Thursday, August 24, 2006

Getting OFF of the Grid:

How can the City Government Impact your Power Bill.

Well there is no direct linkage between the two agencies. HOWEVER.

The City Can Eleminate the Requirement that All Homes be Connected to the Grid and have "POWER" on in order to be occupied.

Most People will not live off the Grid, but being Forced to Build ON the Grid, and Live on the Grid perpetuates the Dependency and the "INDEPENDENCE" of the Power Company.

New Development should be incouraged to be Solar Powered, and either Power Generators or OFF the Grid. CITY can Sponsor LOANS can be made available for HOME POWER SYSTEMS... to existing HOMES and BUSINESSES. The CITY as an Agency can DO SOMETHING about how we get power, and how we use power.

Flexing your Power... may mean to use a different source of power, and removing the REQUIREMENT FOR OCCUPANCY.

People all over the world live without the Grid... and some even with out power... Now I know this is not the desired outcome... However, when you hook up to a GRID, you pay what THEY SAY. IT IS TIME that the GRID be told we can live with you or without you...

The CITY can SAY that.