Wednesday, June 29, 2005
News Short
Disclosure: Or Mud Slinging Diversionary Tactics
To: grandterracenews
Subject: [GrandTerraceNews] 6/28/2005 03:16:42 PM
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005
Very interesting to see one of Grand Terrace's finest (T. Leon Berry) who has also been listed on the recent GT Arrest list with such a fine group of people!Birds of a feather!
--Posted by Anonymous 6/28/2005 03:16:42 PM
Anonymous 2 said...
The membership of the Community Awareness Group has no idea why or how there is any connection between the membership and Mr. Berrys' arrest. We have no idea who he is or why the blogmaster even referred to the Group and this person in the same paragraph. We are as a whole dumbfounded as to what the connection is or even how it is made.I can assure all of you our members had nothing to do with his arrest or know what he was arrested for. Our focus is on issues that affect the citizens of Grand Terrace and making them aware. We leave the law enforcement to the police.
4:33 AM
From: anonymous-comment3
To: grandterracenews
Subject: [GrandTerraceNews]
The Community Awareness group does not ask for your criminal history at the door when you come in. They have no way of knowing who has been arrested for what and to infer that we are a criminal organization shows the absolute ignorance of those making such a charge. If you want court case histories you need look no further than members and former members of the city council. Investigate for yourselves. Its an eye opener what some of the council and former council members have and are being brought to court over.
From:"Anonymous4" To:grandterracenews
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005
I believe the key word on the article is critics. The city is afraid of the people that bring information to the public they don't want known. I guess they will say and do anything to hurt those who tell the truth about them.
--Posted by Anonymous
Anonymous said...
To those that cast aspersions. Had you taken the time to get the facts on Mr.Berry perhaps you would not have shot off your mouth being void of knowledge. I for one am proud and privilege to have him as my neighbor.As an attending citizen of the Awareness Group,and after discussing Mr. Berry with other members we are proud that he has chosen to be a part of the citizens group and all welcome him. We support you Tom.
12:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Shooting off mouths being void of knowledge...seems real familiar around here!
1:22 PM
Comments: T. Leon Berry
to my neighbor's of Grand Terrace the second safest city in calif YOU now know the power of an Idea. let me or no one stop you "Save Grand Terrace"
posted by T. Leon Berry : 11:37 AM
Case 0505343079 Defendant 2079827 - BERRY, THOMAS LEON
ARRAIGNMENT07/07/2005 AT 8:00 AM DEPT. Case 0505343079 Defendant 2079827 - BERRY, THOMAS LEON S20
Critics of Citizens awareness Group suggest that the above arrest and arraignment casts a paler on the membership or the purpose of the group as a whole. This Blog has listed all arrests without regard to who is who is who. It has not listed all cases of individuals taken to court, for civil and business suites, or pending legal issues which did not originate from arrests in Grand Terrace. This blogs reporting of arrests is so that law enforcement can't be used as a selective tool of harassment by the city council or the City Manager. It may be interesting to know the whole story behind this case, but, the City's practice of not reporting crimes and making the situations known make full understanding difficult. In addition it is a cheap shot to identify a group which holds meetings in public, with no restrictions as to who walks in the door, with a particular individual who may have attended the meeting once, and could be a plant by the City For all one could know. Just because Mr. T Leon Berry was quoted at a meeting does not mean he represents the "Groups" Ideals, or Plans of Action. The Blogmaster included this post to show the maturity of the first comment trying to link Mr. Berrys case to that of the Community Awareness Group. This is a fiction, and smacks of mud slinging political tricks, a diversion or is it an attempt to intimidate other community activists in some way?
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Catch & Release Arrests
DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 0727ARREST
DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 0545
RELEASE DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 1710
DOB: 04/25/1980 SEX: M RACE: H
Charge Detail
HS11364. (a) It is unlawful to possess an opium pipe or any device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia used for unlawfully injecting or smoking (1) a controlled substance specified insubdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) ofSection 11054, specified in paragraph (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, specified in subdivision (b) or (c)of Section 11055, or specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d)of Section 11055, or (2) a controlled substance which is a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V. (b) This section shall not apply to hypodermic needles or syringes that have been containerized for safe disposal in a container that meets state and federal standards for disposal of sharps waste. (c) Pursuant to authorization by a county, with respect to all of the territory within the county, or a city, with respect to the territory within in the city, for the period commencing January 1, 2005, and ending December 31, 2010, subdivision (a) shall not applyto the possession solely for personal use of 10 or fewer hypodermic needles or syringes if acquired from an authorized source.
BOOKING NUMBER: 0506344508
DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 0737
ARREST DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 0545
RELEASE DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 1106
DOB: 02/15/1981 SEX: M RACE: H
Charge Detail
HS11364. (a) It is unlawful to possess an opium pipe or any device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia used for unlawfully injecting or smoking (1) a controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in paragraph (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055, or (2) a controlled substance which is a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V. (b) This section shall not apply to hypodermic needles or syringes that have been containerized for safe disposal in a container that meets state and federal standards for disposal of sharps waste. (c) Pursuant to authorization by a county, with respect to all of the territory within the county, or a city, with respect to the territory within in the city, for the period commencing January 1, 2005, and ending December 31, 2010, subdivision (a) shall not apply to the possession solely for personal use of 10 or fewer hypodermic needles or syringes if acquired from an authorized source.
PC466. Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a pick lock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers,water-pump pliers, slide hammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic orporcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or toolwith intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroadcar, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined inthe Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car,aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having theright to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it isintended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any of the structures mentioned in Section 459 shall be deemed to be a building within the meaning of this section.
Monday, June 27, 2005
So last week we all got to bid our Fifth Amendment Rights goodby. The Supremes in a 5-4 decision told us all that what we have worked for, what we thought was ours, is not. Your home, your business'or your land no longer belongs to you. It belongs to the goverment. You may live on it and you may pay your taxes on it, but its not yours.
Any developer that wants your land for Miguels, Lowes or Staters may have it. We might even put a library there so we can have the public use clause to help the developer take your house.Not to worry. Your going to get fair market value for the years of your life that went into your home. They are going to pay you for the memories of raising your children in your home. They are going to pay you for the memories and heartbreak of caring for your parents until they passed away in the home they left you.
Don't look to Congress to start impeachment proceeding against the activist jurists. They would rather fight among themselves than for their constituents. We must except deviant life styles in the name of political correctness. We even allow it to be taught in our schools. In Califorina the schools may put your children on mind altering drugs, prescribe birth control or even arrange for an abortion and not just without your permission but without your knowledge.
I have said we should be ashamed of our council and politians. I take most of that back. We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing them to get away with what they do. We have a population of over 13,000. All it takes is about 2200 signatures and five honest people to set things straight.
We must have five people in Grand Terrace that are as fed up as the rest of us and would want to serve on the council. I suspect that as eimnent dormain main is used more and more now, there will be those who will not leave peaceably. The"feet first" doctrine will come into affect.
We, as a community, should have locked arms around around the homes of the people on Barton Road. We still have a chance to save face with the one person there. A person who has the courage to say this is my home and you can't take it from me. We can still rally around that person. Go to the council meeting and speak. Tell them enough is enough. Stop destroying our community or face impeachment.
