Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From the Email InBOX: Plea for HELP

Dear Gramps:

HOW do you get the attention of someone at the State or Federal Level, where our own DA, and Representatives are not willing to address or answer the questions and issues of citizens?
Some of them may see the problem and be connected to it even on a tangent, so they have all refused action. Others just don't take action for fear of political or personal inconvenience.

I think we are suffering from gross mis-allocation of RDA housing funds. Gross because Grand Terrace is a Small City and any problem is a Big Problem for those of us with little budgets and a even smaller margin for error.

Who do you call or contact about the City Redevelopment Agency mismanagement of our local housing issue.The GT housing element is not certified with the state. Unspent low income housing funds should go back to the state or county.

There is evidence that Redevelopment Funds have gone to provide Cars for the City Manager's exclusive use, and other non approved uses, yet no one has been held accountable. Redevelopment Agency Property changes ownership without any Public Notice or Hearings, and not for the purpose of Low Income Housing.

Since GT has not USED the housing funds, only GIVEN them to Corp. For Better Housing for not building anything that looks like malfeasance to me, but perhaps it's technically legal. If you look at their 501 (c)3 filings, they only take fees, not build. There has been a Court Hold on the Blue Mt. Senior Villas and the city still is paying the CFBH money in a deal that has been stopped, nothing built, and not one competitive bid was taken.

I fear GT will never see that $3.8 million and will get nothing for it. The Sr. Housing that could have been built with a straight up builder. Imagine if there were open bidding for such a contract?

There were no Competitive Bids, and a project that was proposed includes a $60.00, 60 year lease and a 9 million City Debt that will zap the city, for all its legitimate revenue and the CFBH will gain all revenue for 60 years of operations and management of the facility which they say they will build after getting matching funds from investors and other bonds in the amount of 9 more million. All for a plan that the Housing Authority says does not meet State Requirements to provide Low and Moderate Income Housing for ALL classes and age groups in the City.

The Plan was pushed as a place for GT Residents to have a priority, and in all CFBH the residences are Section 8 Very Low Income Occupants. Now this is not a bad thing to accommodate in our community, but it is a fraud on the citizens who supported going in to debt for the project. The CFBH and CRA/City Manager pushed the plans past the Planning Commission, and City Council, and it was Paused by Court Order which required a EIR to be done properly.

No EIR has been done and the time requirements have lapsed.

The State Housing and Redevelopment Authorities have rejected the plan as it only addresses Seniors and there is a need for housing for all ages. The Secretary of the State of California has in past audits show misuse of funds.

IF we have to pay back what we have used to date that would be better than have to pay back the whole 9 million and still be in trouble with the state or federal government.

So here we are in Grand Terrace unable to get the City Government/City Redevelopment Agency to stop the folly. No they gave the City Manager/ CRA Director a raise from 100,000 to 150,000 per year, and improved his contract, to all but make him King of the City.

WHO do you call to get action, and HELP?

Please provide addresses and names to folks who will help.

I will pass them along, to folks who will then follow your directions and guidance.

Thank you:

Gramps Answers:

I have been asking the same question for 2 years, and keep trying. Many Citizens are in agreement with your concerns. There have been information requests from Council Member Miller and Hilkey and they apparently get no answers from the City Staff, or the Developers.

I too share your fears and concerns of the debt, costs, contracts, and lack of proper process and procedures taking place. Civil action does not seem to correct the practices of the City Governance, City Staff, perhaps more is needed. Unfortunately, there seems to be little interest in Little GT, other than from those who want its Money, and RDA land Deals, and Concessions to Developers on selected projects.

Oh for a law student that needs a Federal Case, or a budding Gloria Allred, who was on the team that Audited Culver City in the 1980's. Who will be the Champion of GT?