Friday, February 11, 2005

Colton High School Students

You have shamed the name of your school.

If you speak to the news media... please use better language structure.

If you must wear shirts that show your belly, or pants that are baggy enough to conceal weapons, or your little brother. Find a private school to attend.

Students chanting, that they are in charge of the school, what a joke. You students did not articulate your points of grievance by your collective miss behavior. No you provided evidence that a stricter level of rules of conduct and dress are required to secure the educational opportunity rights of the students which attend CHS for an education.

Go to the mall and strut your stuff. Let the real students have their school back.

For the administrators: Have students detained in the front of the auditorium until proper clothing is brought. If a parent is unable to provide clothing perhaps goodwill, or a second hand store will donate a rack of clothes that can be provided to the students.