Thursday, June 09, 2005

Cutting Off Public Comments

Once again the Rules of Order were used to silence criticism of City Manager Tom Schwab, the City Redevelopment Agency and the City Planning Departments misuse of Authority.

This time the complaints were not coming from a mere citizen, but an officially Appointed Planning commissioner who serves at the appointment and approval of the City Council.

City Staff, can yammer on about any topic they are asked about. City Council Members can yammer on about any meeting they went to or how wonderful an event was.

But, ask about a voucher payment, a contract stipulation, an environmental impact study, the city's practices and procedures, and you get cut off. If you don't approve what is recommended by the City Staff's recommendation, you get cut off, Citizen, commissioner, and yes Mr. Hilkey and Mr. Miller, Council Members.

Ask about the appropriateness of making a council decision when the supporting material was made available less than 24 hours prior to the meeting, scarcely sufficient time for council members to review the material, hardly proper public notice.

Why is magna Corporation being paid by the city? When they also have Developments in the City which have to be approved by the city? Is this not the appearance of a conflict of interest and worthy of being detailed?

Who were the sponsors of GT Days, How Much was Spent, How was it Spent, and What are the contributors expecting in return for their "Contributions" to a city party.

What is the accounting for use of the Staff time, equipment, and facilities for GT Days. Will the park recover? Why was food so expensive at the event? How does a common citizen have input as to what is wanted for such community activities. Yes, Steve Berry knows how to throw a party, but is it the party we in Grand Terrace would have planned, and what was the real cost of the party, in cash and bribes for favorable actions in the future?