanation as to why it had proceeded with a Government Code Section 1090 criminal filing against Miller related to his consent calendar votes pertaining to the Grand Terrace City News while declining to charge Cortes under the same code section for her votes to approve the Terra Loma contract and consent calendar items relating to payments to that company were unsuccessful.
"I have no comment, thank you," said deputy district attorney John Goritz, who is prosecuting Miller on behalf of Ramos.
At the December 2 Colton Rotary Club luncheon, Ramos was asked directly about the discrepancy between a case such as Miller’s and the circumstance surrounding Cortes and the resultant perception that his office was engaging in selective prosecutions.
"I can’t answer that," Ramos said. "There is an ongoing investigation."
At the behest of the county board of supervisors, county human services director Andrew Lamberto, county counsel Ruth Stringer and the Los Angeles-based law firm Curiale Hirschfield Kraemer are carrying out an investigation into charges of sexual harassment within the district attorney’s office, which includes allegations that Ramos engaged in affairs or made welcome or unwelcome sexual advances to employees of his office and other woman.
Among those woman publicly linked to Ramos in this way are former deputy district attorney Ann Marie Duncan; Kelly Snelling, who worked as Ramos’ campaign manager and treasurer; deputy district attorney Jane Allen; deputy district attorney Beth Houser; deputy district attorney Denise Yoakum; Brenda Rossi, a paralegal; Cheryl Barnes, an investigative technician; Megan Wagoner, an investigative technician; Cynthia Shaum, an evidence technician; Suzanne Hunter, a training consultant for the California District Attorneys Association; and San Bernardino County Public Defender Doreen Boxer. Curiale Hirschfield Kraemer has been paid $140,000 for its work in investigating the matter. It is anticipated that the firm will deliver its report on its findings, said to include confirmation of Ramos’ serial womanizing, as early as next week.
GT’s Incoming Property Taxes to Replenish Borrowed Reserves
Grand Terrace finance director Bernie Simon said alarm over the recent report that $2.9 million had been transferred out of the city’s reserves to shore up the city’s financial circumstance was understandable but misplaced.
Such borrowing is a "normal" part of the city’s yearly economic cycle, Simon said. All of the borrowed money will be returned by late May or June, when revenue due to the city from the state is passed along to the city.
"Because of the way our finances come in, it looks scary, but it is really not," Simon said. "We had 4 million in reserves as of June 30. Come September we had a lot less because we are temporarily dipping into that until we get our revenue. Our major revenue, which consists of property tax, comes in December and the end of May. The
property tax bills go out in November and May. For the most part, we don’t have a large steady stream of income in Grand Terrace. The only steady money coming to cities is sales tax. In Grand Terrace we don’t rely on sales tax because we don’t have major commercial businesses here. Cities that have a lot of sales tax see a more steady flow of cash than we do. They get their money on a monthly basis. In Grand Terrace we only get between $50,000 and $67,000 per month in sales tax. The bulk of our revenue is property tax."
Thus, the city uses property tax - or borrowing against it from the city’s reserves - to sustain operations, Simon said. In this way, the city uses money it has saved from the past and has salted away into an interest bearing account instead of borrowing money from an institution or through bond sales, thus avoiding the need to make interest payments. When the money from the state comes in, it replenishes its own reserves.
"We committed $2.9 million through September 30 but only spent $1.2 million. The $1.7 million is encumbrances in contracts this is the first time I’ve [publicly] presented a first quarterly report," Simon said. The city’s fiscal years runs from July 1 through June 30. "So this is the first time the council and the public have seen the cash flow mapped out like that in the first three months of fiscal year. It understandably caused some concern because it showed us receiving a lot less money than we spent. People should not be alarmed though, since this month - December - we’ll be getting property tax revenue and then eventually what is called the triple flip, which is the state’s reimbursement for some of the sales tax and motor vehicle and license in lieu fees that were confiscated by the state. They are now giving back to us more in the way of property tax to make up for that. That was just something the state legislature imposed on local agencies.
