Friday, December 16, 2005


1. In 2002, there were 10,000 actual or threatened examples of eminent domain abuse involving private to private transfers or property across the country.

2. If the property owners in the North Lake project are not safe, no one is safe. The author not only loses her home but her ministry and chapel. The author dedicated her life for twenty two years and has many quality years left to minister. Virtue, loyalty, and dedication are disposable and insignificant traits. It does not matter how many years you have invested in the community because profit is the City's victory. Therefore, your home is not safe because anyone's home can make more money as a luxury condo, and anyone's business can make more money as a big box store.

3. Development must occur as the result of private negotiation, not public force.

4. The 5th Amendment requires a public use for the power of Eminent Domain to be used. A public use is a police station or a school. Real estate taken for public use does not require an increase in a tax base, on the contrary the use is for the public and has no tax benefit.

5. Right to own property is a fundamental right, as important as our freedoms of speech and religion. Taking someone's property to give to a private developer is the same as ripping a newspaper from someone's hands or stopping them from entering their church.

7. Eminent Domain has been called the "Despotic Power" by the U.S. Supreme Court.

8. Minorities and the elderly are disproportionately affected by Eminent Domain.

9. If increased tax revenue or economic development are justifications for eminent domain than no one's private property is safe.

10. If my property, ministry, and chapel is taken by eminent domain you may be next.

11. Eminent Domain abuse is the result of the unholy alliance between the tax hungry governments and land hungry developers. Government should not serve as a real estate broker.

12. The psychological abuse of Eminent Domain is the uncertainty of tomorrow, disruption of plans, and emotional ties to the neighborhood. The Impact of stress and pain is not from fear to change, but forcing to do an act unnatural. The unnaturalness of the act goes against the nature of our social contract and the public good.