Brian Sent a 2nd Email and Replied to the First several times. I hope the presentation is readable...
Brian R
Wouldn't you agree that there must be a rule for public speaking? Can you imagine how long these meetings would go if we had 25 people speaking with no limits. This is just common practice and common sense. Think about it guys, don't just oppose everything, think about it!
Gramps Replied:
Dear Brian:
I assume your emails are all for the Blog in that you address the guys.
Actually I don't agree that people will go on and on. Public speaking is the least favorite thing for humans to do. It is unlikely that a person would speak longer than 5 minutes, Perhaps a rare individual would speak for 30 minutes like Mr. Johnson was allowed to during public speaking time. He was extended the courtesy of an extended time. He was not asked to summarize. The Mayor's practice of interrupting a summary to say "Please Summarize" is a demonstration of rudeness, and her need to lord her "Power" over the peons she rules over.
I think that council members should not be able to speak about non City business such as what restaurant they like, what service club they are associated with and so forth these items are not on the agenda and are not directly related to city business. I think that the Water Poster Awards and "Special Presentations" and Photo Ops with Jack Brown are a waste of the Citizens time. So if you are truly interested in speeding up the meetings these things should have limits, long before the public comment on agenda items, or non agenda items should.
Perhaps we can have a middle ground and say a 15 minute limit to be extended by ANY council member by giving the floor to the speaker to continue. I also think the issues raised to the council and staff should be put on the next agenda or answered by the staff and put into the next meetings agenda and responded to in writing not only to the individual but to the public. Of course, I think government should be done in the open, with the free and open sharing of ideas, concerns, and knowledge.
Brian Replied to Gramps Reply:
Brian R
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply to Gramps Reply....
Dear Brian:
You may not think those in "Power" should practice the golden rule first, I do. I also agree that some public speakers out of frustration "Lose it". Know, that this is after many, many, many times of being treated badly by City Employees, City Council Members, and this frustration often is emoted at the Council Meeting without the Public knowing the back story of the frustrations.
I have never found returning poor behavior of any kind results in improved behavior or communication, but that is me. Your contention that the Council is Rude because the Public is Rude, is interesting. Perhaps it would be news to you that there was not a 3 minute rule untill the current Mayor established it. Grand Terrace Meetings went on without hard feelings, rudeness, and topics were talked out. That was before you moved to Grand Terrace in 2003.
I would think a person saying "Thank God for Eminent Domain" is as offensive as anything that has come out of the mouths of the folks who raise issue with the city's operations. As if those who are against the use of ED are somehow un-Godly, heathens. I am not one who would stop all speech I find offencive or rude. It takes courage for folks to speak and I am more interested in the Issues and Ideas trying to get through the communication, even when it is rude.
I am not going to address personalities of people who speak at the council meetings. They are the Public. I do consider the discussion of the Issues, decision making process, decisions, and public actions taken by Council Members, and City Staff appropriate. I don't care who ate mustard with their hot dog, however, I do hold them to a higher standard of conduct, as that comes with the Power they have.
Brian's First Email: Reply, Reply and Reply.....
Brian R wrote:
I've just began reading this blog and have a few questions. Why do all of the postings seem to be decidedly anti-city? I enjoy a good debate about issues, both local and national, but every issue has two sides (not just yours), and I've noticed that the majority of posts have no identifying information. If you truely believe in what you're saying...why no name at the end of a post? Its easy to propose wild theories, make baseless allegations, and have absolutely no evidence to back anything up, when you cower in the shadows of an unsigned rant. Just curious. Perhaps you do have good points, but they're buried in the pile of rubbish that you put out daily. Finally, what are these recall petitions about? Does anybody care to make a case, backed by facts and evidence of course, for recall, or is it simply another smear tactic?Thanks for your time, whoever "you" are,Brian Reinarz
Reply to Brian from Grandpaterrace:
Dear Brian:
I am going to Forward my reply to others why may want to add to Grandpaterrace's reply. I answer for myself. They may have their own answers. Here is mine:
Welcome to the Blog. Your question will be addressed in the order they were written.
