Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Subject :
Announcing CastleWatch Daily, the official blog of the Castle Coalition


First of all, Happy 2008!

Despite legislative reform in 42 states over the past two years, theeffects of the Kelo decision are still felt across the country as local governments, large and small, seek to grab land from their own citizens allfor the sake of higher tax revenue. In order to better cover these stories and make you, our members, aware of as many situations as possible, we've created CastleWatch Daily, a blog dedicated to the latest on eminent domain from across the country: .

Every day, we'll post story after story about yet another group of home or small business owners threatened with condemnation so that local officials can hand property over to developers. The number of situations out there makes it difficult to give the attention each one deserves, but CastleWatch Daily will make it easier for people to learn more about the eminent domain situations not only in their own neighborhood but also across the country.

So, every day, we'll share what we find in the news across the country with some occasionally entertaining commentary. And if there's something we've missed or something you want to comment on, email us at As time moves forward, we'll have other exclusive web content, including guest commentary from others at the Institute for Justice, who will provide even more insight into eminent domain abuse and the state of property rights in the United States

If you click right now, you can read an update on the situation that started it all:

New London, Connecticut.,Chris GrodeckiCastle Coalition Institute for Justice 901 N. Glebe Road, Suite 900Arlington, VA 22203Phone: (703) 682-9320Fax: (703) 682-9321P.S.

Help the Castle Coalition ring in the new year! Forward this messageto your friends and family, and if you recruit five new members, you'll beentered in a drawing to win one of 10 prizes from our Freedom Market ( ! They can join here: , and be sure that they enter your namenext to "referred by" on the second registration page.