"So about half of the $2.9 million temporarily taken out of our reserves will be replenished this month and we’ll probably replace the rest of it around May or the beginning of June. That is because property taxes are due in two installments November 15 and May 15. Property owners pay the county by those dates and then the cities get their share 15 to 30 days later."
Dec 17 2009 Miller's Next Court Date...
Defendant 3210349
Date: 11/03/2009
Time: 8:30 AM
Division: S21
Hearing Status: DISPOSED
============= MINUTE ORDER END ================
TIME RUNS ON 02/16/2010.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fight and High Speed Chase in GT...
He was observed driving away from a fight in a white Honda Civic. The chase was on the GT City Streets with speeds up to 75mph. The chase ended after he drove into the dead end street De Berry and was caught. He was booked at Centeral Detention Center in San Bernardino on evading a peace officer charges.
Lennon is from Cherry Valley. What was he doing in Grand Terrace? Why aren't the charges inclusive of more than just evasion?
Store Heldup at Gun Point in GT 2nd Time
GT Law Enforcement is looking for a suspect between the ages of 18 and 25, about 6 feet tall and a weight of 200 pounds.
He was not seen leaving in a vehicle. December 2nd he pointed a handgun at the clerk and demanded money.
It appears the same man likely robbed the same Barton Road Connivance store in August of this year.
Anyone with information is asked to call detectives at (909) 387-0671. Anonymous tipsters may call (800) 78-CRIME.
Are there no pictures of the suspect?
Budget Warning Signs in Grand Terrace & Giggles
The City Council finally admitted a few things on the record that should be noted. First of all the Management Summary of the Financials is not written in such a way they can grasp the financial reality of the city.
The City operates on the accrual method of accounting and quite briefly that means when the City Council Approves a Contract or expenditure the money is accounted for as being spent even if the check has not been written.
In addition the City's Revenue Sources are not linked to its expenditure cycle so there appears to be a Cash Flow Situation that the current reporting method does not clarify to the City Council or the Public.
What is known is that the City Council at the guidance of Schwab/Berry dipped into the "Reserve Fund" to the tune of nearly 1,000,000 last year. Part of that was what the City Council agreed to pay off the Schwab for leaving. Where for example he could have been terminated with cause and not cost the City another dime. Berry should have been released with cause also. However the City Council persistent in finding the EASY and Most Expensive resolution chose to spend money on these two.
In addition there is the cost of the law suits that were a direct result of the stubborn arrogance of both Schwab and Berry that was supported by the City Council by not listening to Citizens Concerns about City Supported Development Projects. This cost is a result of their actions not those that were forced to file a case against the City.
Citizens should all look at the recorded version not the minutes of the city council meeting. Councilman Walt Stanckiewitz and Jim Miller were bringing to the point that the current spending plan is 200,000.00 above the projected income, and that the expenses accrued to date exceed revenue and have been funded by the "Reserve Fund". Their underlying concern is that fact that Revenue Projections are expected to be less than budgeted. Property values and sales tax receipts continue to drop or be taken by the state and county. Jim Miller said this City is Bleeding Cash and it has to stop. The Revenue Projections are not sufficiently detailed for the City Council Members to have any assurance that they will be sufficient to cover the city's accrued expences and those for the remainder of the financial year.
Council Member Bea Cortes giggled repeatedly and stated she did not understand the financial reports in front of her. The Mayor and Lee Ann Garcia were also giggling about their own incompetence at reading and comprehending the financial reports.
How did city get to this state? Well, in great part it is a result of the City Council being the puppet of the Scwhab/Berry team for all these years. The blanket approval of all staff recommendations including their self serving pay raises and house purchase and cars.
The City Council's decision on the price paid for a replacement City Manager shows a continued spending spree. There are many city employees who work for just above minimum wage, no car allowance or phone paid by the city. The inflated cost of the City Manager's Contract should have been addressed prior to the new hire negotiations being done.
Walt and Jim are right. No business operates without a cash flow report and a cash flow projection. This is something this blog and many citizens have been asking for in the past. We were told... you just don't understand financial reports and how finance is done.