Why do all of the postings seem to be decidedly anti-city?
Your question suggest that the "City" is for the use of Eminent Domain, Increased Debt, Almost No Services Provided to Youth past the age of 13, the use of the Redevelopment Agency for the purpose of increasing the wealth of a few individuals at the cost of lowering the Peace in Grand Terrace, the use of closed meetings to discuss what Could be spoken about in public, the non reporting of crime statistics, the use of the City Employees to intimidate individuals and business, then I'd agree this blog is anti-city.
However, I think this blog is pro-city, as I view a city as being a group of citizens who live in a local who should be participants in their governance.
Brian's Reply:
I may have mis-spoken. I meant to say "anti-city government."
I may have missed it, but the city DID NOT ultimately use eminent domain.
Where are the posts congratulating the council on their compassionate decision not to use eminent domain in this instance. This seems to be proof that they do listen to all resident's concerns. I happen to agree that no government entity should take a private citizen's property for the economic gain of another private citizen or company. GOOD DECISION COUNCIL!
I like "Plan B."
I've noticed no "lowering of peace" in the city. I do agree however, that our Sheriff protection issue needs to be looked at. The deputies assigned to this city need to remain in this city, not in Loma Linda or elsewhere when they're needed here. I believe that we have next to no police coverage on most days.
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply:
I think You Missed it. The council decided to let Jacobsen Be the Developer, on April 13. He was directed to go ahead with Plan A and Plan B and was given the idea that there was not enough votes to support ED on the Property. In addition, the City's Legal Staff conceded that IF they were to use ED there would be considerable problems as a result of the Tactics used by the City up to that point.
It wasn't until after April 17 when there was a removal of the request for the use of ED by Jacobsen, that the City Manager announced it was off the table. The City Council did not Decide one way or the other on the ED Issue.
As a matter of fact. The only Council Member who stated he would be against the use of ED on the Town Center / Stringfield Property was Council Member Miller. Hilkey said he'd have to wait for more information if it came to that, and the others remained MUTE.
This not noticing a "Loss of Peace" may be because you are a rather new member of our community. Cars being broken into, car theft, public drunkenness, domestic violence, armed robbery, and the amount of drug use, and availability is new to our half a cop town.
I am not anti Plan B. I am anti more Drug Stores/Liquor Stores, More Bars dressed as Dinner houses.
I am against construction prior to the plans for the 215 and Barton Rd work is done, and the Status of GT Elm is resolved.
I enjoy a good debate about issues, both local and national, but every issue has two sides (not just yours),
I could answer this by saying its my blog and therefore it is my opinion. The people who write for the blog do so knowing the past behavior of the city includes harassment of many forms. Some of the writers are known to myself, some are not. However the only editing of what is posted is to insure that it is not X rated. No one stops a non conforming opinion to be posted. I being the blog master welcome all posts that say PLEASE POST. So if you have something to say and you want your name on it, I'll post it.
Brian's Reply to the Above:
Without evidence, I absolutely refuse to believe that this city, or any of its employees engages in harassment of any sort. These are just people trying to make a living. There is no dark conspiracy at work here.
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply:
You might want to ask Jo Stringfield about harassment. You might want to look into the use of Code Enforcement Officers as a tool against particular businesses, while other "Friends of the Council" are permitted to violate code after code.
You might go into the city office and ask for a copy of a particular document or letter. Perhaps one that may cause them to think you may consider them to not be acting in the best interest of the citizens and see what res ponce and result will be come your reality. As long as you fly under the radar with blinders on... all is well.
If you want to go further back as an indicator you may want to have a chat with Dr Halsteads family.
and I've noticed that the majority of posts have no identifying information. If you truely believe in what you're saying...why no name at the end of a post? when you cower in the shadows of an unsigned rant. Just curious.
