Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Starting Point: Going Back to move forward.

Budget Cost equal to the cost of Schwab's Retirement that would have been caused in part by the illegal transfer of funds from the RDA to the City should be removed from the obligation of the taxpayer and state. The same reduction in long term retirement obligations for the Planning Department and Finance Department Heads should also be reduced to represent the amount of their income not funded by RDA Funds.

All stipends and City Council Benefits supported by the RDA funds should be cut to zero.

If the transactions were illegal, those who proposed them and voted for them on the advise of Professional's should be required to repay all funds they received as a result of their action. Even if the funds are fungible, Those who approved 4 million of ill spent money, should have to repay all the funds they received during that time period directly or indirectly or deferred as retirement. Perhaps the City Attorney should also be required to return his fees as he sat by when the transactions were approved, raises negotiated, and obligations and costs inflated, to be paid with ill gotten funds.