Monday, November 21, 2005

Why GT Should Go to Court:

If the City or the Redevelopment Agency Settles the case pending against the City, the Citizens will never hear all the detail of the case. The citizens will get a bill and no product.

City Council Member Mr. Hilkey suggests it is a big waste of money. It won't go to protect one duck, or the environment, it will just go to pay lawyers.

Council Member Hilkey's opinion is odd. Consider the situation of the Manhole Builder's proposed development. There is credible evidence that the City Manager's hand picked employees, and subcontractors working in the City's Planning Department and for the City, and the Redevelopment Agency were engaged in at minimum malfeasance, if not out right fraud.

The Citizens should know the caliber of the employees being paid with our tax dollars, from Clerk to City Manager. Is is an error to send a copy of a gas stations environmental documents as being the filing for a cement manufacturing facility? Is it an error to fail to disclose to the Planning Commission the true nature of the public facilities such as roads, and neighborhoods impacted by a project? Is it an error by the planning department to not require full disclosure of the developer of the health risks of their operations, and the types of equipment being installed, and vehicle use on residencial roads? Error, Incompetence, Malfeasance... The citizens need to evaluate the whole situation of OAC as well as the Manhole Builders.

Not because either development will go as planed. No the value in this investigation and case going forward is the evaluation of the operations of the City. Evaluation of the Value of the Management Provided by the City Manager, and those who are in the loop of the decision making processes in the City.

This is the value of the law suit filed against the OAC.

Yes the OAC has changed. To what do we really know. Where will the roads be widened, off ramps changed. Will businesses be moved, will our historical buildings be removed? Why install more speed bumps, stop signs and signals and maintain a 40 mph speed limit through town? Why to increase the air pollution caused by cars speeding up between stops? We know a slow and steady speed creates less pollution. Lets continue to have a situation where LEV's aren't feasible in our town with its 40 mph cross roads fronting our shopping and cross sectioning our city.

Yes, I want the law suit to go forward. If the City Settles the suit behind closed doors they may force a non disclosure agreement so we pay for the legal fees, and don't get public disclosure of the case evidence. That friends would be wrong, simply wrong.