Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Schwab & Jacobsen & Eminent Domain

For those of you who are interested in the topic of Eminent Domain, Schwab, Jacobsen, and the "Negotiations" with Jo Stringfield please read the Documents contained in these posts. Note that the City has not "USED" Eminent Domain, however, IT HAS THE RIGHT TO under City Ordinance, and it has Threatened the Use of Eminent Domain, long before the City Council Authorized the getting of an Appraisal, so that the RDA Director had "Official" ability to enter in the negotiation process. The Documents Come from the CITY read them, and ask yourself.


Council Member Feree, and Council Member Garcia, and Council Woman Cortes have not even spoken favorably on Securing the Property Rights for ALL Citizens in GT by Reversing the Ordinance that allows the use of Eminent Domain in Grand Terrace by the City or RDA for the purpose of Private Development. True, they have not used Eminent Domain on Jo Stringfield, they may have promised not to... However, the fact is, they can, and future forced sales can be put upon a citizen land owner in Grand Terrace, and they have taken no action to change that fact. This is the truth. The above are the CITY Documents, or Jacobsen Documents, or Lawyers Hired by the City of Grand Terrace.
This Non Protection of Property Rights is Reason to Recall or Replace these
Council Members : Ferre & Garcia & Cortes
From the Email In Box:

Dear Gramps:
Mr. Schwabs employment contract allowed him to purchase an R.D.A. house and use the City as his personal banker for several months. A house he was not qualified to buy, but over qualified to buy. The home was to be sold to a low income family, which he was not and is not. Someone was cheated out of a home.

According to the letter from the District Attorney Mr. Schwab told them he was "Required" to live in the City. His contract states differently. I know it is a violation of the law to lie to a law enforcement official conducting an investigation. This appears to be the case and Mr. Vanella seems to be complicit in this sham as has been the D.A.'s office when it comes to wrong doing by the politicians in this county.

Less we forget the past Sheriff burglarized the Sheriff's Office gun locker many many times stealing over 500 guns and he walked. That was the deal made with the D.A.'s office. If they do it for one, then justice should be meter out evenly. You or I do one burglary and we are going to prison.

It's strange that Mr. Schwab did not need to buy a home or be required to live in Grand Terrace until he lost his home in a divorcee. If he was required to live here then why didn't the City make his house payments when he was married as an "inducement" to live here. Why didn't all prior contracts require him to live here? Why, all of a sudden in the middle of the year on his contract and when he had to give up his house in a settlement did it become necessary for him to be "induced" to live in Grand Terrace? No other employees are "induced" to live here, save one, Mrs. Boustede who also has an RDA house that had a nearly $50,000 rehab done to it and sold to her for around $140,000 The City will not release her salary so I feel safe to presume she also was over qualified.

Can anyone tell me the benefit of Mr. Schwab living here or how many late night emergencies he has been called out on. If anyone should be "induced" to live here as a requirement of his job it should be Mr. Berry, after all he's our "go to guy" in case of a Haz-Mat problem.

Herein lays a bigger question and what I see as a fraud upon the taxpayers of Grand Terrace. The Dodson property deal. One million two hundred and ninety thousand problems. Mr. Schwab was the negotiator for the City in that deal that was originally a seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar property and one that Councilwoman Ferre lied about and said it had not taken place when it did. Former Councilman Gene Carlstrom handled the deal for the Dodson's and Mr. Schwab for the City. Does anyone in their right mind think that Mr. Schwab was going to look out for the taxpayers when he was beholding to the Dodson's? Ferre, Garcia, Cortes and Hilkey knew it. That may be the reason Councilman Hilkey voted against it and repeated many times at Council meetings that it was not a transaction the City had any business getting involved in. Two Council members voted against it. Mr. Hilkey with Mr. Miller reversing his vote later. Also do not forget this is not the first time Councilwoman Cortes has been employed by Mr. Carlstrom. She was employed by him in the past.

Mr. Schwab was the house guest of the Dodson's after his wife booted him to the curb. Does not anyone in this City get what is going on here. We don't have a City Council. We have a Council that is in business for their friends and has been for years. The trucking company is a prime example. The waiving of a $42,000 fee. Why?

It is my understanding that Federal Law enforcement now reads this website. The Citizens of this community need or demand that a Federal Grand Jury be convened to investigate the crooked dealing of this City Hall. We know the County District Attorney will do nothing perhaps a Federal Grand Jury needs to investigate them also.
Also From the Email In Box:
Dear Gramps In the Sun:
Who's to blame? In the Sept. 14 article by Stephen Wall (re: "Ruling holds up center"), Grand Terrace City Manager Tom Schwab states, "All this (lawsuit) is doing is delaying the project and increasing our cost." If the lawsuit were not with merit, then it would not have been successful. As the city manager, Schwab should know that environmental impact studies are necessary. He is the cause of the delay and should take the blame for his own oversight.
Grand Terrace