Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Action Needed...

Why is apathy, another term for passivity, submissiveness, and even numbness, reaching epidemic proportions when it comes to social, economic, environmental, and political issues? Symptoms include lack of awareness, concern, social responsibility and action, which includes voting.

Among the factors that cause apathy is our society's orientation toward entertainment. We have become a nation of observers watching with increasing enthusiasm as the sensationalism of the show intensifies. Presidential debates have even become an integral part of the entertainment industry.

Within our own city of Grand Terrace, there is little interest in what is going on behind the scenes in City Hall, until it comes to your own neighborhood. Who is responsible for the lack of funds for children's programs, the increased density housing, increased traffic, and overall lack of freedom in our City and the disrepair of our streets and parks? The answer is City Council, who takes direction from the Planning Department and most of all City Manager, Tom Schwab. City Council votes to impose more restrictions on the citizens of Grand Terrace and then tells you about it after it has been done. I'm wondering if the purpose is just to fine as many citizens as they can to raise more money.

The botched attempt of a survey was for the sole purpose of attracting developers to Grand Terrace. The main concerns are the Barton Road Project and the Outdoor Adventure Center (or whatever they are calling it now). While Council was forcing people out of their homes by voting in eminent domain and empowering developer Jacobsen, Highgrove is building, and the High school project is being neglected.

We are now forced to increase Mt.Vernon and Michigan to four lanes to accommodate the projected traffic through Grand Terrace. This is encouraging to the present Council, as they would like nothing more than to build box stores on Barton Road to bring in revenue. The problem with this project is the impact of noise, pollution and privacy on the neighborhoods surrounding this project.

Grand Terrace is so small, but the developers who are behind major building only see dollars and the present City Council supports them.

I know the people of Grand Terrace are hard working and many travel more than an hour to get to work, find it difficult to find enough time to spend with their family, take care of their property, and make ends meet. But if the old timers aren't dethroned, we will all be forced to live with increased traffic, pollution and noise and they will be moving to quiet states with our dollars.

It will take strong citizens to turn the City of Grand Terrace back into a community for the citizens who live here. I personally would love to see lots of people run for city council and force a more democratic society. I would like to see more people who have a vision for the citizens and not themselves. I would support and vote for someone who isn't afraid to stand up and be counted. I would love to see those people who have put together the community my family enjoys - the real citizens who have put together the sports and activities involved in building a new City Council come November.
