Wednesday, September 27, 2006

From the Email Inbox: GT Kid Friendly City ?

DATE: September 27, 2006

Grand Terrace presently has Tiny Tots, and Day Care, and Tai Kwan Do which are city income producing programs. The parents of Grand Terrace created and support soccer, baseball, and basketball up until "maybe" junior high school. I say maybe because not all kids are interested in sports. So where do the pre-teens and teen agers go in Grand Terrace?

Grand Terrace has the potential to be a great family oriented City. In fact that is what the founders set out to do, according to the original general plan (which was written when separating from Colton). I feel our Planning Department, City Manager, Assistant City Manager and City Council lack vision that include our children and families.

About seven years ago the registered voters of Grand Terrace voted against an across the board, no accountability, 5% tax increase the City was asking for. I voted against it because I felt we needed accountability. Because the increase did not pass, the City cancelled what few extra programs we had for the children. There was a roar throughout the parents who felt the city was retaliating.

The next thing we hear is Maryetta Ferre saying "if we don’t build more tax producing businesses we won’t have enough to run the City". Steve Berry says we don’t have money to fix our streets. Lee Ann Garcia says we are not in debt, we have $5 million.
Who is telling the truth? Is it too much to ask for honest people to run our city?