Saturday, September 09, 2006

Terms and Conditions Driving the Recall:

WHEN THE COUNCIL AND DEVELOPER THINKS OF Increasing the availability of Alcohol and Inducing Citizens and Non Citizens to Consume Alcohol at Bars and Grills in Grand Terrace is a safety concern for Children, and Adults.

WHEN THE COUNCIL AND DEVELOPER THINKS OF Inviting the accumulation of Day Workers seeking employment for the day invites workers and employers to violate labor laws. Included in the Day Labor Workers are People with Proper Documents to work. However, seldom are workers paid in a way their withholding taxes are paid. Seldom is there any insurance if any of them are hurt on the job. In addition, their legal and criminal status is a risk to the community, particularly children and women.

Putting in another “Drug” store in addition to a Full Service Stater Brothers with a Drug Store is a redundancy which can only be profitable if that is made up in Alcohol sales?

Increasing the speed efficiency through Grand Terrace will bring more cars. More Cars equals to more potential risk to the citizens.

Selling Land to CJUSD as a site for a High School lacks an eye toward the safety ramifications associated with that site. More than the effects of the power plant… No it will be a rail derailment that will cause the unsafe situation for the students.

The above are just a few of the Real Safety Issues not addressed by adding a Sheriff to the Patrol Coverage.

Accounting or in the case of this council… not accounting for the financial health and perpetuating actions which increase the debt of the city should be known by all.

The City of Grand Terrace/RDA has a Debt of nearly 17. Million Dollars in a long term debt. Yes the City has sufficient funds to pay the immediate bills. This 4.8 million dollar “Reserve” as it is often referred to be insufficient to Pay Down the entire debt. The City Council and City Manager has failed us.

The City of Grand Terrace has been requested to produce the Documents regarding the Following:

Public Notice of the Sale of the RDA House to the City of Grand Terrace.
Public Notice of the Meeting announcing the providing a home Sale of the RDA House to the City of Grand Terrace.
Payment for the House from the City to the RDA…
Accounting of the Progress Payment on the Agreement related to the “Earning of Value” on the House… Month by Month the city would pay IF MR. Schwab was employed. The Transfer of those funds from City Account to Banking Institution on the Behalf of Tom Schwab.

We did find a Sale of the House on the Record with the County.
Sale from RDA to City on the same day as the transfer from the City to Schwab. Not enough time for a Public hearing on either transaction.

A Letter from the DA regarding an Investigation of the House by the Political Corruption Unit. The letter misstates the Contractual Explanation of the House Being an “INDUCEMENT” for Mr. Schwab to live in GT. The DA’s Letter characterizes the “Inducement” as being a contractual REQUIREMENT, TO LIVE IN THE CITY. This is not a true statement. SO

The Case File was asked for under the Freedom of Information Act: This request was denied in total. The DA did not provide any of the required materials and redacting or held back any “Protected” documents, no he just said No giving the statute of

The State Code Referred to in the Denial for the Information Request details the Information that the DA is required to Release to the Requestor, and Yet NO INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED.

YES, no doubt this REFUSAL to provide a complete historical accounting and policy trail will no doubt end up in one court or another.

WHEN the City Council Persists in Making Decisions disregarding Professional Witnesses (in the case of ESSCO) and the Public (Some of whom are Professionals in the Fields of Development and Construction), and then they advise the Staff to Defend the law suits, hire more and more legal representation and experts, the City Council Members demonstrate an attitude that has so far been the result of Reversal’s of Approvals on Projects, and Plans. YES let us not forget, the Cost of the EVENT of going to Court and trying to defend what should be recognized undefendable by now.

WHEN the City Council Allows no bid contracts or developer agreements, and those “Plans” are rushed past and over zoning, and planning requirements… THE COST to the city will be legal fees paid to Mr. Harper and those of his Profession.

WHEN the City Council allows the City Manager/RDA Director and the Assistant Director/Manager repeatedly threatened in person, in letter, and in the press the use of Eminent Domain in collusion with a Designated Developer selected by the City Manager, they have failed to Protect the Citizens Property Rights and Rights to FULL Enjoyment of their Property. It is not enough to say we didn’t use Eminent Domain on Jo Stringfield. THE Potential and Real Threats Made by the City Manager must be contended with. THIS CITY SHOULD BE AGAINST ANY SUCH BEHAVIOR. City Council Members who purport to protect the Rights of its Citizens and Business Owners would not have permitted these threats and tactics to be used. The property rights issue is much bigger than Jo Stringfield.

When the City Persists in the conflict between zoning and General Plan, Housing Plan and Traffic Plan, and yes Specific Plans EVERY proposed development will be a potential law suit. IT is CLEAR that these Administrative tasks, of changing the Zoning, to be in align with the General Plan and the Specific Plans and so forth so that there is a Baseline of Expectation that a Land Owner, Land Buyer, and Developer can rely upon.

Currently the Zoning, and Plans are only used to prohibit the current land owners from selling or developing their land for their own benefit, and put the benefit in the ledger of the City Manager’s hand picked Developers.

When the City Manager Lies. “I saw the Signed Lease (Stater Brothers) on the desk.” And the council later finds out from Jack Brown himself there is no such lease, the City Council gives MR. Schwab a raise and an increase benefit should he be terminated, terminated even with cause.

When the City Manager withholds information regarding the disposal of city property specifically the Crown Victoria, it shows intent to cover up the deal. The Full Deal is still not documented. There is no evidence that the Purchase was made available to the Public, or other Bidders for the Property, No Public Notice of Sale. There is no evidence provided that Mr. Berry actually paid for the car, and where that money went if and when it was paid for.

When the City Negotiates with a Former Employer of One Council Member, the Current Employer of a Council Member, and the Man who provided the City Manager with Interim Housing at a time he was going through the typical Divorce Settlements, allow a sale price to be inflated from 800.000.00 to 1,200.000.00 without PUBLIC NOTICE until the check is cashed. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG>>> .

Tis in part the summary of that which cause interest and drive for the Removal, Recall and Replacement of the long standing Council Members. The documents are available on the blog, IF you want a file on a specific Issue, email a request and you’ll have it in a few days.




Each Day more and More Issues are coming to light. It is Important for all to be informed.