Friday, October 24, 2008

Gala in the GT City News?

GrandPa here is a question for you:...

In this weeks GT City News there was a long report about the GT Gala. The Mayor praised the town of GT enjoying a "conservative" life. Then the article went on to report about the lavish accommodations, entertainment and food provided to the attendees. It also identified the Acting City Manager Steve Berry as being the person who Hosted, and Organized the event.

Well, here is my question. Where is my invitation to attend the Gala? How much time of a City Employee is being spent on Party Planning for a Few Elite People in GT. Is this being conservative? Is wanting more revenue from Sales Tax on Alcohol Sales "conservative"? Is promoting a consumption economy and not a production economy conservative? Is ending all farming and green spaces other than Restricted use Pocket Parks and Parks, "conservative"? Is having 14 MILLION or MORE in Redevelopment Agency Debt Bonds... "conservative"...

Well, where is my chocolate piano, on WALL STREET or HONEY HILLS?

A Community Spagetti Dinner.... that was the conservative way of having a GT Gala... But, leaving town to host a party for a few of the "select" is not what our City Council or Mayor or City should be doing.

It is time to end these peoples grip on the Community.... It is time for the folks not at the Gala to be put on the City Council.