Thursday, December 22, 2005


YOU HAVE NO PROPERTY RIGHTS TO LAND IN GRAND TERRACE. IF the Redevelopment Agency wants your property, they select a developer, let that developer make some investment and obligations, and then YOU GET FORCED off YOUR LAND... Because THEY have a better plan and bigger investment.

I wonder: Will Jacobsen and the "New Stores or Development" pay for all road repair, crime, jail and other costs of having them in our community. A home owner is liable. If there is a drug deal at Lowes, will the county confiscate the entire store? If there is a day labor camp will Lowes provide restrooms, immigration inspections, and criminal background checks on people hanging out in sight of the elementary school? I don't care if Jacobsen has "Invested" or how much they have invested. It does not matter when we Citizens consider what will be best for our community. Is it Best that we Push People off their Land and Dictate its use, by a private party... NO DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN in Grand Terrace.... Sadam is on trial for this kind of action...