Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Citizens were not informed of the Forum:

PAWW... where was the Pre-Forum Press or Invites or Notice? I as a citizen would have attended the forum. The people who don't know the candidates should be invited to the event....... that is the function of the PRESS to keep the PUBLIC INFORMED..... A forum where only invited guests attend serves no purpose to INFORM the Public... OUR NEWS PAPERS ARE FAILING US...

Six Grand Terrace council candidates express views
Stephen Wall, Staff Writer
Article Launched: 10/22/2008 08:56:36 PM PDT

GRAND TERRACE - While many political campaigns have turned nasty and negative this year, the race here has been clean and civil.

Six candidates are competing for three seats in the Nov. 4 City Council election.

Two incumbents, Councilman Jim Miller and Councilwoman Lee Ann Garcia, are hoping to fend off challenges from Robert Mendez, Dontay Nunn, Walt Stanckiewitz and Doug Wilson. Councilman Dan Buchanan is not seeking re-election, ensuring there will be at least one new face on the five-member council.

On Tuesday, the candidates exchanged views on crime, economic development and other issues at a forum sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Miller, a real property manager for San Bernardino County who is seeking a second term, said he would ensure that public funds aren't wasted on poorly planned projects.
"My vision is to make sure we have controlled growth that falls within our budgetary constraints," said Miller, 60.
He said the city should seek state and federal dollars to bring a larger library to the community.

Miller has shown an independence and willingness to bring problems to the attention of the other Council Members. Even so he has been fairly ineffective to prevent poorly planned projects. His desire to have the City's Redevelopment Agency in the Business of Controlling the Economic Future of the City is not reflective of having a Free Economy, some may say it is outside the rights of Individuals and Businesses Rights to their own determination of what is best for them. In spite of this Miller get's my vote for now.

Garcia, who has served on the council since 1996, said she would continue the city's history of being fiscally conservative.
"Unless we need it, we don't spend money on it," said Garcia, a 46-year-old owner of a marketing and consulting firm. "This year, we're being even more cautious."
Garcia said her priorities include public safety, quality development and infrastructure improvements.

Not spending money we don't need to spend. That is a NEW IDEA. Garcia is happy to have the City Pay to be Members of a Political Action Organization that has the intent on supporting Developers ability to use Emanate Domain to Force the Redevelopment of Private Property for Profits of Developers. She supports paying for trips to Washington, and other places to Lobby for Pork. She takes money from outside of GT to support her campaign. She often appears to be ill informed of the issues on the Council's Agenda, and even when she expresses a counter opinon she will vote however Tom Schwab desires. I do not Vote for Garcia. Except: She voted no on Fireworks.

Stanckiewitz, the owner of La Pasta Italia restaurant, said he would offer a unique perspective as a small business owner.
"We don't make promises on things we may not be able to deliver," said Stanckiewitz, 58. "When the economy gets better, we can start to take a look at our wish list."
While he said the city needs another sit-down restaurant, Stanckiewitz frowned on home-improvement warehouses and mega-retailers.

Stanckiewitz in other public and published statements was aggressively Pro Development... even suggested support for the use of Eminent Domain against the last "Hold Out Land Owner". I can not support anyone who will support the use of Eminent Domain for Private Development or RDA Development that is just dressed up Private Development. I can't vote for Stanchiewitz... I do eat his food on the other hand...

Wilson, who has served for 17 years on the city's Planning Commission, said he is the most qualified to deal with land use and development challenges.
"I want to improve the vitality of our downtown and increase overall property values," said Wilson, a 55-year-old business consultant. "The city runs on the revenue of businesses. We need to maximum our earning potential by encouraging quality self-sustaining development that doesn't rely on the pocket book of the taxpayer."

I am worried about a statement... I want to improve the vitality of downtown... This is an over reach of the authority of Government in a Free Market and where People and thus Businesses have PROPERTY RIGHTS. It is not for the City to determine Development,... A city can have proper roads, communication systems, water and make things easier for business but.... the expressed ego and suggested Over Reach of Governmental Authority or Involvement has me worried about Mr. Wilson. He has served well, and he has shown respect to land owners and developers who are not in collusion with the City Manager's Redevelopment Agency. So,,, I support him with reluctance...

Mendez, a San Bernardino County fire prevention specialist, said the city should try to attract a hotel and a grocery store such as Trader Joe's.
"We need to get more businesses into the community to bring in more revenue," said Mendez, 56. "We need to keep our revenue here instead of it going out to other cities."
Mendez also supports bringing a paramedic program to the city.

Mr Mendez has ties to folks on the Council and within City Government which I do not trust or respect. I do not think he has demonstrated anything that would suggest he would make a well informed independent decision... More More More is not sufficient. I do not support Mr. Mendez.

Nunn, 21, said he has limited knowledge about financial issues. He said he is running for office to help "the youth of Grand Terrace" have a safe place to hang out after school.
"We need a skateboard park or community center for these kids," said Nunn, who provides in-home care for the elderly. "If we ignore these kids too much longer, they're going to start gangs and create violence."\

Mr. Nunn... I support. Refreshing... Honest, about the limits of knowledge shows an awareness and the first step in the learning process. His focus on Youth is NEEDED on the Council. We have sufficient representation of the Real estate and Development Interests on the Council. I would encourage him to support a Youth Center / Business for Youth Center where our young folks start up their own small businesses.