Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CJUSD School Board OK's Air Quality Test

The CJUSD BOARD reversed the Superintendent's Decision not to allow SCAQMD the access to test the air quality at schools near the Cement Plants and Mining Operations. The reason offered at the Board Meeting and in the Colton News Paper was the "School Administration" was afraid of possible bad "P.R.".

PUBLIC RELATIONS or STUDENT AND STAFF HEALTH... hmmmm I think the next action the School Board should take is to replace the Administrator who would rather risk the health of students and staff than to face possible P.R. Problem.

This blog and others informed the School Board Members and Public and by these public actions brought the CJUSD Board to take action. If the Air is OK, GREAT if it IS BAD we need to address that. However, not KNOWING is not an OPTION.

Thank You All.