I have already addressed the reason that some folks request not identifying information regarding their posts. Whether or not I believe what "I" am saying is not truly relevant is it? The purpose of my being a non-identified person is that there is no credit to an individual. Often the past the council members and city employees would try to somehow deride critics with the phrase, "they or she has political ambitions". Well Gramps has no personal political ambitions, so why bother putting a face on the blog. It is not about the personality of the Blog Master it is about the actions of the Council and City Management, and issues of Grand Terrace Governance.
Perhaps you do have good points, but they're buried in the pile of rubbish that you put out daily.
Your welcome to comment on the items you think are rubbish... I suggest if you only want to read a few articles about GT, and have them all supportive of the city's current management you should stick with the Blue Mt. Outlook, they have to look at GT through Rosy glasses as it is their goal to sell GT. My goal is to make Grand Terrace a place you want to Stay and live in.
Brians Reply:
What I want is INTELLIGENT debate. In the absence of proof, we should assume a rosy glasses outlook. No responsible citizen should just hurl theories and accusations out there. BACK IT UP!!! Show me, for example, that something was untoward about Schwab's home purchase, and I'll join you in the public denouncement of the transaction. BUT YOU JUST SAYING IT LOOKS BAD DOESN'T MAKE IT SO!! Do you understand that? You call people's reputations into question with no facts.
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply:
I have provided you with facts you have a right to rationalize them anyway you want, as do I. Fact is, You can't go into the city and ask them to use RDA funds to buy a house, then have the City Buy it, and let you work off the debt, or even make payments on it. IF you don't have that right, neither should Mr. Schwab. IN addition IF you had that right, the negotiation, purchase and sale should have all been done in the open, and announced in public. IT was NOT.
Fact: Loans made to City Employee with RDA funds.
Fact: Medical Payments Made to Council Members and Particular City Employees.
Fact: Tom Schwab Lied in PUBLIC to Council Regarding Budget, and Stater's Lease being Signed.
Fact: City Contracted Services for Planning Departments Mr. Koontz reek of conflict when HE also works for a FIRM who does business with the City.
Fact: Tom Schwab negotiated the above.
Your comment that you want INTELLIGENT DEBATE implies that I am not INTELLIGENT. I suggest that you don't trouble your self with the Idiots, dolts, un informed. For sure don't read the Blog... or ask questions of the Council or think about the issues raised. Follow the Dictates of Tom Schwab and the Council without question... Go Forth and be Happy.
Brian's Reply:
You keep screaming about eminent domain. The council agreed and chose not to use it, but you keep right on. Give them the credit they're due. They agreed with you for crying out loud. WHAT DO YOU WANT??
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply:
Eminent Domain is still possible in GT. I am against the Possible use of ED for the purpose of transferring property from one private individual to another private individual. UNTIL the power to use ED this way is made NOT POSSIBLE in the city. I will continue to SCREAM. That is still an issue on the table. NO one in GT should have to be in the situation Jo Stringfield and her neighbors found themselves in.
Finally, what are these recall petitions about? Does anybody care to make a case, backed by facts and evidence of course, for recall, or is it simply another smear tactic?
First of all the petitions have the cause or reasons stated for the recall. To understand the reasons more specifically you may want to review the Large Budget Debts of the City, The land transactions of the city, the Law Suits the actions of the city have caused. The folks on this council those named in the recall are being recalled as a direct result of their actions and decisions which have been a detriment to the city and citizens of this city. Recall laws prohibit the recalling of persons who would face election in 6 months so not all offenders have been named in the recall effort.
Smear. If particular individuals feel "Smeared" perhaps it is due to the mud they have created by their own actions. The issues and documents provided are not fiction. If making their actions and statements public is smear, perhaps they whom feel smeared should adjust their actions.
