Tuesday, February 24, 2009

25,000.00. for Homeowners?

Gramps .............................. Here THEY Go Again:

Grand Terrace Redevelopment Agency is planning to use 25,000.00 for home improvements of yard and paint, and garage doors. The plan is that 1000.00 grants will be made for the purchase of material, and the labor costs would be covered by the homeowner.

This is an example of what the REAL purpose of the RDA Funds should have been all along.

WHY NOW? Is this part of the settlement of a law suit? Is this in preparation for an audit or making of a statement of how funds were spent on the existing community and not just on a few New Development Projects? Is this a front of some kind?

When the Mayor continues to report that the City has a "Reserve of 10,000,000,000.00" but fails to say in the next breath the RDA has a debt of 14,000,000,000.00 then there is a false concept of financial stability. The City YES YOU THE TAX PAYERS of GRAND TERRACE are the co-signers of the RDA DEBT. So it is as if you have 10.00 in your checking account but owe your credit card 14.00. You should not be crowing about how financially stable you are.

Add the interest to the cost of that debt and you have problems.

The requirements for spending RDA funds are written. Grand Terrace has routinely neglected the distribution of funds for low income, individual homes, for person not of Senior Citizen demographics. The RDA has been mislead by the same Tom Schwab who has been on medical leave nearly a full year, who has gotten a raise and a home... well above the average compensation of a "Normal" Citizen in Grand Terrace or a City Manager of any town this size in the Nation.

This flagrant waist is being hidden by the good will a few dollars being distributed to a few home owners and businesses. That makes 125,500.00 designated spending after the city had to lay off people at 100 percent lay off, to save under 200,000.00... It is true the RDA funds can't go to pay for the wages of the people laid off. However, IF the City Manager, and City Office Staff took a 10 Percent Pay and Payments cut, they could have continued the same staff.

No like the Bankers Mr. Schwab, Mr. Berry, the entire City Council continue to protect their own interests and are not functioning on the behalf of the Citizens of Grand Terrace, their share holders.

It is time they adjust codes to allow for the people struggling to hold onto their homes to share homes and have renters contribute to the expenses of the homes. Many of our fellow citizens have suffered unemployment, or layoffs, and or serious pay reductions and are thus having a difficult time paying for a mortgage they could afford if they were encouraged to share their homes with folks who still have a job, but perhaps can't afford the still inflated rental costs of apartments or homes.

The only way we as citizens can pull ourselves up by the boot straps is if the City gets off our NECKS and lets us double up the number of people or families in a home, have businesses in all homes, and to allow and promote the food security of our community by allowing small flocks of hens, fruit trees, and other food generating activities in our community.

How different GT would be if every home had several fruit trees, avocado's that provided fruit different times of the year, and old fashioned Victory Gardens for Fresh Vegetables.

YEP, it is time... to get your foot off our NECK City Council... Let us help our self... leave us alone. Again, IF you take Blight Money, your property may be a target of all Future Blight related Action... Be cautious... about accepting the label of BLIGHT on your property. IT Gives the RDA rights over your property and home.

What exact Magic Abilities earn Mr. Schwab or Mr. Berry their 170.000.00 per year or 140,000.00 per year incomes? The City Clerk can sign the three or four contracts the city needs to have administered. Lets see there is TRASH, Police, Fire, contracts, a few Road Contracts, and the Parks and Public Land to Maintain... This could be done by a High School Graduate. What have either of these men brought to our city in a clean above board open negotiation or effort? ZIP... ZERO ... NOTHING...

It is time they are their own budget cut and let the Clerks and Secretaries take care of City Business. No doubt they are doing the work anyway...