Friday, January 04, 2008

Non Licnesed Business in GT: Risk 2 You...

January 3rd, when everyone had returned to work a virtual gaggle of men went door to door allegedly delivering fliers for California Exteriors. Or at least that is what they would tell you when you answered their door bell.

Well, this may have been a legitimate desire on the part of California Exteriors, in increasing their sales.

However, look at who they hired to distribute and potentially "Case" our neighborhood? PC 3056 is a Criminal Returning to Jail a Revoke of their Parole. ( I'll look up their priors and list them in a summary).

Here is the rub. California Exteriors: Has no Business License in Grand Terrace. The men that were distributing their information and making appointments were in some cases Dunk in Public.. and in addition most likely not employed by California Exteriors as "Regular Employees" and were most likely only hired for the day.

Yep, these are the very type of folks who would be frustrated by the requirement for a Business License to be Posted on every Vehicle doing business in GT, and a mini card id for Door 2 Door for the Solicitors/Gardeners "Labor".

Men on Parole do have the right to work. However, the businesses they work for should be businesses doing their business in a Legal way, including having a business license. The men should also be EMPLOYEES not Day Labor. Perhaps even paid under the table. Any Employeer would know that people on Parole are not to associate with other people on Parole... so to have a team such as these folks either indicates they did not fill out a job application, or some one is not thinking.

Check your lawn furniture, and garages... see if you are missing anything.

Hats off on the enforcement of this nature.

I don't think it should be difficult to get a Business License, or costly, but there is a need to know who is doing business in GT... for many reason.