Thursday, August 04, 2011

A Look at RDA from Someone Other than the Pa

Emails have been questioning why GrandPaTerrace has been more patient with Mayor Stanckiewits, and the New City Council and City Manager.

Let's get right down to it. I don't agree with all the decisions being made at the City. I would like the Citizens to have the opportunity to see the reality of a real bare bones budget and city operation. Perhaps this would be close the parks, close the Senior Center, pay for only Fire and Police, and nothing else. Or even stop being a city all together and be satisfied with County level services. At some point in time we should ask are we getting our money's worth? Is being a City better than being just part of the County? Are we missing out on some efficiencies because of our City Ego?

Now that being said. Mayor Stanckiewits and the City Council had a real campaign and the electorate was engaged in making an informed decision. NOW it is time to govern. All are dealing with what was left them. It is not like we are in an economy without trials, or that past administration left GT in financial order sufficient to stand without difficult decisions.

I will say I am less than impressed that Betsy Adams has not surrendered her contract compensation so that others may be retained. Basic services like mowing lawn and cleaning public toilets are in some ways more important to a city than a City Manager.

Council Member's McNaboe, Hays, Garcia are up for replacement or re-election this election cycle. It is important for Citizens to offer up an alternative candidate with alternative ideas so that voters have a choice in the election and direction of the City.

Citizens and Service Groups are stepping up, and filling in the needs of the community in ways that had been smothered by the prior administration. Civic Activity by Citizens and Community Groups is sustainable and beneficial on many levels of human endeavor. Citizens, commute long distance to their jobs, raise their children, participate in sports activities, and yes will spend time cleaning up a park or painting a wall. For the folks in City Hall earning big bucks to need a cleaning service to carry out their trash is a bit offensive. Sure the cleaning of ducts should be done by a professional, but really people working at city hall, take out your own trash and scrub a toilet now and then. Do you have maid service at home too?