Sunday, October 22, 2006


Back-Room Deal, on Council Member Ferre's Watch. She was "ACTING MAYOR".

City Redevelopment Land
22237 Barton Road Grand Terrace Ca

Why was the deed signed by Council Member Acting Mayor Maryetta Ferre for the City Redevelopment Agency transferred to Jacobsen Family Holding after the Designated Developer Agreement had expired for Town Square? The Designated Developer Agreement which was entered into without competitive bid, or public consultation, an approved Redevelopment Plan, and required study prior to the selection process for development contracts.

How much did the city sell this land for to Jacobsen?

How does the city know they will get any project or plan B? The Redevelopment Agency is not managing this development nor the assets in accordance to redevelopment Code (Law) and the failure to do so will no doubt be food for an additional law suit and legal action against the city and developer.

Is everything still happening in secret? This Question was asked at Council Meeting and Not Answered: Except that City Manager Tom Schwab said, a Plan will be submitted to Council Soon, and now Soon has lappsed with 6 passing City Council Meetings, with no Plan B being presented.

Voters want to know.
Citizens Want Public Hearings as are Required by Law

Were the Firework Stands actually on City Property Prior to the Deed Transfer?
In spite of the No Fireworks on City Property Decision of the City Council?

What business in their right mind would locate in GT where Eminent Domain can take their Commercial Property on a whim, when they can invest near by and have FULL ownership. Well, it must be that the Redevelopment Agency has made the deal sweet enough to overcome this negative feature of land ownership in Grand Terrace. How is that fair to the land owners, and business owners who purchased their property and businesses the old fashioned way, on the good old Competitive, Free enterprise Market?