Saturday, July 05, 2008

CJUSD Refuse to Have Air Tested and More


Let us review:
The Schools of CJUSD enjoy a dropout rate similar to the State of California. AT LEAST 50 % (One HALF) or (One out of TWO), Students will drop out of High School prior to Graduation.

IF you are a Male Student that number is closer to 75 % of the total male student population.

The High Schools of CJUSD are OVER Populated.

The Building of High School #3 has been so delayed that the funds to build the school are insufficient for a fully functioning school. a 500 seat auditorium for a school with 3000 students is not a proper design. A proper High School Auditorium should have at least 1000 seats.

In addition a High School should be built to facilitate the education of no more than 2000 students at one site. This is a well known standard for excellence.

How is this related to the refusal of the CJUSD to have the Air Tested at Colton High School. It is quite simple. CJUSD wants to remain ignorant or pretend to be ignorant of the health hazards related to the Air Quality of their Campuses near the Cement Plants and Freeway and Railroad Operations. Those of us who attended or worked at Colton High School know that the dust, noise and some times in the past even rocks fall upon the campus from the Cement Activities.

Why persist in ignorance? Well, if CJUSD doesn't have the funds to build HS #3 then where on earth will the funds come from to pay for the replacement of the two High Schools with potentially bad air and contamination? Who will pay for the mitigation of the risks. Air Conditioning and the Power to run them. Who will pay for the indoor sports facility? Portland Cement?

When a School District wants to remain ignorant on an issue such as Air Quality and Health Risks to its Students is it hard to understand that there is such a high drop out rate? There is a relationship.

If the students drop out, there is more room. If there were no dropouts in CJUSD the schools would be more populated.

Should we be REAL WORRIED about how the desire to remain STUPID about the Potential Health Risks at the other High Schools and how this Attitude will be applied to the Environmental Risks at the HS#3 Site and the AES Power Plant and Railroad Tracks near that school site?

A Solution:

Small Specialized School Sites:

Lease the KMart on Mt. Vernon.
At this site:
Have a School that has General Education and a Vocational Specialty of Some Sort.
There is parking, a kitchen for cooking, and sufficient space for about 300 to 400 students and staff.

Lease the Empty Thrifty Market on Washington
Again, a Specialty Site: Perhaps a Different Vocational Tract:

For Physical Education: the facility could provide limitations but not all PE has to be "Sports" Perhaps a Dance Class or Indoor activity could be used for a School Wide Physical Education Period each day. One Teacher, and all the Staff and Students Dance before Lunch.

Thinking out of the Box, rather than hiding in the box is needed for our students.

There are other facilities in our community that are either City Owned, or Redevelopment Agency Owned that the Tax Payer has paid for in one way or another. These Project Areas we have invested in should be "Taken" by the PUBLIC for the Schools our students and teachers need.

Thanks Gramps for your Blog.