Sunday, December 16, 2007

GT Fire Station Makeover Funds Requested:

The City Council approved the idea of a Fire Station Makeover months ago. Funding the effort is before the County Board of Supervisors. They City of Grand Terrace has requested that some of the 1 Million Dollar Block Grant Funds Allocated to Grand Terrace Area be used for the Fire Station Makeover. Nearly 300.000.00 has gone for Street Lights and Road Signs. Recall the city allocated the limited "Discretionary Funds" to fund the Public Library.

This is a use of funds will benefit the Region and thus should qualify for the expenditure of funds. The Funds use are restricted for Improvements that have a REGIONAL IMPACT. As we know our Fire Department works beyond the Grand Terrace City Limits. Often you see it responding to fires and auto accidents along the 215 freeway.

The remodel if approved will take months, during which the fire personnel will be housed in Mobile Trailer units. Fortunately the City allows a waiver of the housing and trailer use for the firemen. (Don't expect such accommodation for homeowners who are faced with rebuilding or a makeover.)

Well folks. We support and recognize the need for the make over. Let us hope that an improvement in Energy Use and Production is included in the fire station makeover. The fire station could also be a place for Florescent bulb and battery recycle bins to be located and serviced. This would also have a "Regional Impact".

If the City Council could manage to convince the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors that there would be a beneficial impact if the City of Grand Terrace purchased the land for the proposed Highgrove/Grand Terrace metro link Station and Development it would be a worthy investment. Yes it is in Riverside County... big deal. For years the City of Riverside has been drinking water from our ground water. Let's get over where what line is where.

If the City of Grand Terrace Purchased the Land, and then Leased the right to build and operate commuter related concision businesses the Highgrove/Grand Terrace Metro Link Station could be an asset to the local community. Local Employment will benefit Grand Terrace. Yes, the sales taxes would go to Riverside... (That will help them like the "Deal"). But the lease or concession fees would go to Grand Terrace. Imagine the business model of Glen Helen Regional Park, but centered around a Metro Link Stop.

This will have a Regional Impact. This would have a benefit to relieve the San Bernardino Metro Link Station of some of its parking limitations. This would encourage more riders from existing and future residents of the Grand Terrace HighGrove areas to use Metrolink as a way to work in Orange an Los Angeles County.