Friday, August 11, 2006

Healthy Families Presentation Interesting:

Our 7th graders are unfit. (We have no after school programs for them)

Community Open Space, or a Community Garden... OH no sounds like farming... Not in Grand Terrace.

Public transportation.... "Regrettably we will need to use Public Transportation if the Gas Prices go up"... Words spoken by a Council Member.

Time reduction makes a shorter commute... Gee I thought Distance reduction made a shorter commute.

Dance is a Good Family Activity... Love that idea... Great Plan..

Mentoring after school for 7 to 12 th grades... Half of our boys will drop out of High School.

Can we connect it to Video Activities, DDR, and other Physical activities and Mentoring/Homework Help Chits... for the games?

Perhaps Healthy Cooking Classes at the Fire House... "The Heat is ON"...

Sorry some ideas and suggestions slipped out...

If we invite more liquor sales and more traffic through town... Like a Chili's will bring... outsiders we need safe activities and places for our youth who have no parents until after 5:30 or 7:00 depending on the commute.