Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Candidate Ferre and Candidate Cortes Oppose ED Reform

Candidate for Mayor Ferre and Candidate for City Council Cortes both want to maintain the right to use Eminent Domain in Grand Terrace for the Purpose of Forcing the Sale of Property from one Business (Non Residencial Zoned Property), to another based on the whim of the City Redevelopment Agency or the City Council.

What does this mean to you.

If you are a home owner in Grand Terrace, your property can be rezoned to Commercial and then subject to their "approved use of Eminent Domain" .

If you are a business owner in Grand Terrace, your property can be taken by Eminent Domain if some other Development or Business Proposition comes and convinces the City Council and City Redevelopment Agency there is something in it for them that they Force a Deal.

Be you a business owner or home owner this is not the Full Protection of Private Property which Citizens of Grand Terrace, Citizens of San Bernardino, Citizens of California, Citizens of the United States of America should expect of its Governing Bodies.

Prop 90 is a State Level Effort to Correct some of the Problems with Eminent Domain Use and Abuse. It is not a perfect solution, but it will provide a bit of restriction of the use of Eminent Domain, not by making it impossible, but perhaps by making it not a financial advantage for the "Buyer" to take land this way from the "Owner".

Best Best and Kruger Law Firm is actively against the Reforms of Prop 90, and the protection of your rights. This is the law firm that employees Council Member Ferre's Son. Some one from this law firm visits the Blog on a weekly basis.

League of California Cities is Actively Against the Reforms of Prop 90, and both Council Member Ferre and Council Member Cortes are active Members and Supporters of the League of California Cities positions.

Don't be fooled that just because Jo Stringfield has not had Eminent Domain used to obtain her property for the benefit of Jacobsen Family Holdings, that the treat and potential has been removed and that she or you enjoy full protection and use of your Property Rights in Grand Terrace.

If this is not enough reason to be concerned on their position about your property rights consider:

If the County of San Bernardino adopts Eminent Domain Reform, and other surrounding counties and cities do the same, what will be the result in Grand Terrace? IF you own Property in Grand Terrace it will be devalued in comparison to equal property in a place where Property Ownership is Guaranteed, by Protections against Eminent Domain for Private Gain.

Now back to the Local Issue:

Council Member and Mayor Candidate Ferre has indicated Your Property Rights are to be considered on a Case by Case basis, and that there is no change in the Eminent Domain Ordinance in Grand Terrace.

Council Member and Council Candidate Cortes has indicated that Your Property Rights are also to be considered on a Case by Case basis, and that there is no change in the Eminent Domain Ordinance in Grand Terrace.

Neither of the above Council Members have taken any effort to Protect Property Rights in Grand Terrace in a broad reform of the GT City Ordinance on Eminent Domain Use. They won't even insist it be put on the City Council Agenda for Discussion and Review as requested by Council Member Jim Miller.


Council Member Bea Cortes is a Real Estate Sales Person and her financial backing in the past elections have all been related to Development of one form or another. Dealing by her employer Terra Loma Real Estate and the City and pending Development suggest a question of conflict of Interest.

Council Member/Acting Mayor Ferre, a retired educator apparently does what she has been told to do. She accepts the practice of allowing developers to "contribute" to city's Grand Terrace Days, and other activities while they have decisions pending before the City Council and or Planning Commission. She allows the perpetuation of myth, smoke and mirrors of there being a true hearing of evidence, and a taking of council the advise and concerns of the Citizens of Grand Terrace. She has refused to Protect Your Collective Property Rights.

When they suggest don't worry about your house, it is safe as it is not zoned for Commercial Use. Ask yourself, how fast can the City Council change a zone classification on your property. Ask if it is fair for a business land owner to be forced to have less property rights. I say to you no, on this issue alone. These women do not Protect your Property Rights and should not be on the City Council.