In closing. Thousands of Emails, Hundreds of Posts and a year and a half and not one cent has been earned or paid to "Grandpaterrace". There is no financial reward for providing this blog to its readers. Council members get health care, and reimbursed for non covered medical expenses, travel, and other perks with the Power they have as they serve the citizens. It is the opinion of this Blog Master that the citizens have been ill served by the current ethics and practices of the City Council and City Management.
The Blog started as a result of the City Council and City Management saying they could not, or would not post the arrest and crime information of the city. Issues have grown to include Eminent Domain, Development, City Management, City Finance, and so forth. EVEN the 3 minute rule of the Mayor is of issue.
Brian's Reply:
What budget debts. WE HAVE A SURPLUS!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!
I've already addressed the land transaction. Show me.
The law suits are all filed by the same people who wring their hands about law suits. How crazy is that? If you want fewer suits, stop filing them. The money used to defend these suits could be used for...oh,I don't youth programs. Let's be part of the solution, not the problem.
Recall is for extreme circumstances only, not the whim of a few. If you don't like the actions of the council, campaign against them and don't vote for them. Any decision that a public official makes is going to anger 30-40% of his/her constituency. We can't recall everybody because we don't like their decisions or leadership style. This would be chaos. Think about it. Run for office perhaps?
Gramps Reply to Brian's Reply:
Recall is for extreme circumstances. It is extreme when the City Manager, LIES to the Council and is retained. It is extreme when the combined budget is a large debt and that is in part due to the miss use of funds. The recall is because those being recalled will continue the current practices which quite frankly the city can't afford on many levels, financial and legal. There will be folks to run for office in an effort to Open the City Government up to the PUBLIC and Make a Full Audit and provide Accountability.
I haven't filed a law suit. I am part of the solution, I provide a place to show the documents the city wont post on its web site. These documents are provided by individuals who have suffered insults and harassment from the city employees when they ask for what should be public documents. I provide a place where actual arrests are reported and kept available. I assist folks find common interest in issues. What have you done?
Welcome to the Grandterracenews.blogspot.
Brian's Statement recorded in the City Council April 13 Minutes.
Posted on the blog:
Brian Reinarz, 13909 Vivienda Court, stated that he has been listening and reading about the Town Square Project for quite some time. He has read accusations of conspiracy that involved the City Council, the City Manager, Jacobsen Family Holdings,LLC and some people would have him believe that all three bodies are conspiring to destroy our way of life. He indicated that he works in a crime lab so the first question he asks when faced with any issue is why. Why would City leaders propose and support a project that would significantly damage our City. The only conclusion he can come to is they would not. To hear one vocal opposition group talk, everything that the City does is evil and has malice. He doesn't feel that this is a productive discourse and he feels that it is flat out not true. If you disagree with an issue or a position that is one thing but the baseless allegations and scare tactics such as hords of teenagers rampaging through town destroying everything that they can affects the credibility of the accuser. He feels that he speaks for the majority out there that doesn't have time to come to the meetings. He lives in Grand Terrace and his daughter goes to school here and plays soccer here and the residents that he has discussed this project with over the last year or so are firmly for the project and virtually all are in favor of Jacobsen completing the project. He stated that it is easy to say that there is a conspiracy when things don't go your way but doesn't feel that does anything to further intelligent debate no matter what the issue is or who you are debating with. He sees good people working hard to make out City a better place to live. I think Council has shown that they are really looking out for everyone in the City. He feels that once everyone cools off they will realize eventually that this project is good for the City and the Council will make the decision that is best for the City as a whole.
This has been posted in the Minutes Section of the Blog..

Monday May 22, Traffic Committee Meeting
7:00 to 8:30 PM
Community Room, GT City Hall
Chaired by Council Member Jim Miller.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
May 2006: Other Development News
Wednesday, May 24th, 2006
5:30pm to 7:30pm
Bring your Business Cards and Brochures
Everyone is Welcome!
