Saturday, August 05, 2006

Interesting Details Continue to be asked for:

Schwab House Data: What Tom Schwab Does Not Want You To ASK:

Prior to the Purchase of the House by the RDA was there a PUBLIC MEETING where the home purchase was on the Agenda?

Prior to the Sell of the house from the RDA to the City was there a PUBLIC MEETING?

Prior to the Sell of the House from the City to Tom Schwab was it made available to the Open Market to be disposed of on the OPEN MARKET?

Prior to the Sell of the House or Provision of the House to Tom Schwab was there a Procurement Request Authorized and a Competitive Bid opportunity to provide housing for an Employee at a Competitive Rate on the OPEN MARKET?

Documents supporting the transactions including meeting notices, agendas and meeting minutes and record of votes recorded have been requested.

The time line indicated by the Dates on the Documents Filed and Recorded with the County Hall of Records indicate that the house was not transferred in accordance to the required procedures of governance in the California Government Code, and or the Regulations related to Redevelopment Agency Policy and Practices.

The time line suggests, that Mr. Schwab pre picked a home, purchased it with RDA Funds, then had the City Council Move it into a City Asset, and then to his Asset. WHY, well he did not qualify for an RDA HOME, and it was a way to finance the home he purchased out of RDA Stock, by maneuvering the City Council to provide him a House, in addition to his car, benefits, and above city average income. George Bush will not own the White House.

Moya, Sandra may also be an interesting interview in relation to the house, as her purchase removed it from VA Regulations, and she seems to have a pattern of flipping houses. It leads one to question if she was flipping this house at the request of the eventual purchaser, or was just "Lucky" to sell to the RDA. RDA homes are usually homes that have defaulted, or need repairs, in order to be sold on the open market. VA HOMES have to be inspected and pass in order to qualify as a VA HOME...

A 0

Ownership History
Name R/I % Int Type Acquisition Date Document Date Inactive Date Document Numbers

SCHWAB, THOMAS J SO 100.0000000 B 08/09/2000 08/09/2000
NONE 20000286267

CITY OF GRAND TERRACE SO 100.0000000 B 08/09/2000 08/09/2000
08/08/2000 20000286266

GRAND TERRACE COMMUNITY REDEV AGENCY SO 100.0000000 B 07/12/1999 07/12/1999 08/08/2000 19990291878

MOYA, SANDRA J SO 100.0000000 B 04/23/1999 04/23/1999 07/11/1999

SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SO 100.0000000 B NONE 08/04/1998 04/22/1999

NATIONSBANC MORTGAGE CORP CT 100.0000000 B NONE 07/13/1998 08/03/1998 9827087500000

SALINAS, DORTHY L CM 50.0000000 J 06/29/1981 03/07/1996 07/12/1998

*SALINAS, SAMUEL CM 50.0000000 B 06/29/1981 03/07/1996 07/12/1998

OH.... ask who was on the Council at the time of this Deal....