Now it is clear that Cortes, Ferrie and Garcia also don't understand either. Walt and Jim are relatively new council members who have seen the light... Insufficient Data, or Data compiled in a way that it covers up, or confuses the public and council is leading this city to the poor house.
The Mayor's concern was that we don't find that GT is going to suffer the same revaluations that Colton has. Well Mayor, if you add up all the debt of the Redevelopment Agency and the City and compare that with the "Reserve Fund" and Expected Revenue (Discounted for the slow economy and state actions), you will find we are in the same financial situation as Colton.
It is time that the City Council Members stop being paid auto, medical, and meeting expenses and stipends and insurance. The part time City Council Members should not have any more benefits than the lowest paid part time employee has.
It is time that the City Council focus on bare necessities such as water, trash, sewer, police and road repair. All association fees and other perks need to be cut.
The City Council must stop thinking there are hopes of increased sales tax revenue when the Citizens are not earning more to spend. If anything spending will decrease and sales tax revenue will decrease. Just as property values have decreased so will the property tax revenue. These adjustments to revenue expected will blast a bigger hole in the "Reserve Fund". The City has done nothing to increase the Income of the Citizens in Grand Terrace, (other than a few within city management).
It is time for Garcia, Cortes and Ferre to stop giggling, or be removed from the council. The City has been damaged by them enough. Jim Miller is not running again as he has been damaged and had enough of the City Council that feed him to the sharks Schwab/Berry.
Reassurances of the Finance Director hired by Schwab/Berry team mean zero to the public. He failed the City Council in the past and did not report problems he should have. There is no reason for there to be trust in his projections or numbers.
The new City Manager has a plate full. Lets wait and see if she will step up and take a pay cut or will lay off minimum wage employees, part time employees, or child care workers, in order to find funds to support her income. Lets see is she has the strength to hold contractors to their contracts and takes an aggressive stance in getting the best services for the lowest price for the City and Citizens.
The new City Manager has quite a job to do if Grand Terrace is going to get past the legacy left behind by Schwab/Berry/Cortes/Ferre/Garcia machine.
The Citizens should be concerned very concerned. Cortes/Ferre/Garcia should know it is no laughing matter that after all these years on the City Council they don't understand financial reports they have been approving because the Schwab/Berry said that they should approve them. Now is an interesting time to begin to ask questions. Ya THINK?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Shell Game or Development or Redevelopment??
Lets take out the past history of how things have been done under Schwab.
Schwab had his own agenda. Under Schwab and the city council, turned the citizens against one another. With the hiring of new people, maybe there will be more of a house cleaning.
Maybe the city will be more honest and up front with the citizens of GT.
The City wants more money coming in. What will the City do to get it?
What incentives will the City give to Staters or another developer?
(Didn't work out so well with Jacobsen).
In what extent will the citizens allow the City to lower cost of fees?
Pay for upgrades that normally developers pay? Is the City paying for the environmental document and studies again?
Are the residents of GT going to allow the City to cause more blight, with emptying the existing shopping center? The City has already caused blight with the housing destruction on Barton Road. Loss of Homes, Property Tax, Coustomers (Sales Tax) and Community Members. Fewer Consumers and Bigger Stores is not going to increase Sales Tax Revenue.
What next, the current shopping center that has been there for the residents and Small Businesses of GT is it to be cast aside. Has the City Redevelopment Agency made offers to that owner to stimulate economic development and opprotunities for the property owners and local entrapanueres or businesses?
If the City is cutting a deal and investing with Stater's Bros., shouldn't there be a new RDA agreement for the public to see? Shouldn't there be a public hearing on what the city is investing with Stater's?
There should be a Public Hearing for the public's input and a time line(the City didn't keep to the time line with Jacobsen).
It shouldn't be smoked screened about getting something bigger and newer.
The residents have a right to know how and in what way the City is spending their money.Citizens have the right to know what proposals have been offered. From the newspaper, Stater's will buy the property from Jacobsen. Stater's will build their own store. Stater's and the City will do a give and take. Citizens should be informed on the new RDA agreement, incentives andproposals.