Door Prizes
No Host Bar
City of Grand Terrace, Community Room
22795 Barton Road
“Progress Through Partnership”
Grand Terrace Area Chamber of Commerce
21900 Barton Road
Grand Terrace, Ca 92313
(909) 783-3581
Why should you go? EVERYONE is EVERYONE>>> and Food...
Town Center Concerns: Read and Use the Link
YOU May want to Read How Jacobsen Family Holdings Deals with others. Note in Redlands there is a Cost and Income Estimate in the presented data... How Much will it cost the City to have Jacobsen's Project in Grand Terrace. The Drug Store's Income is cut in Half by increased City Costs. So IF you use the same formula the 500.000.00 income will result in 250,000.00 of costs.. But, that is using a Drug Store example, not a Bar, or Lowes.. which no doubt would have a higher cost to the city.
From the Email InBox:
At the past Council meeting we got to watch three Council members show that ineptness can be turned into a fine art. Councilman Miller and Councilwoman Garcia were the only two that showed a lick of sense with a "NO" vote. Essco wants to build in project zone one in the Outdoor "Retail" "Adventure" Center. Except that the General Plan and the Specific Plan and the State and the County and the EPA and CEQA say "NO" and
Attorney Johnson spent a good 30 minutes explaining all the laws to them. That there are no options. What?, Do you think he just makes this stuff up and comes to the Council because he thinks your all so charming.
You cannot build in the project area until all the guidelines and compliance with the law and been met. Maybe you can get Mr. Jacobsen to build new burrows for the owls at cost. One is that Commerce street has to be extended to Pico street before a shovel full of dirt is turned. Schwab and Koontz may bamboozle the building in but the County by law cannot issue a certificate of occupancy. Also projects must be completed in the order they are started. By law nothing else should even be discussed until the OAC is built.
God love her, Bumbling Bea Cortes said, and I paraphrase " If it's good enough for the Planning Commission, it's good enough for the Council. Thank you Councilwoman Cortes. Where it usually took the whole City staff to get us into lawsuits you did it singled handed. When you have two lawyers telling you the numerous legal reasons why you can't build, I would suggest you listen to them over Mr. Koontz and Mr. Schwab. Don't be a sock puppet for anyone on the Council or in City Hall. Stand up and be your own sock puppet. You don't wrangle a vote if your totally ignorant about what is before the Council. Better yet, try reading something instead of always talking through your hat.
Think about it "Staff Recommendations" have been responsible for all the law suits you and the City are mired in. If you listen at times, even if you don't agree, an informed Council member will sound so much better than one who is trying to make people believe she knows what she is talking about, when after the first two multi-syllable words it obvious she doesn't. By not listening to Mr. Miller, who, by the way again was cut out of the information loop by Mr. Schwab, and Mrs. Garcia, you, without a doubt have given yourself an issue to be used against you in the next campaign, should you decide to run.
Mr. Johnson sent a letter addressed to each Council member, through Mr. Schwab, explaining where the City once again is in violation of the law and once again Councilman Miller spoke out that the first he saw of the letter was when Mr. Johnson handed him a copy at the Council meeting. Why would Mr. Schwab want to deprive Mr. Miller of this information? Perhaps Mr. Schwab is again misleading Mr. Miller as he has the City as a whole for years. If any public official was deserving of the bums rush it's Tom Schwab. If your spouse lied to you as much as Tom Schwab does to this community you'd divorcee them. Not here. We don't even get a trial separation, nope, we just get trials.
Lets see, whats left to sue the City over. The high school and the peaker plant and I suppose Essco will be forever grateful for Schwab and Koontz dragging them into a lawsuit. You can bet it's coming. Because of Councilwoman Cortes not having the foggiest idea what she is doing and if she did she conceals it well, she has left Mr. Johnson no choice but to sue. Instead of caution and study lets prove to everyone that you can be just as inept as the "Mayor" or maybe even more and that's a feat. I'll bet your Mammy Yokum boots, that instead of clowning around with the goofs at City Hall Essco will just pull up stakes. If they do I hope they take the fence down that Schwab let them build in the middle of Commerce street. You can't park a motor home on your own property but Essco can fence off a public street for storage. Maybe they don't know we have a self storage just down the street.
