Sunday, November 27, 2005

Town Center Revision Show Backroom Changes?

The newest Town Center Drawings A-16 which has been made available to business owners in town shows several things of interest.

There is Miguele's, back in front of The Terrace, now with the traffic pattern adjusted so it does not exit onto Canal Street/or Canal Driveway. However, look how the traffic low has changed around The Terrace.

Significant Public concern was raised about several issues of the placement of Migueles and the fact that Drive Threw restaurants have been prohibited in the past. Will the City change its no drive threw or curb service for all restaurants?

Where is the Library? Did the City figure out that it is a COUNTY Library and not a CITY LIBRARY? Did they find out the City can't obligate the COUNTY for a hefty rental agreement? What is the situation? Do you think the Citizens should know?

Who wants a Lowes and the Day Workers it will attract across from the Elementary School? Noise, traffic, and who know who will be lurking around? Where are the public restrooms for the Day Workers? Or will they be using the bushes and trees in the parking lot to relieve themselves?

Will the sale of alcohol at Stater Brothers and the location of Day Workers in the proximity of GT Elementary and the residents of The Terrace be a great social advance for the City?

Has the forced sale of homes and small family farms provided a place for vandals, drugs, and crime?

Will the city force private citizens off their property for the Private Investors of Jacobsen, Lowes, Jack Brown, and Migueles?

What is the EIR on the Town Center Site. Will the Impact of Lowes, Drive Threw restaurant, Larger Stater's "Improve" our Environment?

Think about it...

I know I'll never do business with any one located in the new developments.

I know that the "New Savon" is being sold.. To who knows, and that Savon is in Financial Trouble.

I know that the single land owner in this town has NO RIGHTS. So I hope the groups around town keep united in their efforts to improve GT in ways that are real improvements not just quick cash for the Planning Department, or the Redevelopment Agency. The added income from sales taxes is offset by the need for more law enforcement. There will not be a real gain to the city, just more noise, crime, cars, and trash from take out food.