Sunday, October 04, 2009

Special Meeting... Angers Citizens.

The Blog has received emails expressing outrage with the City Council's "Special Meeting" to be held in the Conference Room on the 2nd Floor. The time and place designed to keep the citizens out of the process of selection of a City Manager. This after the City Council and city Attorney had done so well with the Schwab/Berry Administration. This after years of bad legal advise from the City Attorney.

This is a summary of their concerns.. the citizens have not even had the show of an opportunity to voice their comments as to what they desire in a City Manager... after having been abused all these years... at a minimum the public should have an opportunity,,, a REAL Opportunity to participate in the selection process or at minimum the criteria for hiring. Including often mentioned in email a limit to the number of years a City Manager can work in the city, and a limit on the income, and benefits paid to the city manager. In general we don't want a King, or Pope or Dictator, that has been done and it wasn't productive.

The Citizens want to return to a bare bones City that pays for Trash, Water, Fire, and Police Protection. The Citizens want the RDA to END... in a quick but orderly wind down. The Citizens want an OPEN GOVERNMENT...

The Citizens should be informed that the individuals being considered have had a complete criminal back ground check, and education checked, and Googled for their online information and posts.

The Citizens do not trust this Council not to repeat the Schwab/Berry Years by their selection of a similar person.