Friday, December 16, 2005

Tom Schwab wants Critics Identified

In a recent published interview City Manager Tom Schwab expressed consternation that folks filing suits against the city's redevelopment, and development plan remain unknown to him.

Let's review the facts. The issues in question are related to the functioning of the city, its management, and employees. Individuals behind the complaint may not want the strong arm of the City to "redevelop" their property, or cause the citizen any matter of harm. Larry Halstead is a name to bring things in perspective for some.

Yes, the citizens would like to know what developments are being planned, if competitive bids are taken, and if local businesses could compete with the developers and builders. No, the City Manager selects the developer, comes up with a plan, and the citizens who raise concerns are vilified, publicly scorned as backward, trailer dwelling, senior hating, renters. Farm houses, large lots, lower end property... No we can't have that in OUR HIGH PROPERTY VALUE TOWN. Of course, we only have a few people who work in this town who can actually Buy in this town... So we won't talk about sustainability will we.

Now who is doing the independent assessment or appraisals of the property the City is targeting for take over? Was this contracted service an open bid? Was the Service Provider a FRIEND OF THE CITY or Council? Property owners getting an appraisal have no reason to expect fairness.

We can thank the various groups of individuals who have taken up the financial obligations to bring these issues to the attorney's representing them. Clearly, the filing is legitimate with out naming the citizen's names. Can the City say their actions have all been legitimate? That is in truth the issue. The who filed suit is not the issue Mr. City Manager Schwab.