Monday, May 04, 2009

Email In BoxSchwab Vs Berry:


Tom Schwab wants his job back....

Steve Berry wants to keep the Job and not Give it back...

This puts the Tom Schwab in a difficult position. He hired Berry, he even apparently conspired to hide the contractual and legal violations that Berry has recently admitted to with is Political Action Moonlighting as just being one example.

Here you have both of them with cause for being terminated. Remember the Cover up is always worse than the crime or violation. Have we not learned this yet?

Then there is the matter of the Car sold to by Schwab to Berry that was done with out the full accounting of the funds being paid or where the funds were deposited, in the City Account or Schwab's. This has never been documented as asked for. This was actually now a part of the Record and the City Council Members at the time are also now involved as they did not insist on the full answer regarding the money transaction part of this issue.

Then there is the lack of accounting for the full cost of Grand Terrace Days, Halloween Huant and other Party type activities, that use Contributions from outside sources, and City Employee Hours. Never have there been a full reporting of the hours spent and the cost of these hours. Never have there been a full accounting of contributions and expendatures for the GT Gala Event a Private Party for Council and Friends of Council.

The Termination of both Schwab and Berry is justified for the above reasons. Now add to the Foot in Mouth of Berry, and the other Incompetences of the Schwab... and quite frankly the City Council should BE HAPPY to have the Opprotunity to have a do over.

Schwab and his hand picked legal advisor the City Attorney have not served the City Well. Unless the purpose is to cause a reason for a law suit so the City Attorney can bill the city for his services. Schwab hired a City Employee who was also employed by a Firm that Did business with the city on no bid contracts and agreements. Schwab routinely made purchases without a bidding process, untill he was forced to change that practice.

Berry has caused a rift between the city and many of the service organizations in the city. No one will say so in public for fear of retribution be it social or some other form of harrasment they dream up.

Schwab: Abused the Property Rights of Citizens, Put forth and Defended at high cost, the Out Door Adventure Center, and other failed no bid projects.

It is time Scwab/Berry both go...

Give the City Clerk and Secretary a raise, and let them do the job they have been doing anyway.