Monday, June 28, 2010

Is It Time for Bea Cortes To Resign From Politics: YES

Bea Cortes has become an embarrassment to her family, her city and her county and state. She should resign immediately from her position on the city council and thus SANBAG and all other functions and titles she has as a result of her being on the Grand Terrace City Council.

Grand Terrace should be ashamed of having her associated with our community. Her recent antics at JB's Bar should have tipped any reasonable person to agree she must go. To confront a citizen customer in a bar and then do it a second time is bad enough. The first question we should ask is why is one of our Council Members apparently hanging out so frequently at a bar. The second question is who on earth would go pick the first fight, " What did you say about me"? That has all the signs of the maturity of a person in Jr. High School. Then to do it again days later. How many of us would even recognize a person 3 days later, let alone amp up the situation with a 2nd confrontation in the ladies room.

Bea Cortes has demonstrated that she is not able to handle a social situation let alone a political one. She need to get off the City Council and deal with her personal problems. If her health and welfare is dependent on people only saying nice things about her while she sits in a bar she needs help, help that does not come from a Restraining Order from a Court.

Her use of the legal system for such a matter she brought on herself, and her prior statements about her relationships with people in high places, also suggest she is willing and able to use the system to her advantage and not to the advantage of the Citizens of Grand Terrace. A mature level headed politician would have received the criticism and thanked the potential voter for the insight and left the room. A super politician would have sat down and had a conversation with the individual in an effort to turn that person's opinion.

Bea Cortes only had one thought. POOR ME, IT IS ALL ABOUT ME.... ME, ME, ME... Why don't they kiss my feet. WHY WHY WHY...

When that did not work, she goes into I'll get YOU Mode. She promised to get Jim Miller. Now she is out for anyone who has the temerity to say they don't like her comportment and politics. The court system in San Bernardino County should be aware of how it is being used by Bea Cortes. It makes the citizens then ask the next logical question, why does she get away with it. What has she done for them?
Grand Terrace needs Protection from Bea Cortes. Is there a court that will help us? To think we have to wait for the court of public opinion or an election and she can run to a judge and court system where she has insinuated she has "Friends" is sufficient for her.
Oh Bea is now associated with a Broker in San Diego so she is able to sell real estate again. Be careful what you say in negotiations she may run off to court if she doesn't like it.