Tuesday, August 29, 2006

From the Email InBox: Reason to Recall Garcia

Dear Gramps: I find it most interesting that ALL of the cash contributors to Lee Ann Garcia were on the SAME date 12-14-04 including Doug Jacobsen, his broker Jan Brunn of Lee & Associates and the Building Industry Association shown as "BIA" and that was the SAME month that the exclusive development agreement to Jacobsen was voted on by the city council before their Christmas party.

Wouldn't it be interesting to look at those votes, and the dates of each of those check "contributions"? If the checks were before the vote, they could BUY the vote, if they were after the vote they could say THANKS for your vote. OR was it, just cash on the table?

Folks does this look like the appearance of conflict of interest? Do you understand why Garcia must be recalled? This woman is bought and paid for by the supporters as shown and -- by where she spends her extra time off work.

The ethics course will be an eye opener for some of these council persons who do not understand "no conflict of interest" -- except themselves.

http://ag.ca.gov/ethics/index.htm You can use the interactive course or the non interactive one. IF you are in office or running for office you may want to take this course and get certified.

As Grand Terrace Mayor Lee Ann Garcia said, "The future of government is collaboration." Now the counties, cities and schools need to figure out how
to get there.


Conference Manager
Lee Ann Garcia
22997 Jensen Court, Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Phone: (909) 783-0922
Fax: (909) 783-1880
Email: leeann03@pacbell.net

Gramps says: YES ETHICS TRAINING and the PUT THAT TRAINING TO PRACTICE. REMEMBER it is not the JOB of the PUBLIC or the Blog to PROVE there is a Law Broken, it is to call attention to the suspicion. IT is the Job of Law Enforcement, to take action on the report of a possible crime, and the COURT to Hear the Case, and a JURY to Convict or Not.

Collaboration between Levels of Government. The State Will Approve a Power Plant for AES, the City Will Sell the School District Formerly Zoned Light INDUSTRIAL ZONED Property, and the Colton Joint Unified School District will Build a High School for 3000 students and Staff, all in the same block and effectively adjacent to Railroad Tracks where Chemicals in Large Tanks will be traveling.

Will there be an evacuation Plan of having sufficient Buses and drivers ON SITE During School Hours, for immediate Evacuation in the Event of A chlorine Tanker Spill, or Derailment? To Concentrate a Population of Students in the area of high risks is asking for a disasters, more predictable than an Earth Quake.

Yes a New High School Is Needed. However, this proposed site, has risks and traffic flow problems that have not been well thought out.