Sunday, February 20, 2011

West Side Park Revisions: NO RESTROOMS

Added from Email: This looks like an invite for the city to be taken to court for ADA violations as Public Parks should have Restrooms and Sanitation Facilities that are ADA ready, if the Park is "Public". A handicapped child using Susan A Petta park may have a law suit being that Children can not go into the Senior Center to use the restroom, yet restroom facilities are available for the "Adult" public.

Well, here we go again. Make a Park you can't use in GT if you have a child or an elder that may need to use a restroom. The Revised Operational Budget of just over 10,000 per year for the proposed park is cut to that in part because the Park Plan has been revised to not include Restroom Facilities.

Well, folks, that makes public health a problem. Your going to have picnic facilities and no place to wash hands and or take care of other human bodily functions.

Is the park going to be called Human Feces and Urine Park? PUBLIC PARKS need to have PUBLIC RESTROOM and HAND WASHING FACILITIES. GADS People... if you are a neighbor to this proposed park your going to have people relieving themselves along your fence line, it will be a stench and a health hazard.

Better, an empty field, than an attractive nuisance of a half facilitated park. Relaying on neighbors to open and close the park is fine, however, will the neighbors be picking up human poop left behind because there are no flushing toilets for public use?

Isn't this like a big ADA Violation being planned to justify spending money to bail Jacobsen out of a property purchase in GT? This park deal smell bad and it looks like it will smell worse in time.