Sunday, August 05, 2007

From Email InBox:Sex Offenders and Crime DUI

Dear Gramps Please Post

Registered Sex Offender Information is available. The ACLU is currently at trial regarding the limits on where Sex Offenders can live or not. I am not sure that this is a topic that the Small City of Grand Terrace has the authority or power to impact upon.

We can advise and inform the public where to get informed about the Registered Sex Offenders are Living or who they are.

We can prevent Sex Offences. How you say. Well here is a thought enforce the laws on the sale use and distribution of drugs and alcohol with a big stick, even add a few sticks. Many of the cases of Sex Offences are not from Stranger Danger they are from Friends and Family Members who are at the time intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is also the cause of most domestic calls and auto accidents.

What can little old Grand Terrace do about this contributor to the problem of Sexual Crimes and Domestic Violence and Auto Accidents caused by DUI Drivers.

The City can have an ordinance that will confiscate and sell at auction to a 3rd party the auto used in a DUI (Drugs or Alcohol .08).

The City can have an ordinance that confiscates the home of drug dealers or landlords where drug related arrests are made. These home are to be sold to the PUBLIC at AUCTION, free and clear of all leans and burden. IF an Bank lends money to a drug dealer that is the Banks Problem.

The City can have an ordinance that confiscates and impounds cars used by Drug Dealers, Drug Users, Drug Purchasers and Publishes their Names and Pictures in the local paper.

The City can lead by example and have all city staff and management and city council members drug tested on a regular basis. Illegal Drug use is to be cause of termination.

The City can refuse any future application to sell drugs (Legal or Not) and Alcohol in Grand Terrace. We have reached the saturation point for liquor licenses. Legal Drugs get cooked into Illegal Drugs and their users commit more crimes.

From the Email InBox:

Please Post,

I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea that the actions of sex offenders are somehow related to drugs or alcohol.

Sure, some sexual crimes may be committed while the perp is drunk or high, but I know of no direct correlation.

I'm all for stiff penalties for drug and alcohol related crimes, but the direct relationship to sex crimes just has not been shown.

If a person is a sexual predator; they'll be a sexual predator whether drunk, high, or sober.

You think that just because dad gets drunk that he's more likely to come home and molest one of his family members? I disagree. He may be more likely to be violent, but not to commit a sex crime.

You've mixed "domestic calls and auto accidents" in with sex crimes in your post. You're correct, most domestics and a lot of accidents do have a drug or alcohol component involved.

Not necessarily so for sex crimes.

There is no typical profile of a sexual predator. It could be anybody, but a fair percentage of sexual predators are middle-aged men who don't have drug or alcohol problems. So my opinion, enacting draconian laws against drug or alcohol abusers WILL NOT curb sexual crimes. There is no known relationship between the two types of crimes!

Also, It's not logical to think that Grand Terrace could remove bank liens on homes to sell them free and clear.

"The City can have an ordinance that confiscates the home of drug dealers or landlords where drug related arrests are made. These home are to be sold to the PUBLIC at AUCTION, free and clear of all leans and burden. IF an Bank lends money to a drug dealer that is the Banks Problem."

How can this burden be placed on a bank? This passage is just wild. I know you don't want drugs or alcohol in Grand Terrace, but let's keep the debate honest and on point.

Brian Reinarz

Respond to Brian Reinarz:

Not all Milk Drinkers are Sex Offenders- YET all Sex Offenders did at some time drink milk. Yes not all persons using Drugs and Alcohol are Sex Offenders. HOWEVER. Auto Accidents, Sex Offences, Domestic Abuse, DUI's and Child Abuse ( many of which are sexual in nature but not so charged) are 90 % of the time under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol when the crime is committed. Dad may not be the one making the drunken sexual or abusive contact with the family member. It may be Uncle, Stepfather or even Stepmother and Auntie. The article was not about only Sexual Predators. Sexual Predators are only a minority of Criminal Sexual Conduct. If Mr. Reinarz does not know this perhaps he needs to go back to school.

If a bank makes a loan to a person without a "legitimate job" and knows it will be paid back... they assume the risk knowing that a supply of income that is "Unknown or Unidentified" is most likely from illegal resources. Therefor they are co conspirators in the crime and should suffer the financial if not criminal affects of their conduct. The landlord who rents to a person without a legitimate "Job" or business also is a co-conspirator and should lose their property.

Mr. Reinarz refuses to accept the fact that the greater the availability of drugs and alcohol will increase consumption by those who will and will not conduct themselves in a criminal or disruptive way. More people drinking or using drugs is not a desirable social change for a community. He seems to support the increase of consumption and availability and discounts the affects of the distribution and use of mind altering substances and all the Blessings this will bring to the community.

Now Words from Gramps:

It is clear not all crime is caused by alcohol and drug use. However one could project those crimes that are associated with the use of alcohol and or drugs would not have been perpetrated if the alcohol or drugs hand not been use. Where as those perpetrating criminal acts sober could be called or characterized as being criminal acts with intent. Do not think this should imply less accountability for the drunk or doped up criminal.

What is possible here is that 65 percent of domestic crimes, and nearly 40 per cent of violent crimes could have been prevented if alcohol and drugs were not consumed. Neither Brian or the Original poster have their statistical information correct...

Here is Department of Justice Information on an National Level...

What is clear is More Alcohol and Drugs is not good, and Most Likely Less Availability is better.

The good news... Consumption is dropping on a national level.