Thursday, August 24, 2006


NOW we know more about the Missing Car.

TOM SCHWAB provided some more information but no documentation on the FORD Crown Victoria. IT was purchased by a city employee (Assistant City Manager Steve Berry) for allegedly 1500.00 more than the "Trade IN" Offer from the dealer when City Manager TOM Schwab went out to by himself a new car, at City Expense.

WELL. HERE is the problem. THAT TRANSACTION is ILLEGAL. FIRST, the City has not shown receipts of the transaction. Was there actually money received from Steve Berry for the purchase of the Car? WAS that money deposited into the City's BANK Account? This is part of the record requested and still not provided to the requester.

THEN we must bring out that such a purchase is in fact an illegal disposal of City Property.

City Property to be disposed has to be done in a particular sequence and procedure. IT does not include a back room negotiation for a city employee to benefit from the sale and or purchase of city or public property.

SO the Car ISSUE is not resolved, it has just come to a new chapter. All is not right with the Car Deal.

City Property of any value should be disposed of at an auction where it is available to all the public to bid on the property. The Proceeds would be paid to the City. In addition, such sales may actually exclude City Employees as being eligible bidders as they may have "Insider" information which makes their participation in such purchases to be an Ethics Question and perhaps not allowed by law. Further information needed on this issue.