Here's another point of view. Mr. Harper does not loose money when he has to represent you at court. Going to court maybe be just a sideline to being a bond "counselor" but he does charge for trials I'm sure. After all he is a lawyer isn't he? There may be a reason he does not speak out with a loud voice and sound advice at Council meetings. They do distract from his Tex Messaging. Beep Beep Beep Beep or was that Mr. Schwabs Blackberry.
Look Who's Reading, Nearly Every Day:
Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 64.168.120.# (Best Best & Krieger)
ISP SBC Internet Services
Now We know that Best Best & Krieger has the Mayor's Son working for them.
Now We know that Boomersparks is the Management of Castle Park in Riverside.
What we don't know is why Best & Best and Krieger is using as a IP Server. In the past their visits came from their Corporate IP Server.
Who get billed for the reading of the blog during BB&K hours?
BB&K started visiting the blog about the time the blog posted the Mayors Contribution Reports which do not indicate in detail the contributions given to the "Friends of ......" .
Interesting,,,,, very interesting.
From the Email In Box
Can you imagine walking out your front door and being greeted by a 10 foot wall only 10 feet awayand on the other side of that wall are idoling diesel trucks waiting to make deliveries at all hours of the night or day. That is what citizens of Pascal will be facing.
It is a sad thing to have so many children in Grand Terrace who can't get along without inhalers to help them breath. I know what I am talking about, because since moving here, I too have had to include regular doses of albuteral to my daily routine.
I have been approached by City employees, City Planning Commission, and City Council accusing me of hiring an attorney and placing the lawsuit on the City. I have been yelled at, told to go back to where ever I came from. I have been told that it is my fault for living where I am and that I shouldn't stop their progress.
All sanity has left our elected officials. They want to get the Lowe's in and don't care what it costs. What would cause such cannibalistic behavior. Why are the council members and members of the Planning Commission willing to do whatever it takes?
When asked why the projects the City puts in look so different from the proposed plan at the Council Meeting, they tell me Mr.. Koontz has free license to make any changes he pleases. So the Planning Commission and the City Council are just for show?
So, in order to answer all the acquisitions put to me by City Council, City Management and City Planning, No I am not grandpa terrace. But if you want to know who he is you can log on to
I am not "Citizens for a Better Grand Terrace" although I do support their efforts.
I support a safe Grand Terrace. I believe it is possible to build a "village" scale town center that will produce taxable income. That would be more enjoyable for the citizens. I believe it is possible to build a City Government that represent the majority of the citizens instead of themselves. I believe it is possible to protect the children and their children, who will be living here long after we are gone.
Cynthia Bidney
1. Should your tax dollars be used to help a developer acquire land in our City?
Yes or No
2. Should a city have the right to take private land for financial gain?
Yes or No
3. Should “big box” stores like Lowes, Walmart or Best Buy be built on Barton Road? Yes or No
4. Would you like to see a “village walk” shopping center with smaller stores and family friendly presentation on Barton Road? Yes or No
5. Are you aware that a large commercial development is to be built next to the freeway between Pico and Deberry? Yes or No
6. Are you aware that Grand Terrace Elementary is planned to be taken out and there is no plan to replace it? Yes or No
7. Are you aware that more condos are planned to be built on Deberry? Yes or No
8. Are you aware that a High School is planned to be built at the end of Pico next to the freeway? Yes or No
9. Do you want to see a 5,000 seat stadium at the high school? Yes or No
10. Do you feel the City: Planning Department, City Manager, City Council are representing the citizens accurately. Yes or No