Saturday, July 05, 2008

Fireworks in the City.


We have Service Men and Women suffering from PTS that have written the Blog trying to explain that they don't want to be bad neighbors, but the fireworks late at night cause them a stress they can hardly express in words.

I would think that this then equals an entire family under stress.

So for our friends neighbors and family members returning from War, and for our friends with 4 feet, please contain your use of Fireworks and the making of loud noises to the first hour after dark, and not let the party noise be a burden on others.

Issue to look into:

The City of Grand Terrace allows the Sale of Fireworks for the purpose of raising funds for the Sports Teams. YET notice that Stater's had Fireworks for sale in the store. Did Stater's get a special CPU for the sale of Fireworks? Did they have the fire department certify the safe handling of the Fireworks? Did they pay the City of Grand Terrace a portion of the sale for the increased law enforcement efforts? Or is Jack Brown above the City Codes of Grand Terrace?

Is it possible that Jack Brown donates the entire amount of the fireworks sold to Youth Sports in the location of the sale? I don't know, it just seems odd to find Fireworks near the Twinkies.

Note: The City of Colton has a Firework Show later this week for their City's Birthday.