We should recall them all for many other reasons anyway. So, here is my suggestion to state Sen. McClintock today.(916)445-8873. The Senator is authoring legislation on eimnent domain. I called his office and gave this idea. If eimnent domain is going to be used to steal our homes, then write into law that the fair market value must be paid, but must be paid at the rate from two and one half times to five times the market value. Perhaps this would slow down the thieves that pose as our friends at city hall meetings.
It is no longer up to the politians to stand up for our rights. They arn't going to. They will always go with the money people and talk their trash to us at election time and as soon as they are elected we are forgotten. Former Senator Zell Miller of Georgia said in his book" A National Party No More" that the first thing that happens to a new senator or representative when they get to Washington D.C. is they are corrupted. Every political office under that is the training ground.

Are YOU NEXT Look at Apartments and homes at RISK of "Development" read it from their own web page..
Sneeky Survey... What is the real Question Being Asked?
The first document folds into an envelope with the following support statements to be affirmed.
Grand Terrace Senior Housing Project
City Manager’s Office
22795 Barton Rd.
Grand Terrace, Ca92313
August 4, 2005
Come view the plans for the new Senior Center and the Blue Mountain Senior Villas.
Social hour with refreshments at 6:00 pm in the Community Room at City Hall followed by the Planning Commission Meeting at 7:00 pm.
_____ I support the City’s efforts (through its Redevelopment Agency) to bring an affordable senior housing project to the City of Grand Terrace. Count me in as a supporter of the Senior Housing (Blue Mountain Senior Villas) Project!!!
______ I am interested in a Blue Mountain Senior Villas for myself and/or a family member.
Please Mail us this card today!
Grandpaterrace Cautions: Don’t be tricked by refreshments and a apparent openness at the Planning Commission Meeting.
Note: There is no place to mark or indicate that you do not support the City’s efforts (through its Redevelopment Agency) to bring an affordable senior housing project to the City of Grand Terrace. There is no place to be counted as not in support for the Senior Housing (Blue Mountain Senior Villas) Project.
Note: There is no place to indicate non interest in the Blue Mountain Senior Villas for the respondent or a family member.
Now on to the Survey they passed out to the senior’s at the Senior Citizens center, which is even more telling of their motives and modus of operandi.
Automatically the “Survey is FOR” the Villas
1. How many years have you been a resident of Grand Terrace?
This is an attempt to know how may people are living in under taxed houses that could be sold at today’s market and thus be income for the realtors and developers and the city when the homes of seniors are sold either by choice or eminent domain enforcement. The city could make an argument that seniors can be house at the Villa and make an economic Gain for the city in the resale of their property to a second party at current market value.
2. Are you or your spouse working full time in the area?
What on earth does this have to do with Senior Housing? Perhaps it is hoped that the people who commute to work and view Grand Terrace as only a pit stop will leave after they retire from work. Again this would put their houses on the market to the benefit of realtors and the city wishing for a higher tax evaluation and income.
3. Do you have children and/or other family members in the area?
If you have children in the area, you may transfer the house to them and maintain its low prop 13 value and thus thwart the income potential of the Realtors and City Manager.
4. When you are ready for retirement, would you like to remain in Grand Terrace?
Senior housing is not for Grand Terrace Residents only. The question should be will any senior find living in a city with no convenient public transportation, and logistic difficulties to services such as medical, dental and even shopping services be attractive for an ageing population. Is a town which is doing everything it can to add to the necessity of driving a car, in added congestion be an attraction to Seniors? Is a town that effectively prohibits the use of Light Neighborhood Electric Vehicles by its two dissecting roads having speeds greater than 35mph prohibiting access to grocery stores and coffee shops?
Would you like to live in Grand Terrace when you are facing the threat of Eminent Domain if the City wants to give your property to a second party for development?
5. Do you feel there is sufficient housing for senior citizens in Grand Terrace?
How about asking is there sufficient housing for any one living on the income of a Senior Citizen or Minimum or Middle Wage Income Family?
6. Do you believe that more senior housing would be beneficial to the community?
It is the City to analyze the financial ramifications on which a decision should be made. Soliciting a statement of believe does not make such a belief a fact or a reality. The reality is if the seniors are herded into Senior Housing, their homes will be sold at current market prices, and will be reassessed for taxes and the tax income will increase. The question is. Is this sufficient to off set the debt the city will be going into in order to build the Senior Housing. Will the seniors and their Families be better served by this arrangement? Will the City, builder or developer of the facility guarantee a place to live if their building fails like the one in Colton did, and now seniors are scrambling to find affordable places to live?
7. Would you object to having a senior retirement complex in your neighborhood?
Senior Complexes have some of the following features. Ambulances often call to render aid, or remove deceased members of the community. Often there are sirens associated with the services being required. Senior Complexes often isolate seniors to associate with persons only of their age group, and alienate relationships with family members. Children or Grand Children can’t Stay Over at Grandma’s or Grandpa’s. If there is a need for a Grandparent to assume guardianship of a minor, in Senior Housing this would not be permitted.
8. Do you feel that senior retirement complexes have a significant economic impact on your community?
The use of debt is a significant economic impact on the community, the use of contracts that begin with a 60 year lease at $1.00 per year is an economic impact on the community. The potential liability of a city owned or associated development is a potential for serious economic impact on the community. The loss of Grandparents freely associating and participating in the rising of their grandchildren is an un-measurable economic loss to the community.
9. Do you have any specific concerns related to the proposed Blue Mountain Senior Villas?
Specific concerns are the real cost of the construction, maintenance, and budget forecast of the Villas. The entire financial plan and proposal should be made public prior to escrow or any commitment of CRA or City Funds, or lease signing, or development rights given. Competitive Proposals should be solicited and presented in detail to the public. Eminent Domain Laws for the City of Grand Terrace should be changed making it impossible to have it used for “development” other than for roads, schools or parks, and not for a “increased economic gain” or “Sale to a Developer for Added Value to the City”. Affordable housing for Seniors Only is Ageism and is objectionable as in this city there is insufficient Affordable housing for Families or Single Persons of any age.
10. If asked, would you write a letter of endorsement (note) supporting the Blue Mountain Senior Villas and the expansion of the present grand Terrace Senior Center?
This is an odd one. How about asking for folks to write a letter of non-endorsement? Is the city only looking for affirmation? Could it be they don’t want to hear anything other than what they wish to hear? This slant defiles the validity of this quire as a “Survey” it is a series of questions which are intended to gather data for nefarious purposes and inspire a euphoric response to an abstract idea presented with no details or facts.
11. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for senior activities or support programs?
Senior activities should collaborate with the city provided youth activities or school activities. The city should provide transportation from the center to the schools for reading with Grandma or Grandpa after school or during school. Game Time with Grandma or Grandpa can help with learning numbers or letter recognition. Older children can help document the life history of the seniors. In addition the seniors should have a band shell where non amplified music is provided to them and the entire community. This could also be in combination with a senior’s petting zoo or kennel, where seniors and perhaps the 4H can collaborate on keeping of a small number of animals. This is therapeutic and educational for both seniors and the youth. Raised vegetable gardens where seniors can raise their favorite vegetables would be a great activity for those old farmers in our community.
