Friday, June 18, 2010

OK Vacation is OVER... I am Back....

Council Woman Bea Cortes in Bar Hussy Fit...
or was it a CAT FIGHT?

Get the claws sharpened folks. The news is that Bea Cortes has apparently be come a JB's Regular sufficiently enough to pay attention to who notices her and may be talking about her. HOW HIGH SCHOOL can you get. Remember she is a Council Member Folks...

In a Bar she takes offence at the "Looks and Gestures" another female patron directs in her direction. So offended she challenged the female patron to tell her to her face what she was saying. Not appreciative of that answer the had a second fit when the same patron was found in the ladies restroom on a second visit to the bar.

How many of us would recognize a person days latter? How many of us would have been sufficiently publicly humiliated for our own conduct to have just let the apparent insults go by. After all Ms. Cortes you are hanging out at a BAR and you yourself have sullied your own reputation by your own representations and actions.

Nope a mature adult who is free to conduct their lives as Ms Cortes seems to would just let the alleged insult pass the first time, and pretend to not recognise the transgressor the second time.

Ms. Cortes has no more rights to Civil Protection from insults than the fat woman in the store who gets immature glances from fellow shoppers. She continues to demonstrate her own immaturity, and arrogance and feeling of entitlement by her actions and reactions.

Oh poor Ms. Cortes she isn't loved by everyone in the city...

It is time we elect a sober and intelligent, mature, (NOT OLD) council member who has the CITIZENS needs first not their own petty feelings and self serving schemes.

Dear Gramps:

Ms. Cortes should receive a welcome feeling at all the up coming City Council Meeting. Citizens should whisper and glance her way all during the meeting. She is what she is, and I won't be voting for her that's for sure.

Dear Gramps:

Why is the City even thinking about Paying the City Attorney more for his services. They should be thinking about getting a Better City Attorney that will take the current one to court for bad representation and counsel.

Dear Gramps:

The call for Planning Commissioners to apply is interesting. Perhaps they will appoint some one who will hear all the public concerns and actually take public concerns to the council, planning department and to the developer. As it is now it is just a group of people who some times meet and only look at what is presented by the developer / planning department and does not respond well to public issues brought forth.

Dear Gramps:

Q: Where have you been...?

A: Gramps has been in an undisclosed location on vacation, away from the computer and email. I'll catch up over the weekend and then I'll be gone again for 4 weeks.

Dear Gramps:

Is the blog dead?

A: No but the issues are repeating over and over again so the need to beat the drum seems pointless. It is time that a couple of citizens get up and run for Council and get on the Planning Commission. GT needs to get a grip on reality and understand what is a REAL and Productive use of RDA funds and government spending.


Q: Why are they making La Pax Street wider is it for JACOBSEN. Why isn't he paying for the road work that will benefit his development while it will hurt the residents adjacent to him?

A: This is a good question for the City Council, and perhaps cause for legal action. To have this road a priority while Grand Terrace Road and Terrace Road are about to be come dirt roads is offencive to the general public the city council and government is supposed to serve. Not that they care much unless you are giving them a dirty look or making gestures... then watch out..