Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jacobsen Bailout Park Will Cost Taxpayers

The location of the Proposed Jacobsen Bailout Park is shown in this picture made available in the Lion's Club News Letter. Note many readers are less than pleased that the Lion's Club and only a FEW SELECT people have been informed of this proposed land purchase and the building of an additional park. This is a Bail out for Jacobsen and nothing more. There is a need for real improvements on Grand Terrace Rd. There is a real need to replace the Terrace Pines Mobile Home Park that Jacobsen Raised in his and Schwabs Grand Plan for a SUPER CENTER along Barton Rd.

The City of Grand Terrace does not need to add to its land ownership. The City already owns property that could be developed for park land. This additional purchase has the single purpose of bailing out Jacobsen who was following the directions of Former City Manager Tom Schwab when he purchased and distroyed the Terrace Pines Mobile Home Park.

The city may not get an approval for a park in that location given that the housing element removed has not been replaced.

Nope Mr. Jacobsen, sell your property on the OPEN FREE MARKET and yes you will have to suffer a loss. This is almost fair as the land you forced people to sell to you or the city was not able to go on the OPEN FREE MARKET.