Reduction of the inter city speed limit to a maximum of 35mph would facilitate the use of Light Electric Vehicles in the City. This would provide an economical and safe way for seniors to travel and shop in the city. It would also allow them a way to get to the pick up point for the bus (they could leave their LEV in the Stater’s Parking lot, and the Bus could pull in to the parking lot to let them off near their LEV.
12. Have you ever visited the Grand Terrace Senior Center? If so, what was your impression?
The Seniors there have good relations and try to keep active relationships with persons their own age, and interest levels. However, they are very active with their family and the family connection should be encouraged and enhanced and supported. Family caretakers should be provided with more information and services and respect within the city.
13. Have you ever had a meal or participated in an activity at the Center? If so, what was your impression?
My impression was that the Senior Center being small is not generally welcoming to extending its relationship with the non senior community and thus creating an isolation or segregation of the ages as it performs its chartered duties.
Revised 06/13/05
Evaluated and Answered and Questioned 07/27/05 Grandpaterrace
Battery Arrest Cite and Release in GT
DATE: 06/26/2005 TIME: 2044
ARREST DATE: 06/26/2005 TIME: 1901
RELEASE DATE: 06/27/2005 TIME: 0218
DOB: 01/24/1982 SEX: M
Charge Detail
PC242. A battery is any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Afternoon:Here are a couple of websites that might be good to share. and
The attorney for the ED case is from here.
From one of the people standing in the way of a betterGT.
GRANDPATERRACE thanks the emailer for the above information. I know that the City Manager thinks all this information and opinion come from a single person. But, no this is not true. Just as It is not true that a person trying to preserve property rights of individuals, agricultural land or large horse lots are not working for a better GT.
Friday, June 24, 2005
What Next YOU?
In a small town called Grand Terrace, Ca. In San Bernardino County, we have a population of about 13,000. Eminent Domain is now the rule of law, save an act of Congress. The developers, whom County Supervisor Hansbergers, father is one, and has had his son help him in various real estate deals, have taken over. Hansbergers wife recently resigned as Mayor of Loma Linda Ca. because of the pressure she received for helping her father-in-law get a development deal done in Loma Linda.
Tom Postmus is mentioned in todays Riverside Press-Enterprise in a charter school scandal that is alleged to have "misused" millions in taxpayers dollars.( ) Mr. Postmus is the head of the Republican party here and is Chairman of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.
A woman named Lynn Gross was found murdered in her home last week in Loma Linda. The newspaper was quick to mention that Ms. Gross was a lone hold out on a redevelopment project there and did battle with the city council and the developer.
We have a city manager that was allowed to buy a Redevelopment Agency house with a $38,000 rehabilitation done to it. He paid around $140,000 for the house and the City carried the loan for him for a while. The Redevelopment Agency guidelines state that these houses are for low to moderate income people. Our City manager makes over $110,000 a year.
The secretary for our redevelopment agency was allowed to do the same. She got the sweet deal. Her house took $40,000 to rehabilitate and she received a silent second of $44,000. A silent second should be no more that 10% of the purchase price. There are no interest payments or principle payments due until the house is sold. If ever.
I have now watched my neighbors removed by what amounts to nothing more than force. The folks on Barton Road in my community were told to deal with Jacobson Family Holdings L.L.C. or face eminent domain proceedings.
We have a lone holdout also. The reason for their removal is so a Lowes, a Stater Brothers Market and a new library can go in. We already have a library located at city hall. The new one will cost us $7000 a month to lease the space. The library is a ruse to use eminent domain on these poor folks.
Rep. Lewis secured a $500,000 grant to study the moving of a freeway off ramp back 1/10 of a mile on the I-215 for the city council on a project that now has been found to be unfeasible. He did this before the City Planning Commission or the City Council voted on the project.
We have accumulated evidence for about three years and need an Federal investigation into the activies of this city council. Please, our young men and women are fighting for the rights of people in far away lands to live in there own homes in peace. That no corrupt goverments can take what is theirs away from them to make someone else rich. Should we not be afforded the same rights that American blood is being shed for in other countries?
How many times have you heard "home ownership is at its highest ever". It won't be for long if Congress does not act to restore the rights of the American home owner. How many Senators or Members Of the House will face eminent domain and have everything they worked for taken by a forced sale by our goverment.
How many Hovertowns will be built, or will they be called DomainVills, or in the case of Grand Terrace SchwabCamps.
(For the historical impaired, Hovertowns were camps of homeless people who were often forced out of their homes, during the Hover Era)
Thursday, June 23, 2005
BOOKING NUMBER: 0506343502
DATE: 06/22/2005 TIME: 0513
ARREST DATE: 06/22/2005 TIME: 0349
DOB: 06/21/1976 SEX: M
HS11377(A) FEL ORIGINAL $10,000.00
Charge Detail
11377. (a) Except as authorized by law and as otherwise provided insubdivision (b) or Section 11375, or in Article 7 (commencing with Section 4211) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business andProfessions Code, every person who possesses any controlled substance which is (1) classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, and which is nota narcotic drug, (2) specified in subdivision (d) of Section 11054, except paragraphs (13), (14), (15), and (20) of subdivision (d), (3)specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (c) of Section 11056, (4) specified in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (f) of Section11054, or (5) specified in subdivision (d), (e), or (f) of Section 11055, unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian, licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year or in the state prison.
Missing Members and City Manager Absent, sort agenda, and business as usual. Pretend to listen to the public and run down the agenda. As a matter of appearance the only person happy to be there was Steve Berry who likes the seat of Tom Schwab so much he was giddy.
The only real action item on the agenda the street cutting ordinance was postponed at the request of the Gas Company.
Announcements of Importance:
Omni Trans and RTA Connection: well how about an earlier bus that actually would make the early connections to the OC/RTA 149 bus line, or the Metro Link Stations. Or a Park and Ride stop for the OC/RTA 149 right here in GT.
Rushing through the agenda and absent members, lawyers continue text messaging during the meeting, questions asked of law enforcement and the "public" response was not heard because the "Officer" did not speak into the microphone. Are those messages part of the public record. We are being billed for them.
Steve Berry: Here is an idea, tow the trucks away from the parking area. A hefty bill will stop the parking problem. Put a boot lock on the device and have it cost 2000.00 to remove it. Gads it is not rocket science. It would take a city ordinance and an investment or contract with a towing company.
How about building a city parking lot for trucks, charge them a service fee and provide restrooms and showers. There is money to be made here. The truck drivers would smell better when they eat at our many fine restruants.
Truck problems will only increase if the city goes ahead with the TC, OAC, and Manhole Cover Developments. Stater's after all the wharehouse portion will be moving to Norton eventually. So any action taken against drivers will only push existing business out.
Fireworks. "Safe and Sane" that is the assessment of the Firework, not the drunk nucklehead lighting the darn things. Enforcement is required. Yes, I want violators arrested publicly humiliated, and fined. Have a city dumpster pill box to put confiscated items. A paper trail of evidence is a real comfort to a person who loses a home, or a loved one. Gads...
This city tells farmers get out of town, this city tells horse owners get out of town, this city won't let you have a chicken or goat on a residential piece of property. This city will take your home from you. BUT, you can play with fire for a week, and possibly burn down a house, or kill some one. Welcome to Grand Terrace
Anonymous said...
