Wednesday, June 20, 2007


GRAND TERRACE: On the lookout

GRAND TERRACE - You need to be vigilant about possible pot farms cropping up in the city.

That's what the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department is asking for after seizures of millions of dollars worth of marijuana in raids on Inland Empire homes in recent weeks.

Be on the lookout for suspicious-looking homes where all windows are blocked out, continuous humming noises come from inside the home and people come and go at odd hours.

Contact the sheriff's department at (909) 824-0680 if you suspect such activity.


There is a connection between the arrests for use and sale of controlled substances, and the distribution chain of the substance. There is a connection to petty theft, domestic violence, and graffiti to the use of mind altering substances including drugs and alcohol.

As a community we should not allow our family members or neighbors to consume drugs. Getting them help may be getting them arrested first. We should not tolerate public use of drugs. We should be vigilant about pot growing houses, houses that have under age drinking, and loud parties with drunks driving home. Good social norms begin in the home.