Saturday, November 05, 2005

Citizen Action Does Work

I want to thank all the Citizens who have contributed to the increased level of participation in City Planning, and City Council Operations, and City Management.

Many different people contribute in different ways. It takes some one to notice the improper environmental Declaration. (Posted on this Blog), it takes someone to hire a lawyer, talk to neighbors, and petition the AQMD, and alert other agencies of the impact of a plan.

There is in my opinion more that needs to be discovered about the decisions made by our City Manager, City Redevelopment Agency, City Planning Department. It takes continued effort to raise these questions, and issues into the light of day. The NO BID CONTRACT for the Senior Villas, the Ill Named and Ill planned OAC. Still don't pass the sniff test.

Rather than address these real citizen concerns the Council just says, we Citizens need to be educated on the "Good" the RDA does for the city.. Fine, good but at what cost? Is this the issue or not?

How can the city not be investigated for conflict of interest issues when ever a transaction is done. The business practices of this city are corrupt just as practices in their procedural process, even IF no one is making money off the contracts, and decisions, there is apparent favoritism to particular realtors, residents, and citizens, and contractors. Good old Boyism...

There is more work to do... Thanks to all who have contributed thus far.