Please don't give these people ideas about truck parking lots. We already have enough homes being legally stolen. The only places left, big enough to afford truck parking, are the churches, and I would'nt put it past the council. I wonder if they know what actually goes on in a church.
11:05 PM
Grandpaterrace says to Anonymous: Some one has to warn the citizens of the strange things the City Governmetent Might Do For the Money of It. We worship Money Don't we? I want you all to think of the bad things the city can do so that the violating truck drivers don't park on your property. Aside from a parking lot for trucks, the city can paint your curb red so that no one can park on your property, the city can condemn your property as a natural place to park trucks, and build a lot for that purpose, the city can do what it wants to do without telling the community it is even thinking about such actions. The thought was a WARNING>>> Glad you are a close reader..
Your House is Next
The supreme Court Ruled that Grand Terrace or any City can "redevelop" your home if it provides the City Economic Gain.
Well for those of you who are living in homes with a greater equity assessment than what is recorded on your tax bill, you are about to see the affects of this right on your door step.
If the city determines that it would be better for their bottom line to have your house sold at current market price of say 400.000.00 and taxed on that level, than say the 40.000 you paid for it in the 60's you are going to experience the tyranny of Community Redevelopment Agency's use of its Powers given in the recent supreme Court Ruling.
There is a reason to fear the actions of city governments and redevelopment agencies. Don't think there is some benevolence or compassion to these agencies.
Both Justice O'Connor and Justice Thomas, who also filed his own dissent, said the decision's burden would fall on the less powerful and wealthy.
"The government now has license to transfer property from those with fewer resources to those with more," Justice O'Connor said. "The founders cannot have intended this perverse result."
Justice Thomas, who called the decision "far reaching and dangerous," cited several studies showing that those displaced by urban renewal and "slum clearance" over the years tended to be lower-income minority residents.
"The court has erased the Public Use Clause from our Constitution," he said.
Anonymous said...
Here's a little eye opener for you and your readers. Developers are the largest, most powerful lobbyist in Sacramento. So who do you think the pols in the state capitol are going to listen to. The bums that give millions of dollars in campaign bribes or the little guy that is about to have his house taken away so Lowes and Staters and Councilwoman Garcia can have a nice shiny new building for a library and stores we don't need?
11:50 PM
Grandpaterrace responds to Anonymous:
You are absolutely right this is no longer a National or State Issue. It has to be a local one. The Citizens of Grand Terrace Must put a Measure on the Ballot which will make it Impossible for the City to Use its City Redevelopment Agency or Its City Powers to Condemn or Use Eminent Domain for any thing except the very limited use of roads, utilities, and even exclude schools and libraries because we don't have a School District, or a City Library. The Measure needs to be written, Petitions need to be signed, and the Measure on the Ballot for the Citizens to decide their fate.
Who is next... YOU?
Many have already suffered, how many more will be sacrificed? Are you going to Waite until it is your house, or church?
As far as the Library Deal being a Gift... Sorry A Lease Payback... Kickback of 7000.00 per month is no gift. It is the oddest form of collusion of some sort. It boggles the mind how this is a "Good" deal for the city.
Can you Hear Now?
Activists gain attention
Group finds support in Grand Terrace growth fight
01:57 AM PDT on Thursday, June 23, 2005
By PAUL LaROCCO / The Press-Enterprise
............................... nearly 50 people who packed the city's Lions Club basement on Monday.
Discussion ranged from conspiracy theories on the city's motives for all the development coming to Grand Terrace to ideas on what should be done instead. But the three-hour meeting centered on a revelation of sorts: city officials would be a lot more willing to hear complaints if they came from a large, mobilized citizen's group, and not the same voices heard at every council meeting.
"If you organize, the city will become yours," resident T. Leon Berry said.
"And you won't have to worry about them not carrying out your wishes."
Monday's crowd went beyond the most active government critics such as Farley and Bill Hays to include Chamber of Commerce President Bobbie Forbes and chamber board member Jeffrey McConnell, who puts out the city-sponsored newsletter, "The Blue Mountain Outlook."
"This is a movement," McConnell said, referring to the crowd attempting to overturn the Planning Commission's approval last week of the Manhole Builders plant.
Grandpaterrace says:
Thanks to the coverage of the Press and the folks who are often disparaged and dismissed by council members, issues in Grand Terrace are being freely discussed in the open, and that discussion is good.
It was not right when the citizens didn't speak out against the abuse of the first land owner forced, or coerced into selling their property for the Town Center, It was not right when the City's Manager had a Dream of the OAC and put it into action without running it by in detail to the entire community and specifically the people who owned the land, and the areas neighbors. It was not right to place a High School site across from a Power Plant Site, and Rail Tracks, and at the furthest edge of town. It was not right to change the zoning from agricultural use the bottom land now under the threat of being used as a cement manufacturing facility, adjacent to homes, a river bed and hopeful a future county park.
What Ideas Do We in citizens have, Like the City has shown any indications that it LISTENS to the Citizens.... Mr. Berry get the wax out of your ears.
Well, here are some ideas. GET RID OF THE CRA, pay off the loans, and swap sites and land until the High School is on Barton Road, the Homes have been moved, and the Retail TC is located across from the power plant conveniently between the two populations of GT and HighGrove. This would be a better traffic solution, and a better business location for the stores, and Lowes could use the rail spurs to save shipping costs.
The Home owners displaced by the High School could have their homes relocated to OAC Property, or Property in Honey Hills for all I care, the city should be taken to the mat and they should be compensated for the bad treatment they have suffered at the hands of the city and due to the collective tolerance and silence of the citizens of Grand Terrace.
The City should also property swap with the bottom land owner, and encourage that person to locate near colton cement. Perhaps the old Tiger Sanctuary. and the City of Colton, and County of SB Parks would help with the swap deal.
Ideas, all practical and workable.
Now for the OAC... Let's put to together a plan that is forward looking and perhaps green in its approach. Solar Fun Park, or Sail Boats, or something that is not petro, noise dependent..... Even a goat dairy is better and more amusing that the OAC Plan.
Oh here is one other idea. Terminate Tom Schwab. Order a full audit and review of all financial and planning department actions. File Criminal Charges if any are to be made. Hire a City Manager which does not have grandiose delusions of grandeur. This is Grand Terrace a Bedroom Community, don't make it into Anaheim or Laguna. If the letter of the laws or regulations were not criminally violated, there are civic moral issues with the conduct of Mr. Schwab, and Council Members present and past.
Remove all No Parking Signs and Red Curbs, and the Mt. Vernon/Grand Terrace Rd Island. Change the city wide speed limit to be 25 mph. Down grade bike lanes so that they do not preclude parking or stopping on the street.
Put all contracts up for competitive bids, and disclose all terms and conditions of the contracts and keep a online file for persons wishing to investigate any city business.
And oh so much more.
Hear this Mr. Berry and all city employees, you may want to think about which side of the FORCE you are going to be on. It is time you think about being a hero or an anti hero to the citizens of Grand Terrace.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Anonymous's Sees No Recourse but Feds
City's Big Nose
City takes interest in new high school
GRAND TERRACE: The proposed site has officials hoping for a high-tech campus.
