Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ex City Manager Tom Schwab's Contempt of Law and Public

Ex City Manager Tom Schwab's recent quote in the Grand Terrace City News. He challenged the idea that the City Council could pass an ordinance, a law, that the Citizens would obey. He said, "There is no way you can stop the discharge of fireworks in Grand Terrace, because people will go down the hill into Colton and purchase them and then bring them back up here to fire off."

Following his logic, we should not have ordinances against riding skate boards in parking lots... that law is violated daily. When the offender loses his skate board he just goes down to Colton and buys another one and brings it back here to ride again.

Following his logic, we should not have a leash law because people who live out side of Grand Terrace dump their unwanted animals in our town.

Following his logic, the City Council and Law Enforcement is Powerless to enforce a City Ordinance, as if under his management City Ordinances were all enforced 100 Percent of the time.

FACT: Law and Fire Officials all said it is easier to enforce a total ban than a partial ban.
FACT: There have been fires and injury caused by the sale and use of "Safe and Sane" fireworks right here in Grand Terrace.

Once upon a time long long ago, fireworks were not allowed in Grand Terrace. Some people would purchase them in San Bernardino or Colton and the family would go to a large parking lot to fire them off in San Bernardino. Sure even in those days you had a few people who violated the County Ordinance/Law. Some were fined, some got away with it. However, the risk was less than current days. We have more homes closer to hill sides. We are not using goats and sheep to trim the hills and road ways.

Citizens should be offended by Ex CM Schwab's assertion that a significant number as in ALL of them will violate the law. He is suggesting that the general population of Grand Terrace has a Criminal Mindset.

Tom Schwab's low opinion of the Citizens of Grand Terrace and the function and efficacy of a properly working City Council and City Manager indicates he was not fit for his past position or any future position in the future.

There is a way to show your support for the sports teams:
Don't buy any fireworks.
After a failed sale then donate the CASH you would have spent to them directly. Send a note that says I will donate this every year you do not sell fireworks. If you sell again there will be no donation or sale.

No profit going to the Fireworks company who seems to be an influence on Ex City Manager Tom Schwab. Remember Tom Schwab got contract raises while he cut support to Parks and Recreation and brought to the council the grand idea of allowing fireworks to support the teams and eventually even the City's Enforcement Efforts which did not work all that well.

To Encourage the Council Members to ban fireworks we should make it only legal to use Fireworks on streets where they and the Sports Team Board Members live.