Saturday, November 14, 2009

Will it happen in GT?

Citywide layoffs may be brinksmanship with unionized employees
Norman Oder -- Library Journal, 11/13/2009
Newspaper report: libraries closed for rest of fiscal year
Library message: libraries closed "until further notice"

No one in offices on a Friday

Unable to gain concessions from unionized city employees, the small city of Colton, CA, sent nearly 60 employees layoff notices and closed the city’s three library facilities indefinitely as of today. Colton which has about 50,000 people, is located less than three miles from San Bernardino; housing values have dropped 40% in a year.)

While the Contra Costa Times reported that the Colton Public Library Services of two libraries and a homework center—would be closed for the rest of the fiscal year (meaning June 30, 2010), the situation may not be that drastic.

Interim City Manager Bob Miller, whose request for a 15 percent pay cut from employee unions had been rebuffed, said the unions could respond with their final offer by November 17, the newspaper reported. While the city has a $5 million deficit, the layoffs and closings would save only $4 million.

Library messageCallers to the library receive the following message: “Due to recent budget cuts, all library facilities have been closed until further notice. Materials may be returned in the return slots located at each facility. We hope to reopen the libraries as soon as possible.”

Given that city offices in Colton operate on a Monday to Thursday work week, no one was available today to answer questions. The California State Library also has furlo days on the first three Fridays of the month.