01:16 AM PDT on Tuesday, June 21, 2005
By PAUL LaROCCO / The Press-Enterprise
Significant city involvement may be unusual for a school district project, but Assistant City Manager Steve Berry said the city has good reason to ensure the yet-unnamed high school lives up to Grand Terrace standards.
"We already have the highest-rated elementary and junior high schools in the Colton Joint Unified School District," he said, "and our goal is to have the highest rated high school."
CJUSD's Orloff said the city's offer of assistance is noted but the district likely will make the final decisions.
"We really appreciate all for their enthusiasm and support for the project," she said, "but we're the educators and we have been planning this high school for a long time."
GrandPaTerrace Says:
The City Made a profit on the sale in excess of 3.5 Million dollars. That was not the total price of the property. The City Wants to Take Credit for the successes of CJUSD. The City Wants to step in and dictate the CJUSD's Plans. Welcome to GT where the CITY RULES or TRIES TOO... The CITY may even write an ordinance restricting the use of the school property such as no football games unless the School District provides for additional law enforcement, not Colton Police Department which is contracted with The school district.
This will be interesting. Just remember the City of Grand Terrace made available land at the edge of town, as far away from the center of town as possible. This reflects its welcome feelings toward the High School and Youth in General. Just look at the difference between the Parks and Rec department of Colton and that of Grand Terrace... Shame on You Grand Terrace.... Shame.
Monday, June 20, 2005
JUNE 23, 20056:00 PM
22795 Barton Road
* Call to Order -
* Invocation - Pastor Salim Elias, Azure Hills Seventh-Day Adventist Church
* Pledge of Allegiance -
* Roll Call -
1. Approval of 06-09-2005 Minutes
1. Items to Delete
A. Grand Terrace Days Sponsors (Who are they, how much did they contribute, how was that contribution spent, and what business pending do they have in the Planning Department, Department of Finance, or in front of the Council? How much did each activity, band, gun fighters, Lucy's cost? Is this Grand Terrace?)
B. Proclamation - Children's Network "Fun In The Sun, Safe Summer 2005"
The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and noncontroversial. They will be acted upon by the Council at one time without discussion. Any Council Member, Staff Member, or Citizen may request removal of an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion.
A. Approve Check Register Dated June 23, 2005
(check out how much the city spends on a trip for a council member and yet has no funds for youth (TEEN) activities. What did GT get from the HOTEL and Dinner expense? How about a loaf of bread and peanut butter like our children get at day care.)
B. Ratify 06-23-2005 CRA Action (What Action was THAT, The Land Swap for the Power Plant, how about saying what you are doing in ENGLISH)
C. Waive Full Reading of Ordinances on Agenda (NO READ THE THING)
D. Approval of 05-26-2005 and 06-09-2005 Minutes (READ THEM OUT)
E. Cancellation of July 28, 2005 Council Meeting (Who Will Be Watching over the City Manager,,, oh never mind at least we won't be lied to one meeting, we won't be paying the stipend, and perhaps no adverse action can be taken while the mice are away. How many Meetings a year are canceled, and how many are missed by the council members, and why did they run?)
F. Special Events Permit Requested by Calvary, The Brook for the Use of Rollins Park for a Freedom Day Picnic and Service Open to the Public on Saturday, July 2, 2005 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Are they paying for insurance and use of the park like any other group would be required to do?)
This is the opportunity for members of the public to comment on any items not appearing on the regular agenda. Because of restrictions contained in California Law, the City Council is prohibited from discussing or acting on any item not on the agenda. The Mayor may request a brief response from staff to questions raised during public comment.
(Remember to Practice your Comment: You have 3 Minutes: and you only get to speak once per meeting no mater how many different topics you may want to talk on. So what they are doing is, a citizen can have a limited number of thoughts on a limited number of topics and they must fit into 3 minutes, that is ok it appears they are not to listening to you anyway.)
A. Committee Reports
1. Emergency Operations Committee. Minutes of 05-03-2005
B. Council Reports (This is where a Council Member with Courage could break from the tethers of the Mayor and Give the Floor to a Citizen to continue their presentation or thought. That would be the day, a Citizen being able to speak without the egg timer and interruption... "Please summarize")
A. Street Cut Policy and an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Grand Terrace, California Establishing Fines for Failure to Obtain a Street Cut Permit and failure to Perform Street Cut Construction in Accordance to the specifications as Described in the Specifications for Construction within the Public Right of Way
B. Resolution - 2005-2006 Annual Assessment Landscape and Lighting District No. 89-1
A. HVAC Maintenance Agreement (Nice to see this back on the Agenda, remember that the contract practices presented to the council last time this was brought up were in deficit with regards to making a proper solicitation for bids, a job of the City Manager)
B. NOT FINISHED BUSINESS; NOT LISTED ON AGENDA: (Who is on the committee to define the roles of the council members and the Mayor's functions? When does that committee meet, what are the developments of that meeting and rules being presented?)
C. NOT FINISHED: The question about when an RDA action is reportable to the public. No where are the words "AFTER ESCROW" a point of where a decision is made. Actually, to go to escrow is a decision reportable.
D. NOT FINISHED: How Much Did the Grand Terrace Days Cost: How much time was spent by city employees, their wives, and the cost of the event even though it was covered by "sponsors" Who were the sponsors and what deals do they have pending with the city?
E. NOT FINISHED: AES Power Plant's 3d view of the Proposed Plant and EPA information compared to EPA air quality compared data with OAC as a baseline.
D. What are the result of the Phone Polls and Surveys being taken. The most recent one being the Blue Mt. Senior Center and Apartments Project which is bias in its writing. Letters for support are solicited, yet no letters against the idea are similarly queried. Who wrote this survey... It smacks of many problems.
8. NEW BUSINESS - None(No NEW BUSINESS- Is it Time to Lay off the City Staff? Close all Projects in the Planning Department, and CRA?)
9. CLOSED SESSION - None ( Or at least they want us to think so.)
Just a Concept
There is a need to organize block captains in order to have sufficient numbers of people to attend various meetings.
No matter how many people were at a meeting the City will do what ever the City Manager Desires.
A team of lawyers and investigations are needed to free us from the Dictates of the City Manager, and to fully understand what has transpired in City Hall.
Steve Berry was heard to say... The Town Center is "JUST A CONCEPT"
Well, it is a fact the city has forced the sale of many homes and properties for the exclusive use of the "JUST a CONCEPT"
Well, it is a fact the city has rezoned the area to require the future purchaser to be forced into the "TOWN CENTER JUST A CONCEPT" Development Plan.
Recall Call To Remove Council and Schwab
It is way past due for the residents of this community to stand up for their neighbors who are under attack by the corrupt political machine that has taken over this city. Look back at newspaper interviews of Mrs. Ferre. She has said she wants to develop more than her father did. It is a sad state of affairs when the home owners go into Planning and Council meetings and are totally ignored and lied to by the Council members and the City manager. Tom Schwab has been in his position for nearly twenty years. Some Council members almost as long. It is time for recalls. The Redevelopment Agency and City treasury belong to the people, it is not for the enrichment of Tom Schwab and the Councils friends. It is time for a full accounting. The Council and staff management should be challenged to release their tax records. A separate monthly record should be kept of RDA funds and OUR general fund,not co-mingled so no one can know what they are doing. Change must come before change is all that's left in the treasury. --Posted by Anonymous
GrandPaTerrace Recommends >>>How to proceed:
You go to the Department of Elections, and obtain the papers to file for a Recall, gather sufficient signatures and notice of intent to recall, the folks at the Department of Elections are required to assist you with the process if you ask. You will have to gather the signatures and so forth.
