Thursday, October 01, 2009

Connecting the Lack of a Contract... to A Contract...

and you get a "Conflict"? Remember this..........

The city of Grand Terrace is taking steps to eliminate its contractual arrangement with Terra Loma Real Estate (Owned by Gene Carlstrom) for property management services..........

Bea Cortes may still have to answer Conflict Charges of her own. She approved payments to the Real Estate Agency where she is a Realtor, benefiting from the Office Overhead and Services provided to her there. She has also advertised as Mayor Protem and Terra Loma Real Estate Adds linking the two.

In this situation there are contracts negotiated and voted on, in addition to payments made on the consent calendar. Bea Cortes's past active cheerleader like support of Steve Berry, may well be a future challenge much more serious than those faced by Jim Miller.

Perhaps the practices of Past Council Members, City Staff and Planning Commissioners and other service providers will come under a Microscopic Audit of their own. We can only hope...

Has anyone interviewed Steve Berry to get his "Official Opinion" on the Miller Trial? Just wondering if Mr. Annon has something to add to the discussion.