Saturday, August 12, 2006

Council Member Miller: Words and Actions

Council Member Jim Miller …. Husband of Marge Miller Publisher Owner of the Grand Terrace City News wrote an article regarding the nature and dynamics of the function of the City Council and City Governance.

His actions at the Council Meetings and his article are demonstrating a consistency in his character. He does ask the difficult questions, he does want the frank answers and after full and often heated exchange of opinion, and discovery of fact he is willing to say and vote his mind.

His description of the Community as a Family is interesting and appropriate. How often is it that the most Stick In the Mud, Cantankerous tells you like it is relative, is the one you come to in times of need? Some times that need is just the safety of knowing where the boundaries of right and wrong are. We all have that relative who we trust, and value their opinion and consistency. We may not socialize with them, we may not think they are all that fun, but they are the rock on which the family can depend.

Council Member Miller is demonstrating attributes of being one of those foundation rock types. As a new Council Member he is in that learning the ropes phase and thus far, he has done a good job, and has chosen to communicate openly with the community.

Thanks Jim.

Oh and Marge… Thanks for your efforts of providing GT a NEWS Paper… cogent to GT. Hats tilted for the Lady with Ink on her hands.

Rent UNCLE BUCK and have a Laugh… about family.