The Govenator has apparently called for a special election so if you hurry, the recall could take place on that ballot. Replace the entire council with persons who company with the promise to remove the City Manager as their first action.
Yes, it will cost three months salary payable on his dispatch. But, that is a small price to pay to regain our rights, and freedoms from his dictatorship.
The second act of the council should be to request the Grand jury or the District attorney's Office audit the past council members and city management and the dealings with developers and the City Redevelopment Agency.
All but the basic law enforcement and operational activities shall be suspended, including travel, out of the city. The city needs to stop and rid itself of the pestilence currently suffocating the citizens and small business in the city.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Anonymous's Sees No Recourse but FedsThe D.A. is not going to do anything to investigate any politician in this county. If he were he'd have his hands full with Hansburger and his crew. Vanella and the Public Integrity Unit of the D.A.s office and his unit are a joke. He should investigate his boss. A FEDERAL GRAND JURY can be requested by any citizen that has or feels he has evidence of a crime being committed in violation of Federal Law. Citizens may petition the U.S. Attorney to conduct an investigation. I wish them luck. This county has got to be the most corrupt county in Ca. The only true recourse is a total recall of the council and have the State take over until new elections can be held. --Posted by Anonymous
Sunday, June 19, 2005
More ManHole
Plant project raises a fuss
by Stephen WallStaff Writer
June 19, 2005 - GRAND TERRACE - Neighbors opposed to a manhole manufacturing plant say they plan to appeal the Planning Commission's approval of the project.
Despite their objections at a public hearing, the commission late Thursday approved plans for the 70,000 square-foot outdoor manufacturing and storage plant.
Riverside-based Manhole Builders is expected to build concrete pipes for manhole covers on five acres of industrially zoned land north of Vivienda Avenue and east of Terrace Avenue. Construction could start by late September.
"The pollution that we're going to have to live with is unacceptable," said Jerry Guthrie, a Vivienda Avenue resident. "The whole project is unacceptable."
You must read the entire article,1674,208~12588~2928855,00.html
Now, when the city wants to change the use of a persons property, they come up with a zone change, and a plan, and the citizen be damned you are forced to surrender the property to either the redevelopment agency, or to the developer of the city's choice. So how dare the city say they can't do something about the intended use of this bottom land, which will flood out in the 100 year floods, which would be better used as a part of the Regional Park Development across the river. Check out all the fees, and environmental studies and the type of trucks, and dust control which will be used, and if the company is a good neighbor, why is it moving from its current location... All questions not answered.
Many of the same people complaining about this development are the same ones championing the use of the full force of City Powers to develop the Town Center and OutDoor Activity Center. Justice For all Private Property Owners, and maintaining a RURAL community should be at issue here. Sustainable, responsible development, which brings employment sufficient to support living in Grand Terrace should be the goal. Non Minimum Wage Jobs, Exploited Day Workers, and Dust, Traffic, and Pollution.
Friday, June 17, 2005
A Place to Write, If your Government is Not Working
Political Reform Division
Secretary of State
1500 11th Street, Room 495
Sacramento, CA 95814
Reason to Question CRD
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Assisting a local non-profit housing developer in the acquisition of ...Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace The locrep/redevelop/98-99/redevelop.pdf
Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Grand Terrace The
compliance audit opinion noted the following areas of noncompliance:
The agency had not obtained a letter from the California Department
of Housing and Community Development, stating that its housing
element substantially complies with Code Section 33302;
Code Section 33445 requires that the Agency Board make a finding
before the construction of public facilities. The agency paid for the remodeling of the Housing Office, which is a separate building from City Hall, without having documentation that the required findings were made;
Code Section 33333.6 limits the timeframe that redevelopment agencies have for establishing loans, advances, and indebtedness to
not exceed 20 years. The agency’s plan has a time limit for incurring loans, advances, and indebtedness of 40 years; and
Code Section 33431 and 33433 require that the agency notice and hold a public hearing for the sale or lease of agency property. During fiscal year 1996-97, the agency sold four properties without holding the required public hearing.
Among its accomplishments during the year, the agency included:
Completing five low and moderate-income housing projects through the Purchase/Resale Program;
Providing loans to two families through the Low/Mod Home
Improvement Loan Program; and
Completing several capital improvement projects. Providing seven loans through the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program. These loans provide zero-interest, deferred, forgiving loans of up to $8,000 to very-low and low-income homeowners to finance basic home repair and rehabilitation projects.
Jazz Junkies Next Week
The Jazz Junkies have performed with acts such as George Benson, Hiroshima, Russ Freeman w/Rippington"s, Peter White, and Mark Antoine, at venues such as Orange Co. Art & Jazz Fest, Blue Jay Jazz Fest, La Quinta Art & Music Fest,Fantasy Springs Casino, China Lake Music Fest, and numerous other events, theatres, and clubs in the Southern California area.
The group members are:
Neighboring Events
Summer Concerts Series
Fleming Park
additinal Parking on 7th and F
5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
July 17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chico
July 24 ~~~~~~~~~ Jazz Junkies
July 31 ~~~~~~~~~~ Time Piece
Aug 7 ~~~~~~~ Flamingo Band
Aug 14 ~~~~~ Running on Funk
Aug 21 ~~~~~~~~~~ Full Circle
Barney's Nightcrawlers
Now that is a true example of an Outdoor Adventure.
Cast away Barney..
Drug Arrest 06/16/2005
DATE: 06/16/2005 TIME: 0414
ARREST DATE: 06/16/2005 TIME: 0230
LOC: 11750 MT VERNON #J136
DOB: 08/02/1959 SEX: F
HS11377(A) FEL ORIGINAL $10,000.00
Charge Detail
HS11377. (a) Except as authorized by law and as otherwise provided insubdivision (b) or Section 11375, or in Article 7 (commencing with Section 4211) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, every person who possesses any controlled substance which is (1) classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, and which is nota narcotic drug, (2) specified in subdivision (d) of Section 11054, except paragraphs (13), (14), (15), and (20) of subdivision (d), (3)specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (c) of Section 11056, (4) specified in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, or (5) specified in subdivision (d), (e), or (f) of Section 11055, unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian, licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year or in the state prison.
More on Text Messaging and Council Conduct
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Alternatives to Fireworks
Have the youth and parents, help on clean up days, by providing trucks and labor to haul stuff from fellow citizens yards to the dumpster, for a $5 or $10 donation/ truck load. (Not all people have strong backs, or trucks to get the stuff to the Senior Center)
Have the Youth and Parents, host a large Rummage/Yard/City Wide Sale, and advertise it well. Invite Vendors for a fee.
For the 4th
Have a youth sponsored water balloon fight.... Sell each balloon for 1o cents a peace.... Have the tossing of the balloons at the park or Fire House...
Have a youth parent sponsored watermelon contest, a cracker whistling contest, and have people pay to play, and win a ribbon or prize.
