Monday, December 14, 2009

Health Care is a Local Issue:

Health Care Reform is a National Issue that has been avoided on this blog. However, if you look at the cost of running the city it is in fact a local issue too.

First of all what should be covered? What is reasonable cost? Who should be covered? All are good questions even at the local level.

Employees who work full time should be covered for on the job injury and basic medical coverage. Basic medical coverage includes the treatment of communicable diseases and infections. It should not cover breast implants, Viagra, or cover injury off the job. Part time employees should have the same coverage as this base. Any additional coverage for off the job injury, or for example Cancer or any other non communicative disease or disorder should be covered by an added insurance paid for by the individual not the City.

IF this were true the insurance companies could offer a Basic Medical Policy for all people at a reasonable cost. People wanting additional coverage for injury in a car accident could pay via auto insurance. If a person smokes, part of the cigarette tax should pay for medical costs. If a person skis he should have ski injury insurance specific to the risk of that activity. This could be part of the lift ticket expense or paid on an annual basis. If you drink booze the tax on that should be high enough to pay for all the injury you cause to others, and the liver transplant you may need in the future.

As for non smoking people who get cancer or get some other medical problem such as cancer. If they have chosen not to have added coverage then they die un-treated. Perhaps the good citizens will provide pain medication for the end of life. However, deciding who should get millions of dollars spent on to cure them and who doesn't get a cure is a no win situation, and should be removed from the issue of Social Basic Medical Health Services.

Why. Well, if some one has a communicable disease it will soon be available to visit upon every door step in a community. This is why infections and other communicable diseases should be covered by a Universal health program or insurance that should cost less than 100.00 per year to administer. A base line of coverage.

Back at the city level. City Council Members who at best are part time should not be getting full medical benefits and having their co-pay paid by the tax payers in addition. The part time employees who are exposed to medical risks on the job and just being in our community do not have even the Basic Medical Coverage above. Of course if hurt on the job they would be covered for an injury. They are not covered if they get Sick by being exposed to a communicable disease such as flu or cold or perhaps something more serious but curable if treated.

Is there a need for reform. Yes.

There is also a need to assess why we can justify spending thousands or millions to save one life from cancer and yet not spend 100.00 to provide basic medical coverage for the masses.

We also have to get a grip on the fact that it is ok for the guy on the street to die from cancer, than it is ok for a Senator or City Council Member to enjoy the same end. In one way or another it is likely that the Senator or City Council Member is party to the cause of the individual being on the street and sick.