Thursday, October 26, 2006

More From Brian and Blog Readers: From Email Inbox

Gramps you may post the below if you see fit.

I would like to see these thousands of people that Brian speaks of show up at a Council meeting. I have seen hundreds show up and sign petitions in opposition to projects where the Council and staff had ignored the law and the will of the people.

Never more than a handful of those who stand to gain financially and are friends or employers of council members, go into the podium in support of projects and at that they are the same real estate developers that show up when there is money to be made off the taxpayers of Grand Terrace.

We are not against development. We feel that the voters should have a say in what is developed and how but City Hall feels that they should never be questioned or have to answer any questions or produce any financial records. There have been developments done without opposition from the public. There have been times the developers have resolved citizen and council concerns prior to approval.

Perhaps Brian can explain why there are no open bids on the Senior project in violation of State law, which he claims to enforce, and the project was changed from low to moderate income to low to low low incomes after it's approval, thus eliminating the very Grand Terrace seniors that were told they would be put on a priority list. Perhaps Brian can produce the list.

The O.A.C. packed the chambers for the Planning meeting twice and the Council meeting. The very developers that took over the original plan, Grand Terrace Partners, did a study on the feasibility and marketability on that project and found it to be neither, thus hundreds and hundreds of thousands of tax dollars wasted because City Hall refused to listen to the voters. The City was told by the residents that they would be negatively affected and that the project was flawed. The Council, who is supposed to represent the people refused to listen and went ahead with a flawed plan on Mr. Schwab's recommendation. Mr. Megna and Mr. Koontz, The Planning Director for the City two days a week, employer made hundreds of thousands from a plan that was not feasible. Mr. Megna has not been seen since the studies were made known but not shared with the public. For Brian’s edification Mr. Megna was the Cities financial director and he and Mr. Schwab authored the O.A.C. which Mr. Megna was quoted in an article in the Sun that" Ralph was finally going to get to build his big boy toys". At the expense of the citizens of Grand Terrace. The feasibility study as explained at Council by the Grand Terrace Partners stated that the claim by the City of the revenue the O.A.C would produce was flawed and not true. The plan that Mr. Schwab authored would produce nothing but debt for the taxpayers of Grand Terrace. Perhaps why Mr. Schwab refuses to allow any citizen to view the studies?

The Town Center packed the Chambers with hundreds of citizens that did not want the big box stores in their community nor did they want eminent domain main used on their neighbor. This was to be a private development but Mr. Jacobsen in collusion with Mr. Schwab has used taxpayer money to benefit Mr. Jacobsen. At the Community meeting Mr. Schwab and Mr. Jacobsen said that not one red cent of City funds or RDA funds would go into the project. That's all that has. I know Brian would rather defend the lies told by Mr. Schwab than try to get to the bottom of them. If he knows that thousands of people want these projects I challenge him to bring them to a Council meeting and have them go into the podium like the brave souls that have done years of research to point out the misleading of the Council by Staff. How about Brian himself showing up at a Council meeting and go into the podium and explain how and why the violations of the law and the disregard of the citizens is o.k. and explain the reasons why the City does not have to follow the law.

If Brian looks at Loma Linda, Redlands, Colton and the other Cities that have had or tried to have development that was unwelcome stopped by citizens there, perhaps he would better understand the form of Government we are supposed to be enjoying.

In 1978 the Council declared all of Grand Terrace blighted and those very same people that Brian defends, that make their money off that decision, may someday decided they want his house for Mr. Jacobsen or the Corporation for Better Housing or any developer that comes along with a pie in the sky plan.

What is needed is for the City to get back into the business of running a City and get out of the real estate business to benefit their employers and friends. The General Fund that should go for the services that Brian’s taxes pay for are going to pay off RDA debt that produces nothing in revenue.

I suggest Brian reads the General Plan. Mr. Koontz recently stated to the Council and the Planning Commission that it is "Garbage" and threw it in the trash can. He stated
"Pages one through nine tell you what you can do and page ten takes it all away"

To those that have been the watch dogs of this City Hall and have taken the countless hours of research to document what they say, to them Brian looks foolish because he refuses to look at or take any evidence of violations of the law into account before he speaks. Our form of Government protects the right of anyone to seek redress from Government when they do harm to the citizens or to speak when they are so totally uninformed. Brian, as it should be, enjoys one of those rights.

We disagree with Brian and would like to see him document his claims, as we do here on this site, just once, give documentation that everyone is wrong and he is right.

Gramps Says:

Here is your post and the following is Brians last known reply... no proof or retractions offered by Brian:

Another Meet the Candidates Forum

Alright, enough of this negativity and lawsuit garbage.
Let's get back to business.

November 1st at 7:00 pm
City Hall Community Room
..................... encourages all residents to get out and meet the candidates for city council and mayor. This is important, because more information leads to better decisions in the voting booth. Come on out and be a part of the process which could shape the future of Grand Terrace for years to come. Hope to see you there.