Have, a designated Firework Location and Firework Light Brigade, at the Park, The Fireworks could be bought on site, and light on site at the proper designated area by designated people. (The fireworks, may not even be in the hands of a non designated Brigade Member. Any where else in the city they would be fined seriously. All people at the park will enjoy the event, and share each others joy and purchases.
Big screen TV or Projection of July 4th Celebration at the Capital may play at the same time. Bar b cues, and neighborly mass picnic...
All done by GT no outside entertainment paid by "Big" contributors. If there is going to be a contribution to the "Party" it is in cash to the youth teams.
Just a few ideas that will earn money and build community.
Comments on Planning Commission...
Monday, June 13, 2005
Planning Commission Agenda On Line
DATE: June 16, 2005
PLACE: Council Chambers,
Grand Terrace Civic Center
22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, California
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Public address to Commission shall be limited to three minutes unless extended by the Chairman. Should you desire to make a longer presentation, please make written request to be agendized to the Director of Community and Economic Development.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:This is the time for anyone in the audience to speak on any item, which is not on the agenda for this meeting.
1. Planning Commission Minutes of May 19, 2005
2. SA-05-06, E-05-04: Continuation of the project that will consist of a conversion of an existing single story, 1,350 square foot home into an office for a manhole production and installation company. This project will also consist of the conversion of an existing barn, garage and several outbuildings into approximately 5,000 square feet of material storage warehouses. There will also be approximately 70,000 square feet of outdoor production and storage for a construction yard.
APPLICANT: Manhole Builders
LOCATION: 21712 Vivienda Avenue, Assessor's Parcel Number 0275-191-02
RECOMMENDATION: Open the Public Hearing, receive testimony, close the Public Hearing, and approve SA-05-06 and E-05-04 with Conditions.
3. SA-05-10, E-05-05 CUP-05-05: Construct an approximately 3,000 square foot, fast food Mexican restaurant with a drive-thru and outside patio eating area.
LOCATION:22193 - 22237 Barton Road in the City of Grand TErrace (A rectangular shaped parcel of about .6 of an acre located on the south side of Barton Road about 750 feet easterly of Michigan Street. The proposed site has a depth of 108 feet and a width of 262 feet).
RECOMMENDATION:Open the Public Hearing, receive the staff report and testimony, close the hearing and approve the Resolution calling for the approval of SA-05-10, CUP-05-05 and E-05-15 based on the findings in the Resolution of Approval and subject to the recommended conditions of approval.
4. SA-05-09, E-05-14: Applications for a Site and Architectural and Environmental Review to construct a 1,339 square foot room addition to an existing 1,931 square foot, single story residence on a 10,804 square foot lot located in the R1-7.2 Zone (Single Family Residential minimum 7,200 square feet).
APPLICANT:Garrett Montoya
LOCATION:22777 Fairburn in the City of Grand Terrace
RECOMMENDATION:Open the public hearing, receive testimony, close the public hearing and approve SA-05-09 and E-05-14 with conditions.
Information to Commissioners
Town Square Project
Information from Commissioners
Anything Is Possible
Don't worry through its only money. Schwab does pay taxes on a house here. Of course he paid a lot less for his than the rest of us did for ours. One thing our city knows how to do is take care of the management. I'd be willing to bet that if a, lets say a City manager, got sick and God forbid, I don't want anyone to be ill, but lets say he did and couldn't work for a year or two or three. Lets say he had to stay at home, couldn't work. I'd just bet our council would keep him on full salary and benefits until he could return to work. None of that workmen's comp or disability for our guys. No sirree Bob or Tom or whoever.
So here's my proposal. They are going to build the peaker plant.
It wouldn't matter if the whole population came to council and said no we don't want it. The Schwab and the ladies on the council want it. Mr. Hilkey was the only one who had it right. Ms. Cortez probably, if you watched, has no idea what she voted for. At least she's consistence. Nice picture with the bubble gum Councilwoman. Explains a lot. Lets take say $250,000 or $300,000 a year of this money and put it into street lights. Might even reduce crime. There are dark streets all over Grand Terrace. We could have a lottery to see which streets would get them. None would be allowed in Honey Hills. That's so we know it could only partly be rigged. Nice thought but it would go against this city's policy of keeping us in the dark.
Anonymous then said...
At the Council Meeting He had no answer, then "Off" the record of the Public meeting all of the sudden he comes up with the income. Has he done his homework on the project? Gads... Study up man you look like a fool.
4:18 AM
anonymous said...
The Power Plant will generate income for Grand Terrace, it will not increase the crime rate, or the traffic problems. It won't be as noisy as a Football game crowd, or the activities that were planned at the OAC... Ugly is a speed boat, going around and around in the water making noise, and smog, as they are some of the worst plotter's there are.
6:39 AM\
I belive Coucilman Hilkey's concerns were well founded. Not so much on the added pollution, of which there will unavoidabaly be some. His statements at the Council meeting also included that Mr. Schwab and the eletric co. were telling him something different than what was said over the years. --Posted 6/13/2005 11:20:35 AM
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Call to investigate the City attorney
Well, lets begin with the advise he has provided.
The Brown Act requires Escrow to Close Before the CRA has to disclose the completion of a land negotiation or transaction.
Wrong... The Brown Act says Negotiations "MAY" be in closed session but when there is an action taken as a result of completion of negotiations, there should be public notice of that action. Going into ESCROW is a point of completion of negotiations. Escrow is the process by which the negotiations are proven out, and enforced by a third party.
The idea that the word "May" in the Brown Act means "MUST" may be his legal opinion, but it is fair to say Grand Terrace May want to know what he has been text messaging on our dime. Those records can be obtained for ever. Perhaps the City Council "MAY" want to have a discussion about the appearance of impropriety on his part. Is he billing Mr. Larkin for his time, or is the City Paying for Mr. Larkins legal advise?
I think the City should demand a full investigation on the text messages being sent during City Billed Time. With the full Disclosure of the messages made public. Unfortunately my investigations have not yet provided additional information about the content of the messages going through the air.
Perhaps, it is full of great ideas for the benefit of the City, it's time to share the note with the class fellows. Mayor Please read it out in front of the entire council and public and have it entered into the Public Record, as the Public has been paying for the Messages.
Posted by Anonymous......
If you have attended a City Council meeting or watched on T.V. you have heard the microphone at the podium go haywire and beep continually. At the Planning Commission meeting this is not the case. The mic only does it at council meeting when Mr.Larkin and City Attorney Harper are text messaging each other across the chambers. Perhaps it is time for the council to not allow any cell phone use during meetings or council members children behind the dias durning meeting. Its very distracting when Councilwoman Garcia brings her child to the meeting and he demands her attention when it should be focused on the peoples business.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Posting Comments
Dear Readers: The Blog Master Grandpaterrace would like everyone's opinion to be read and timely. If you are making a comment on an item more than two days old, please post your comment in a way that it can stand on its own. I will post it as if it was a complete statement rather than a comment. ( I get an email notification that a comment has been made. I don't know who it comes from.) I don't want your ideas and concerns lost.
Thanks, Grandpaterrace.