There should be a public hearing. The Public should take an interest in the procedure and give input. One last thought.
Some of the GT residents don't want to shop at our neighboring cities because of the traffic. Grand Terrace is going to have the same problem in a very short time. IF NOT... THERE WILL NOT BE AN INCREASE IN SALES TAX REVENUE to the city. GT Citizens can't or shouldn't spend more than they are already spending. MORE COUSTOMERS and INCOME is required before MORE SALES and Sales Tax is possible.
Also From the Email InBox:
My neighbor is relocating the new restaurant he established here in GT to another location about early summer of 2010. yep. Packing up the now sucessfull restaurant and moving to Riverside, along with two other restaurants the owner has been talking to.
What brought on this move?
A signature for a new lease on the building is when, but why?
Ask the GT Mayor why current businesses are relocationg to other locations?
Could the present City Council be anti-small fry and more into big frys?
Also ask the Mayor, if the full majority of employees for Stater Brothers live in another city and take their paychecks along with them, how does that benefit us again?
I am confused here. Small businesses that provide residents of GT a paycheck IN THE TOWN THEY LIVE and SPEND would be more sustainable than a Mega Staters that will kill several of our local businesses.
Yep. The city in the past has been more interested in attracting a big name and putting on a big show than providing real value to the community. Examples of this folly continue. Perhaps the New City Manager will hear public input and take this opportunity to address some of these matters that are impacted by the City's Actions.
Businesses who operate in Leased Buildings are always at the risk of having their rents increased upon renewal. I haven't heard of commercial rents going down to be an aid to struggling businesses unless it is in a Government Owned Development or Building some where.
This is a problem on many levels and in the past Rent Controls for housing were used to real in excessive costs for living space. Government has not done the same with commercial space in the USA, but it is coming close to becoming a requirement for some businesses, and communities. The Economic Do Over that is needed for the entire country is hampered by excessive property, energy, and medical care/insurance costs.
How can the city help. Well folks at one time could sell items from carts, or trucks, or on street corners with a permit of course. The street vendor may find he or she has enough business to pay rent for a shop. BUT, there is no lower rung in our economy or society, these days. City Codes and Elitism of we don't want that in our community type thinking has removed the lower rungs of economic innovation.
City Codes restricting the use of your home office or home business causes some to just not try. These areas are where a City Government can stimulate a Freedom that does not exist in other communities.
IF ANY RDA project hurts an existing business, Citizens Pay. I agree the Citizens have paid more than enough for the folly of Schwab/Berry/Ferry and Co. Their efforts do not add to the sustainability of Grand Terrace as a community. Inflated home and commercial property costs will continue to be a burden on a community that does not have jobs that can support the population that lives on the island of Grand Terrace.
We have long lost the ability to even feed our self. Our few real resources are Water, Wilden Pump. Archer Meats (Jerky) and labor we export like a slave workforce that pays the Company Store and never gets ahead.
Look to who likes this system. The Company Store Owners, and the Land Owners. Sorry to say it folks. Property Values, and Zone or Property Use laws need to be pushed back.
All homes in GT should be considered places of business and employment centers of some sort. Make it easy for the citizens to start a home business. The City or Bank could facilitate collection of sale transactions and of course get their sales tax accounted for.
Yes, all property value and rents should continue to drop to a level the productivity of the local economy can support. Remember the old rule 1/4th of your income for housing or rent. If a business could move into and pay 1/4th of their income up to the Market Price, for rent, it may be a way to get new business to try to put roots in GT. Perhaps the City could write an Ordinance that Commercial Property that is Vacant for more than 90 days will fall under a Business Incubator/ rent Control Program with the above requirement, or face fees for the cost of an Unoccupied Commercial Building to the City. Loss of Sales Tax, and job opportunities for the citizens this is the cost to the city of a empty commercial building. It can be calculated.
Some plan needs to be developed to facilitate both land owner and renter. This may be extreme but at least it is a thought. The best plan is to have some of the land owners to enter into this type of benevolent agreement on their own.