Thursday, August 24, 2006

"RESERVES of 5Million" Dipped into..

It was for a refund TAB and was shown on the voucher at $1,650,709.35. To pay off debt

At the AUG 24, 2006 City Council Meeting there was an item on the Vouchers to be approved in the amount of $1,650,709.35. Now for those of you who are decimal challenged that is 1.6 Million. of the 5, or some times 4.8 million "RESERVE FUNDS" often referred to as proof of the city's financial health.

What was that money spent on... DEBT INTEREST PAYMENT... YES... DEBT INTEREST PAYMENT... DEBT that the City HAS as a RESULT of City Manager / RDA Director TOM SCHWAB's Actions which have been Approved by the City Council/RDA Board of Directors.

That is 1.6 million from WHERE? IF there weren't a DEBT would that MONEY have been available for other uses?

Thank You Council Member Miller for calling attention to the Voucher and its purpose. We Citizens would appreciate if the Voucher List was on the web along with the AGENDA... Perhaps you can make that happen for us.