Those who are "perfectly happy with the way things are progressing" will be the ones who complain the loudest when their home is taken or when they will not be able to cross a street or back out of their driveway because of what this council has done to destroy this city. --
Posted by Anonymous to at 6/11/2005 01:31:20 AM
You ladies are typical of group think. I assume you are part of the circle of social friends of the council. I suggest you do the research that the people that contribute here do. You have chosen to be ignorant of what the corrupt city hall is doing. We will see how long the bliss last. Those who pay attention know no home west of Mt. Vernon is safe from this council and staff. It could be yours next. --Posted by Anonymous
Friday, June 10, 2005
Grand Terrace on (AP) Wire
Read the rest of the article on line:
However this is a good example how a small local company with local management was mismanaged by a big management with no regard for the fact that the citizens of Grand Terrace now are party to their transgression. Bigger is not always Better
Power Plant Questions Answered Off Public Record of Council Meeting Reported in Press
GRAND TERRACE: The council votes to turn over 7.8 acres from adventure center to power company.
12:37 AM PDT on Friday, June 10, 2005
By PAUL LaROCCO / The Press-Enterprise
GRAND TERRACE - The city took action Thursday to shrink plans for a long-planned adventure-themed retail center, opening the door for a new power plant some officials await warily.
Hilkey asked: What is in it for the City?
No response by staff or council.
Answer: $800.000 annual income possible.
Answer: We get power from the grid, better grid, better power supply.
Answer: We may get a piece of property which can be used for a dog friendly park.
ALSO Remember:
AES was asked to provide a horizontal view of the proposed development and placement of the revised facility. None was presented.
AES was asked to provide additional and comparative Environmental Impact Data. None Was provided as of yet.
AES must clean up the property being swapped for.
Other Old Business Not Dealt with in Public:
Air conditioning Contract? What's UP?
Committee for Policy and Practice Review of What is the Function of City Council Member, and Mayor Who Is IT, What input can a Citizen Have?
Contracts Negotiation Practices and procedures, Have we seen any improved practices?
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Fireworks In Grand Terrace
There is no effective way to enforce laws regarding Fireworks in Grand Terrace.
There is no truly Safe Firework, all Fireworks can start a hill, house or hair on fire.
Grand Terrace does not have enough law enforcement to cover and enforce the law, and to use Firemen to enforce the law would be sending unarmed personnel in to possible harms way. (Often the Fireworks, are being flamed by people who are also lit.)
If the City wanted to help folks raise money responsibly, perhaps they would host a watermelon picnic/fundraiser at the park. Or perhaps they could ask their "sponsors of GT Days" for a Youth Activity Fund equal to that spent on a one day party.
GT Crimes: Conspiracy/ Burglary/ Forgery/ Noisy
DATE: 06/07/2005 TIME: 1934
ARREST DATE: 06/07/2005
TIME: 1700 LOC: 2225 PUMALO ST APT #30
DOB: 02/14/1980 SEX: M RACE: B
PC182(A)(1) FEL ORIGINAL $25,000.00
PC182. (a) If two or more persons conspire: (1) To commit any crime.
PC459. Every person who enters any house, room, apartment, tenement, shop, warehouse, store, mill, barn, stable, outhouse or other building, tent, vessel, as defined in Section 21 of the Harbors andNavigation Code, floating home, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 18075.55 of the Health and Safety Code, railroad car, locked or sealed cargo container, whether or not mounted on a vehicle,trailer coach, as defined in Section 635 of the Vehicle Code, anyhouse car, as defined in Section 362 of the Vehicle Code, inhabited camper, as defined in Section 243 of the Vehicle Code, vehicle as defined by the Vehicle Code, when the doors are locked, aircraft as defined by Section 21012 of the Public Utilities Code, or mine or any underground portion thereof, with intent to commit grand or petitlarceny or any felony is guilty of burglary. As used in this chapter, "inhabited" means currently being used for dwelling purposes, whether occupied or not. A house, trailer, vessel designed for habitation, or portion of a building is currently being used for dwelling purposes if, at the time of the burglary, it was not occupied solely because a natural or other disaster caused the occupants to leave the premises.
PC476. Every person who makes, passes, utters, or publishes, with intent to defraud any other person, or who, with the like intent, attempts to pass, utter, or publish, or who has in his or her possession, with like intent to utter, pass, or publish, any fictitious or altered bill, note, or check, purporting to be the bill, note, or check, or other instrument in writing for the payment of money or property of any real or fictitious financial institutionas defined in Section 186.9 is guilty of forgery.
BOOKING NUMBER: 0506300298
DATE: 06/07/2005 TIME: 1436
ARREST DATE: 06/07/2005 TIME: 1400
RELEASE DATE: 06/08/2005 TIME: 0537
DOB: 03/17/1961 SEX: M RACE: W
Charge Detail
PC415. Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, a fine of not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment and fine:
(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight.
(2) Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise.
(3) Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
READ Paul LaRocco in the Press-Enterprise
GRAND TERRACE: Official says the city has not sought any input from the planning commission.
12:58 AM PDT on Wednesday, June 8, 2005
By PAUL LaROCCO / The Press-Enterprise
Town Center
The 20-acre downtown shopping center on Barton Road would include:
160,000-square-foot Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse
45,000-square-foot Stater Bros. Market
7,500-square-foot San Bernardino County Library branch.
GRAND TERRACE - The city's progress on a controversial downtown retail center has left its Planning Commission chairman feeling "brushed aside," worried that officials have cemented plans for a massive home-improvement warehouse without soliciting the commission's input.
Doug Wilson, a 14-year-veteran of the commission, said this week that Grand Terrace's Town Center -- centered on a 160,000-square-foot Lowe's -- might not be the best addition for the small community, but that he hasn't had a chance to express that opinion to the city staff who have a contract of intent from the home-improvement giant.
"If we don't hear about these plans," Wilson said, "then the idea that the citizens have us as representatives goes out the window."
Wilson said he would prefer that the city plan Town Center like it did the Outdoor Adventure Center, a 123-acre retail complex to be built off Interstate 215 on the city's west side.
Cutting Off Public Comments
This time the complaints were not coming from a mere citizen, but an officially Appointed Planning commissioner who serves at the appointment and approval of the City Council.
City Staff, can yammer on about any topic they are asked about. City Council Members can yammer on about any meeting they went to or how wonderful an event was.
But, ask about a voucher payment, a contract stipulation, an environmental impact study, the city's practices and procedures, and you get cut off. If you don't approve what is recommended by the City Staff's recommendation, you get cut off, Citizen, commissioner, and yes Mr. Hilkey and Mr. Miller, Council Members.
Ask about the appropriateness of making a council decision when the supporting material was made available less than 24 hours prior to the meeting, scarcely sufficient time for council members to review the material, hardly proper public notice.
Why is magna Corporation being paid by the city? When they also have Developments in the City which have to be approved by the city? Is this not the appearance of a conflict of interest and worthy of being detailed?
Who were the sponsors of GT Days, How Much was Spent, How was it Spent, and What are the contributors expecting in return for their "Contributions" to a city party.
What is the accounting for use of the Staff time, equipment, and facilities for GT Days. Will the park recover? Why was food so expensive at the event? How does a common citizen have input as to what is wanted for such community activities. Yes, Steve Berry knows how to throw a party, but is it the party we in Grand Terrace would have planned, and what was the real cost of the party, in cash and bribes for favorable actions in the future?